Monday, September 30, 2013


Anarchy = state of society without government or law

Anarchist = one who advocates anarchy as a political idea

Washington republican who wants to shut down the government = anarchist

Friday, September 27, 2013

A Train

We have a lot to thank BP - British Petroleum - for. I'll pick three things. Thanks a lot for killing life in the Gulf, thanks for dumping mercury in Lake Michigan, and thanks for selling synthetic marijuana in many of the BP gas stations.
Should there be mandatory clothes clips with chains for adults' cell phones? The problem is - the same people who jump on the third rail to retrieve their phones, would wrap the chain around their necks, or hit themselves in the face, or stuff the chain into their mouths. Should there be a class to teach how to reason while waiting for a train?

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Dear Mr. President,
   All people of all nations are indispensable. The U.S. government is not exceptional, unless by "exceptional" you mean well-practiced at invasions, renditions, false imprisonment, illegal snooping, stealing, torture and murder.
p.s. You are correct, your own history cannot be overcome overnight. Ditto on our suspicions. We love Brazil!
"Brazil's President Tells U.N. That NSA Spying Violates Human Rights" by Tom Risen, U.S.News
The "transparency" of old cons is opaque
The talk to do other than steal is fake
Stolen pensions
Stolen penchants
Killing time and people; free lunches for their own sake.
Wary, weary, and wirey, I worry. Wu Ri
It was sad to hear that Pepsico, parent company of Pepsi and Subway et al, and among our world's richest corporations, does not want to pay for healthy insured full-time food-handling employees.
Cred Tooz likes his Canadian booze
While Raul Pie-in stomps on the dyin
Daddy issues
Rage ish ooze
Not paying their dues while cryin and lyin.
What is vespa flavus phobia?

Saturday, September 21, 2013


It is not the job of government to subsidize corporations.
"STUDY: The Great Recession Caused A Sharp Rise In Suicides Around The World" by Tara Culp-Ressler, Think Progress
A vote for a republican is an agreement with the republican party to abolish the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the EPA, the IRS, the minimum wage, Social Security, the VA healthcare and Obama Care. A vote for a republican is a vote for anarchy. It is an agreement to promote suffering and death among everyone but the extremely wealthy.
Have you noticed that coffee shop owners and restaurant owners and bar owners do not want concealed weapons to be carried into their establishments, yet none have the courage to speak out against the NRA?
USIS is incompetent. Let's give it a big bonus for having been pulled up above it's level of ability.
Sometimes bullies make the same threat over and over and over again. Sometimes they say they want to shut down the government. They say it over and over and over again. Psychiatrists have a label for that disorder.
This just in:
Prostitutional            Nobody ever asks for a poke,
Oligarchy                  but once in a while
Kills                           it comes along
Everyman!                 uninvited.
The republicans in the House want 2,550,000 children, disabled people, and elderly people to be taken off Food Stamps. They want 2,550,000 people to suffer and die. How did so many killers get elected to Congress at the same time?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Disposable Tissue Instead

". . . we must exert the power that is supposed to be ours."

"The Myth of the 'Free Market' and How to Make the Economy Work for Us" by Robert Reich, Huffington Post
The redacted "Monsanto Protection Act"
Sure, defending killers is what we lacked
"My Health's" poison
Von Bayer's heroin
Dirty food and drugs, that's a fact.
If MayoRahm is not a tool of the hoarding class, why did he close almost 50 schools and lay off 3000 school employees? He now plans to spend $24 million on, among other things, "construction of a new school on a polluted parcel of land near an expressway once owned by the relative of a convicted former alderman." Maybe tool was too strong of a word. How about disposable tissue instead?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pensons Unions Education

From  On the Move #155, page 9:
"The Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago"
Ty Fahner, President
Not just one wealthy CEO - a whole club of them, working to undermine public employee pensions, weaken unions and privatize elementary and secondary education.
The Civic Committee was a mostly behind-the-scenes source of influence until recently, when it was exposed for pushing to have Illinois' credit rating lowered, all so it could put increased pressure on lawmakers to gut public employee pensions. A lower credit rating also means millions of dollars in increased borrowing costs for the state - costs that fall on the shoulders of taxpayers. And if any of the CEOs on the committee, or the companies they run, hold state bonds, they'd stand to profit from a credit rating downgrade - again, at taxpayer expense."
"Wealthy CEO's push hurts Illinois taxpayers" from Illinois Council 31 - American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees




Antidepressants and Guns - Something to Think About

"A Canadian judge has ruled that a teenage boy murdered his friend because of the effects of Prozac."

