Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Too Radical

Ayn Rand was on food stamps and Medicare for a time. By her own definition, she was a leech.

"... they just want peace and security for their families and to put food on the table. Their government is the biggest impediment to achieving those goals." Kim Barker said that about which country?

Does your child drive and operate heavy machinery, despite the Shire's advise against it?

The duck said "put it on my bill."

You hear the name AT&T, and automatically you know it involves people's rights being violated. In the particular case of AT&T/iPhone/iPad, the story is 14 hour work days and waves of suicides. Cool apps, though.

The wealthiest 400 parasites
Are old old whites with blights
Those heirs of ennui
Put their airs on we
"wwJd" is not in their sights.

Can we sue the wealthiest for welfare fraud?

Australia is brave enough to reward the truth. Wow. We don't have that in the US. We have attempted punishment for embarrassing US war mongers.

Have you heard that the Commercial Club of Chicago is broke? It is too radical.

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