The whole world knows, but the US government ever so kindly wants American people to have their illusions, wants them to be protected from the knowledge of evil. The wealth-dominated US government always trolls for oil, cash, cheap labor, cash, drugs, cash, diamonds, cash, precious metals, and cash. The hard work of all that trolling requires the beard of wars and illegal invasions, and 3 branches of government with the CIA as its heart, and of course media protection. It especially needs rendition, torture, and murder to identify the invented enemies and to keep everything running smoothly. Occasionally, the public gets an inkling of the extent of the horrors, and they have to change the name of the program to protect the guilty, you know, from "Phoenix" to "F 6" and from "War on Terra" to COO. It needs lies and erasures and 7-level wipes. It needs lots of bathroom time to wash away the blood that never washes away. It needs a government to stomp down hard on people who are brave enough to face the truth and tell it. What does that make Obama, and the guy before, and the guy after?
Ben Emmerson Urges US to Probe Bush-era Abuses During 'War on Terror' by Stephanie Nebehay, Huffington Post
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