"Convicted: Prozac Turned Teen Into Murderer" by Peter R. Breggin, M.D., Health Impact News
"Antidepressants Top List of Most Violence-Inducing Drugs"
1.   Chantix (Varenicline) - Pfizer
2.   Prozac (Fluoxetine) - Eli Lilly
3.   Paxil (Paroxetine) - GlaxoSmithKline
4.   amphetamines
5.   Lariam (Mefoquine) - Hoffman LaRoche
6.   Strattera (Atomoxetine) - Eli Lilly
7.   Halcion (Triazolam) - Pfizer
8.   Luvox (Fluvoxamine) - 10 different corporations
9.   Effexor (Venlafaxine) - Wyeth
10. Pristiq (Desvenlafaxine) - Wyeth

Antidepressants and Guns - something to think about

Even Sin

The Trans Pacific Partnership would make some partners lots of money, but most workers would be enslaved. No more shafta!
Security is a word in the dictionary. Security is an illusion.
Security is an excuse.
Sometimes when you don't have "fire in the belly," you can still con people into giving you about $400,000 to play around with and isn't that nice?
Why soylent green is good for everybody:
it is recycling at its greenest.
It turns out, thanks to his pals at the NRA and the drug corporations,
the former Dick wasn't even safe at the Navy Yard.
The puritan dust bin that is the braintrust of its jinn
Is bigger than dudley do-right's chin
About the size of a hypocrite's lapel pin
Or a miniature shark's miniature fin
Everyone is a relative, even sin.

Monday, September 16, 2013

"Freedom in the Cloud"

From In These Times, the magazine version: ". . . We are facing the shameless cynicism of the representatives of the existing global order who only imagine that they believe in their ideas of democracy, human rights, etc. What happens when a whistleblower exposes this illusion is that the shame, theirs for having been caught deceiving us and ours for tolerating such power over us, is made more shameful by publicizing it."

"Freedom in the Cloud
Assange, Manning and Snowden are the new heroes of the era of digitalized control." by Slavoj Zizek, In These Times

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fixing Mistakes

"A note on the NSA, the future, and fixing mistakes" by Matthew Green, cryptographer and research professor at Johns Hopkins University
Fed up patriots looking for some payback
Bunkered down, tho ducks didn't give a quack
So with 4 swans for guards
And 4 decks of cards
They locked themselves into an underground shack.

Friday, September 13, 2013

What Is It?

Does the U.S. government store chemical weapons under the ground in Colorado and Kentucky? In Colorado, something is coming up out of the ground. Is it 100 year old mustard gas? Is it coming from abandoned but not properly sealed oil wells? Is it emissions from fracking?  Is it plutonium? What would happen if it is plutonium and it settles down into fracking areas? What is it?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hedge Their Bets

Kol Nidre -
We the People of the world are not exceptional. We are people. 
"A Plea for Caution from Russia - What Putin Has to Say to Americans About Syria" by Vladimir V. Putin, New York Times Op/Ed
We see the pols salivate for war
We hear blood lust in their roar
We are not them
They are not US
Bribes can't erase disease at their core.
Vladimir Putin and John Kerry
Finessed an anti-war parry
Peace is as peace does
Every one is a cuz becuz
Thinking & talking works, say even the wary.
 Riff Notes on a Porch Swing tells the story of Seachel the princess bride (where's hirsute?) and leader-in-waiting of a wily string band of hedgehogs. With many spines on the outside and none on the inside, the band derives oil-based profit we can only guess at from the places their tails used to be longer. The hedgehogs are very pesty. They like to build and climb border fences when they aren't hiding in the woods counting their unregulated pork bellies and porkupine interventions. They always hedge their bets.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Oh, the Children

