Friday, July 31, 2015

You Bought 'er

Fake America's Weight Again!
Interpretive Dance
They said it was about 5 less freedoms partnering with 5 abasements. They're being modest. It is about 5 less freedoms partnering with 18 abasements. Give yourselves more credit, dancers!
The Dr. Palmer Method of Slaughter
Costs a ton, but then it oughter.
It is expensive to do wrong.
Plus afterwards performing the "Who Knew" song
Takes heart. Glad you bought 'er.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

$chock and Owe

Take American Freight Again!
Interpretive Dance
They said it was about 5 less freedoms partnering with 5 abasements. They're being modest. It is about 5 less freedoms partnering with 18 abasements. Give yourselves more credit, dancers!
$chock is $low
But don't we know
Duck$ in a row
Want more dough
To ongo the $tatus quo
Of lie nigh $chock and owe

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Arts of Your Lezzure

Does the federal appeals court in D.C. take bribes from the kochs and does it usually wear an oxygen mask when not enrobed?
Come back where you will be silenced.
Come back where you will be unable to argue.
Come back to the womb
First clean up your room
Come back for the punishment
The 21st century is a funny era in the U.S. It is already known for its ass backwards talk and ass backwards actions, both expecting positive results from negatives. The brain trust.
FiorinaWalkerRubioCruzBushPaul inspired this:
They can't have a koch because the kochs have them
Mizz WeePee Orina
Falked 'er
Cubio rocker Woobio,
Got a nasty Brooz
Even though she
Pushed into a cush
While ball falling.
It was probably so called "dumb" luck.
The Money The Money The Money
She thought that was the way. It took so much determination and lots of pluck, but she did it. She turned herself into a republican mandate with formidable money skills, a penchant for lying, and a thirst for the war-makes-money machine.
My Dears,
Your wars are becoming bores.
We're sick of them.
And the phlegm.
And your palatial ever-changing mores.
Is there an end to the bush legacy program of serving Death
at their pleasure?
Bad news, we began taking your measure.
No bird brains you,
Neither is your crew.
Thanks. We so appreciate the arts of your lezzure.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Wrecked Everything

"Trump on the border" by Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times

"   Once America was Eden. The country was filled with white Protestant pilgrims and they ran the show and everything was fine. Then came The Fall, the arrival of the people who didn't belong and who wrecked everything."

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Chewed on the Scenery

Predatory banks are out on bail,
Too crooked for anything but fail.
What a mummer
Of a summer,
Need to know only. Who hooked the biggest whale?
Projectile words hit the wall.
Some stick, some are fearfully small.
Blank your mind.
Who will be fined,
Dangerously unspined and put out in the mall?
A merry group rewrote their public anthem while climbing up Mt. Etna. Saucers of alcohol medicaided their mirth. Blues crossed and penetrated their shields on very rare occasions. They protected their services with service protection insurance and shared shares insurance and other kinds of insurances, and they assured us they would never ever quit unless they were slightly displeased with the profit margins of better health. They played monopoly and sent us cheerful instructions for our own good on how to live, while they also played dodgeball and chewed on the scenery.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Mortar

Goldman Sachs, embedded in the White House and the first of the predatory lenders to begin the povertization of Greece - the birthplace of Democracy, asked
Wasn't the world beautiful back in the day?
Who brought the sparks to toxic tea bay?
Wait, why are you looking back
At accidents on some fast track?
Will you cut to the lateral with us and believe anything we say?
Things are not always what they seem
Often they're within an ephemeral beam
Of light so fine -
Yours and mine.
Crystallized communications attending to every meme.
Spurn and pound! not necessarily in that order.
Burn and astound! add height to the border.
The lie is the thing.
Downtime when you sing.
Turn around! Look at me! I'm waltzing with a mortar.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

A Mystery

Each adult who is anti-abortion and anti-birth control for other people should pay for the lifetime of good health and education of one poor child. Otherwise, who the hell do you think you are?
Governors are people too.
_ssholes are people too.
Pedophiles are people too.
What if someone is all three?
What if that someone is controlled by others and they have pictures? What if they all want to be one big President together and they don't like US?
Better modern living through chemistry
Looking into the abyss, stopping to kiss a tree
Girding rats
Herding cats
Why that's the favored agenda is a mystery.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Was He Ever?

