Friday, November 9, 2012

How Else? - It's Friday!
From a republican spokesperson in Ohio: Conservatives in the House spent the last several years of do nothing obstruction by encouraging corporate scheming, reducing spending for the common good while increasing military spending, preventing the bush/obama tax cuts on the wealthy from expiring, planning to take away the safety nets of Medicare and Social Security, removing the poor from Welfare, narrowing energy exploration to only fossil fuels, increasing the debt, and inserting the government into doctor exams and personal lives. Why doesn't the majority of people like us anymore?
The Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania/Jon Husted of Ohio plan to rig the Electoral College numbers may be revived. They're talking about it right now. How else can the cheaters ever come close to being winners? How else?

"Ohio's GOP Secretary of State Already Has a Plan to Rig the 2016 Election for Republicans" by Ian Millhiser and Josh Israel, Think Progress

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