"The perpetrators of these violations and crimes, on all sides (my bold), act in defiance of international law."
"The report of the independent international commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic" by the 4-person United Nations rights panel:

What I heard in Barack Obama's speech of September 10, 2013:

I choose mediocrity over greatness and that is a shame for all of us. I have a couple of random bits of information which may add up to many different things. I say they add up to Assad. In order to get you people to believe my version of the events of August 21, I will try to cloud your thinking with emotions. Here it is: children got gassed, children were gassed, watch the film of children getting gassed. Children were gassed. Doesn't that make you angry? Doesn't that make you want to bomb something somewhere? The bombing would be between a pin prick and one of my usual drone strikes. Think about it. Think about the children getting gassed. A Congressional vote will have to wait until a majority of minds are clouded with emotion.
Oh, the children.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hearts and Flowers, Right?

An updated September 2013 report from the World Nuclear Association:

"Fukushima Accident 2011"
"Atlanta - Georgia officials will decide this week whether to delay a major debate over the cost of building a nuclear power plant." The Republic

It costs hearts and flowers, right?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

I Think They Believe Me

Please note their "Recommendations for defending against targeted cyber threats" and more for computers and cell phones.

"Surtr: Malware Family Targeting the Tibetan Community" by Katie Kleemola & Seth Hardy, Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto
Many of them are grandparents, so the Libertarian Life Guards, Republican Wreck Tologists, and Democratic Day Trippers rolled out their Gee We Already Ate Summit schedule just minutes before they voted on whether or not to send the grandkids
on another killing spree.
Barack Obama, 1st time Presidential candidate, said this in 2007: "the President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation." And then he thought: What a hypocrite I am. I think they believe me.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


They have monopolized themselves into new labels,
but it's the same old story.
Algeria, Burma, Columbia, Palestine, Mexico, Somalia, Uganda, and Yemen all have civil wars going on right now. If they do not have oil or gas, the U.S. government/corporation has no interest in the killing for dollars it labels as "intervention."

Friday, September 6, 2013


Prez BOB (BanderObamaBush): Assad ordered the use of chemical weapons in Syria at the end of August.

We the People of the World: Someone did. We require you to furnish actual factual proof in order to verify your statement.

P BOB: You should trust me.

US & the W: Why? We repeat, you are required to furnish actual factual proof.

P BOB: I said it. That, and my personality should be enough proof.

US & the W: Your words are only words. They are proof of nothing except your ability to speak out loud.

P BOB: The camera is proof.

US & the W: The camera is only proof that an attack occurred. It is not proof of who ordered it or who paid for it. Who do you want to kill?

P BOB: Even though I said that Assad is guilty, I want to leave him alone. We sell guns to al Qaeda in Syria, so I want to leave them alone. Killing customers is not good business. There are hundreds of groups against Assad. I'm thinking about putting their names in one of my kids' hats and picking a few names out, maybe more.

US & the W: You have changed, and not for the better. Once again, we require you to furnish actual factual proof of your original statement. Have a great weekend.
Having investigated myself, I discovered that my poetic license had been pre-approved and renewed by myself, and was good for 32 more years plus optional extensions. What had I been so worried about?

Most Recent Conquerer

Have you seen that sad man traveling here and there, saying "please let me kill people" "please let me kill people"? He looks a lot like the president of the United States.

