Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sodium Pentathol

Mr. Romney, as an experienced corporate raider, disaster capitalist, and jackal of the job-killing trade, will you share your company's current, in real time plans for Sensata in Freeport Illinois?
Romnesia is a kind of sickness in which the sufferer, Romney, cannot remember anything except his tie preferences and his life coach. He may be unable to remember his real first name, where all of his houses are and why he cries until his property taxes get cut, or the kind of person his father really was, or how old his own children are, but he knows knots and grades of silk. Romnesia can be caused by Romneyspringing, or running around all over France instead of manning up. Sometimes it is caused by brain disturbances from too much horseshit and not enough grace in his pace. This particular bout of Romnesia has lasted for years. Why won't he let the doctors help him with one cc of hypnotism and a mug of sodium pentathol?

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