Enfeebled by moral debilitation
Turning US into a third world nation
Bribers are the key
Nonsense isn't free
Statesmanship took a prolonged vacation.
Though we live in changing times with senior citizens designated as scapegoats, it is still illegal to exploit them. We are entering a 0 tolerance for bullying era and penalties are toughening. Thank you.
The incompetent tent is filled to overflowing
They all drank some frack fluid and now they're glowing
Oh! No!
Not the slow
One-way on the High Tannic! Guess who's rowing.
Hero = person of distinguished bravery in battle
Is it heroic to be a college graduate who becomes a pilot,
bombs and kills people and get captured?
Is it heroic to survive the capture?
Is it heroic to send others to the same fate?
Is it heroic to promote war and lie for a living?
"Trump is our Dorian Gray"
Brian Encinia is not the right person for the job. Was he ever?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

My First Day

I - I - I
I will be a combatant in the war on incompetence. I'll probably need some help with that one. I'll have 1 person do the work of 3. That person won't need as much help as I will. I will rein in arrogance and replace it with insolence and disdain. I will rewrite the Constitution line by line. I will force 1/3 to equal 1/10. I will take bribery out of the lobby and put it in a private room. I will schedule the real estate market to crash after I leave office. And that is just my first day.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Jazzed Brain Too

T . . . rump! gave himself the bump
Who else would be a farcical hoagie on the stump?
Smiling for the birdy
Incorrigible with the wordy
Funnier than half a mump, oh yes, T . . . rump!
Ignoramus = an ignorant person
We might not understand it now, but in a month he'll be thanking somebody named Jared.
I'm so good at reading a cue.
"Oh," her eyes said, "please drug me, please do"
I'm a charm
Of extreme harm.
A serial rapist and a jazzed brain too.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Immaturity Pass

"The NRA's Bully Pulpit" by Susan J. Douglas, In These Times
"It's time to name the NRA as a bully, treat it as a bully and stand up to it as a bully, to get beyond its deadly blockage of desperately needed gun safety laws in our country."
We don't know when the TV Guide reached it's current level of incompetence. It has only one job and does it poorly.
Before he was a hologram he was an ass
He kissed his mama with a baby mouth so crass
Reliability he doesn't own
So he's still not grown
Maybe he needs some prayers and an immaturity pass.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Little Cheeps

Why 500 pages when 1/2 a page will do,
unless you are hiding plenty of ugly things?
Rahm, another _sshole or someone who sneaks in orders while the world sleeps
One Note Bru, Rahm's _sshole buddy or someone who sneaks in orders & has no peeps
Clerks and their quirks
Or jerks with perks
A couple of _ssholes on personal benders or 2 chicken little cheaps?

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Crazy Train

Too big to be a piece of hail
Too big to be kale in a pail
Not too criminal to be a whale in jail
Nothing is too big or too Nixonian to fail. Nothing.
"Justice Scalia: Why he's a bad influence" by Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean, University of California at Irvine School of Law, op ed LATimes, by Erwin Chemerinsky, LA Times
Hardening of the arteries of the brain
Is our 79 year old's companion, what a pain
Sure it'll get worse
Until others work the purse
While he takes his ride on crazy train.