It is him. And he is sad.
Dear President Obama,
   Have you considered dropping a drone or two
on Bandar and his extortion game?
Love, Someone who will not be a mercenary for BandarObamaBush
A Condensed History of Syria

   Syria was settled in ancient times, thousands of years before the birth of Jesus. The name Syria was long used for the present region plus Lebanon, most of Israel and Jordan, and part of northern Arabia. Its first importance was as a trade and military route between Egypt and Mesopotamia. Through most of its history, Syria has been ruled by foreign powers, including the Egyptians, Babylonians, Hittites, Assyrians, and Persians. It was conquered by Alexander the Great and later by the Romans. Christianity came early to Syria; it was on the road to Damascus that St. Paul was converted.
   In the 7th century Syria was conquered by the Arabs, and soon it was converted to MuHammad's religion. Syria was a battleground in fighting between Turks who had conquered much of the land and the Christian Crusaders from Europe. By the early 1500's the Turkish empire controlled all of Syria and held it until World War I.
   After Turkey was defeated in WWI, present Syria and Lebanon were placed under French "protection." The Syrian people did not like French rule, and in 1936, after much freedom fighting, Syria became an independent state in 1939. Then World World II broke out and France retained control over Syria and stationed many troops there. Great Britain and the Fighting French forces of General deGaulle discovered that German planes were using Syria, so they invaded the country and this permitted the Syrian people to proclaim themselves an independent republic in 1941. Syria was one of the original members of the United Nations.
   The history of free Syria has been one of violence and military coups. The history of 21st century Syria teaches that 
global warming is the most recent conquerer.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Gassy Chore

From President Carter: "The chemical attack should be a catalyst for redoubling efforts to convene a peace conference, to end hostilities, and urgently to find a political solution."
"Statement From The Carter Center on the Syria Crisis"
"Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West" by C.J.Chivers, New York Times
Bunny slippers on the ground
Hacks and hawks escaped the pound
Anything to keep truth at bay
Did we forget the NSA?
Warmed over lies have the same old sound.
Kisses death on the tush
Oh the blame
Oh the shame
He gives life itself an ugly push.
Check old labels at the door
New labels for a minute or more
War - don't begin to mention
Instead say - smiley intervention
Police dog of the globe is a gassy chore.

You Wish

Hey! Washington pols! Who wants to violate
the United Nations Charter?
"It's a potent sign of how low the American political bar is set that gratitude is expressed because a US president says he will ask Congress to vote before he starts bombing another country that is not attacking or threatening the US."

"Obama, Congress and Syria" by Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian
Melted bone - War clone - Polite drone - Off camera groan - Stoned hone - Shark loan - Off camera moan - Ride the Rhone - Everybody has a stone - Hushed tone
Militarized, he found his mental hollow point
He bought a few rounds from each Joint
For abuses
Baptism by fire is one big annoint.
This just in from Prez BHO: I've changed, but first I showered. Okay. So you have me on camera saying ". . . a red line for us . . .". What you fail to grasp from looking at the cleverly edited film is that I was speaking for the whole planet when I said "us." I can do that. I gave myself permission. One single person can do that.
Your questions are unanswered in our
continuous and ongoing infestation.

Don't you mean "investigation"?

You wish.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What is the Dog's Name?

"List of On-going Military Conflicts" from Wikipedia
If you are asking why we are not invading these countries,
could it be because they do not OIL?
The toilet sharks are gathering again
Monopolizing ten divided by ten
Check the balance drawers
Give 'em to the have mores
Con permiso - what, where, and when?
President BandarObamaBush, man of plenty broken words
Drew a line in the sand and gave us the birds
al Qaeda his friends
Can't make amends
For polishing up the petrified war turds.
He sashayed into the theater of war as if he was born to it. His previously unmanifested destiny now shadowed him like the dog it was. When did the Hawaiian Candidate get turned, and what is the dog's name?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Stolen Satisfaction

It is about the oil and the gas. It is always about the oil and the gas. Or cheap labor. Or chemicals. The U.S. government's interest in Syria is about the oil and the gas. Who is President Obama?
Pavlovian bell ringers
Honey-coated back stingers
Double dips
Free trips
Theatrical cave clingers.
Do fascists like to honor heroes like Jesse Owens?
If word priorities mean withered action
Feed the kitty and enjoy re-daction
Plentiful the land
Broaden the band
Free market to steal and hoard satisfaction.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Worse Than Do Nothing Congress

Public Health is against their religion, but war & invasion & killing
is their mess
Corporate military profits are way down, so does anyone want to guess?
Any bets for next week?
Will they put US up a creek?
Which carries more weight with the worse than do nothing Congress?