Saturday, May 31, 2014

What About Them?

Dear Senator Mark Kirk,
   Please listen and listen some more to Vets who have been and continue to be taken care of at Hines Hospital.
   Illinois is not Arizona or Texas. And you are not the Senator who already knew about the problems, or are you?
   What about the paralyzed veterans who recently received letters threatening to cut off their benefits? What about them?
Love, Me

Friday, May 30, 2014

"Documents Show the VA Debacle Began Under George W. Bush"
by Mariah Blake, Mother Jones

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Another Pass

"Any organization that puts itself above the law
is bound to cause havoc." The Lone Ranger, 1957
Try not to appear too apathetic, unmoved, disinterested,
indifferent or theatrically made up.
The gringo ate our babies
And gave US all rabies
Never lies
Unsure about the maybes.
When dumb buns were encouraged to conceal smart guns
by sons of huns who do their own concealing of all kinds
of profits for all kinds of fun, who lost and who won?
Thieves and crooks in the money game know there is no warning
when the midnight transport to Iran comes.
Like sands through an hour glass
So go the elephant and the ass
Money buys a cool afterlife
Either that or lots of strife
Let's finagle another pass.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn who can pinpoint
Uranus Neptune and our friend Pluto.
Having used up 80+% of his opportunity, will President Obama ever vow out of his vow-making? Please?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Feel the Difference

Free speech cages may easily be converted into tailgate cages.
Stephen the Pale
From beyond the pale
Has such fun,
Is not quite done,
So he bumped his very own sail.
(But has he memorized the list of subjects he must never discuss?)
We have been hearing that Mellody Hobson who was born and raised in Chicago, along with her husband George Lucas, is considering sights for a Star Wars museum.

Yes. I take credit for all that.

May we stick to the facts, Sir?

I'm is charge. I steer the conversation.

How nice for you. Would you please steer this - What is the basic difference between actual acts of repression and aggression against people who are deliberately kept poor and powerless, and one narcissistic personality with delusions of grand importance?

Feel the difference.

Friday, May 16, 2014


The radical inhumans of today have a similar vision for our tomorrows:
Idiocracy (2006)
Germ in (a) nation
Booble litigation
Noise and us keys
to the
Poisonous trees
Circumstantial mitigation.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

He Made Her Do It

Big boy "business" is conducted in a deceitful and shameful way and yet for some reason it leaves the perps feeling unfulfilled and yearning to mess up public schools and public governments in the same manner. Where did we go wrong?

"Company that made deal with Rauner's firm has buyer's remorse" by Dan Mihalopoulos, Chicago Sun-Times
Yes. Global Climate Change really is the fault of our government and other governments who foolishly follow our lead by allowing the very wealthy to be as ugly as they please.
Dear Ma'am or Sir:
   Good manners in the digital age demand all parties employ the mode of interaction preferred by the persons with whom one wishes to communicate.
The lady said the super old dude on dangerous anti-psychotic tranquilizers made her point out his pre racial beatitudes.
He made her do it.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Is this the new old way of doing what they like to call "business"?

"Under Emanuel, principals have no voice" by Troy A. LaRaviere, Principal of Blaine Elementary School, Chicago Sun-Times

". . . to reject these backward ideas and to oust the politicians
who peddle them."

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

And All Are Liars

If it doesn't plan to fall apart, we'll knock it down
While turning the world's smile into a great big frown
Ain't free to park it
So ride the energy market
And steal a lot of everything to forge a fake crown.
Rich old white men are desperate to maintain control of old white imperialism even though it is sick and dying. So one of their ideas for plan a was to install at least 5 losers on the "supreme" court to talk stupid and repress freedom. And all are liars.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

It Isn't Cheap

Please note the BHO takes time to be flawless
While his bosses the bribers are so lawless
Our feds have a killer dis
Let's work on our well-toned bliss
It won't hurt to be branded new and jawless.
VelBeak: If the drug corp is willing to say it doesn't know
how VelBeak works, shouldn't we be willing to buy it?
Criminals always surround themselves with other criminals, unless it is a take your kid to school day. Then instead of surrounding themselves, they only take along 1 or 2 criminals for the actual driving and door-opening and stuff like that. It is an age-old system and it isn't cheap.