Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pensons Unions Education

From  On the Move #155, page 9:
"The Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago"
Ty Fahner, President
Not just one wealthy CEO - a whole club of them, working to undermine public employee pensions, weaken unions and privatize elementary and secondary education.
The Civic Committee was a mostly behind-the-scenes source of influence until recently, when it was exposed for pushing to have Illinois' credit rating lowered, all so it could put increased pressure on lawmakers to gut public employee pensions. A lower credit rating also means millions of dollars in increased borrowing costs for the state - costs that fall on the shoulders of taxpayers. And if any of the CEOs on the committee, or the companies they run, hold state bonds, they'd stand to profit from a credit rating downgrade - again, at taxpayer expense."
"Wealthy CEO's push hurts Illinois taxpayers" from Illinois Council 31 - American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees




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