Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Under Each Layer

All wacks in favor of getting whacked with a belt: In order to receive your daily beating, please form a line on the far right. Isn't freedom beautiful?
In the new opposite world, he was a trumping strumpet of great inferiority. Oh, how his jaws could flap! One scarey Halloween night, after the little brassy strumpet had exhausted himself with nothing important, hackers invaded his personal space and hacked off his hair shield. They did it in a very refined way though. The trump strumpet was petrified to face the world as his true self, so he wore a paper bag over his head, along with an air of forced quietude. He told himself it was only until his hair shield grew back. It never did. 
The end.
Drug czar Adolph VonBayer
And his associates can't be gayer
About profits
Hidden under soffits
And the dirtiest secrets under each layer.

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