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Punts

". . . Bernie Sanders was a local chapter leader of the Congress for Racial Equality while a student at the University of Chicago in the 1960's and protested racist, unfair housing policies."
 by Michael R. Jones, Crystal Lake, Chicago Sun-Times
"Leadership strategy" or pickled brain farts
Mad ravings or seditious state of the arts
Take your pick
Carry a big stick
Glare and brilliance taken to hearts.
If you accepted a "gift" 10-15 years ago, for the question's sake let's say from one of the Clintons, for how long are you obligated? Until somebody finally gets what they want, or for eternity?
The kick off! The thrill of the hunts!
The pick off! The crills and the runts!
Corporally weighted
Immoral and debilitated
The slick off! Get a chill from the punts!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

No Discussion

When 1 Koch Doesn't Do It
Who Needs Nature When We've Got Nurture
"Ilse Koch, the notorious sadistic monster of Buchenwald, was allowed to have children and live happily ever after . . ."
from "Night" by Elie Wiesel, 1958, 2006
His original manuscript was entitled "And the World Remained Silent"
Big Druther
Ain't no brother,
The opposite
Of it.
We'll vote US another.
Okay. I'll go over Plan A once more. We fault retired workers for their existence and their desire to eat. We blame those who unite and unionize to protect themselves against us and our kind. We charge the homeless, the physically-challenged, and all the special people with special needs with wanting subsidies we will not give. As we become a smaller and smaller minority, we make bigger abuses, whatever it takes. Any questions? No discussion!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Firehouse Bats

"Keeping people from being free is big business."
Masked and Anonymous, 2003
One finger
Two fingers
Who wants to donate three?
How many fingers make a chain?
Hey! Hey, hey! Virtual necrophilia for some total control
Who spies pudding inside an old sweet role?
Beauty is in the eye
Even when it hurts to cry
Or see a fool dig his own messed up hole.
Firehouse Bats

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A Bigger Percentage

"Why is religion like a hammer?" by Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times
or "Religion isn't adequate cover for atrocities humans commit"

Multiple core spentities and their eager conduits
Did years perfecting their ensembles, none on their wits
Winding paths
Lost all the maths
Artificially soft is the road to the pits.
3 stores are responsible for 20% of the guns found at crime scenes
in the Chicago area. Come on, don't those 3 stores want to grab
a bigger percentage?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

We'll Stay

Wasps youthenized in a capitalistically nice way
Racial epitaphs implanted within submission bay
What a crocodiddle
Of crocodiles and fiddles
Doff yer 'ats. There's enough bars. We'll stay.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Another Loan

"Leonard Pitts Jr.: The Girl Scouts' inspiring example of moral courage" by Leonard Pitts, Centre Daily
The sound of gunfire mars the sound of war that is July 4th
Sometimes reality kills in a loud way from true South to true North
Pass the truffles,
Plugs, and muffles.
Hear the momentaries and mugwumps roareth.
Yesterday's grift gives today's a lift
A small part of the small ess is miffed
A nice quiet break
Might ease the ache
Thank you for each peevishly-given gift.
Can anyone afford a "moment of independence?"
Isn't it enough to spend adulthood on the fence
More as a child not fully grown?
Isn't it time to take another loan
Creative finance 4 cents for sense?

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Our Very Own Good

The 239th birthday of freedom and independence tried to pass by quietly, unnoticed. Thanks to Japanese monster movies - it didn't.
Back in the cave days, mostly everything was applesauce because only some things were Iceland moss. In this new day of mental malady and bi-polar messaging, mostly everything is a game of crisscross or wing loss. But we still have to floss.
"Assessing the Candidates: Obama's Whistleblower War Leaves Dangerous Legacy for Future Presidents" by John Hanrahan, Truth Out
Make new into old with a fissional
Bass ackwards. Go dino visional!
North Americans exemptional knack:
Extreme fear of looking back.
That's the home permanent provisional.
Lava up the magma and keep it under your hood
It sometimes runs over humans, saying that it should.
Cartels have their shells
And smells to make their sells.
Aetna, active volcano for our very own good.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Somehow We'll Live

The Pity Pub lowered our prospectus prospects
For point oh one's own good, or so say their texts.
The reesh have their needs.
Majority rule grows its weeds
To hold back t-rex of the old con vex.
Gosh, what will happen if the Illinois government shuts down?
What will happen?

You mean when thieves and actors take a curtain break and go home? We can always hire new thieves and actors after awhile, or have more parties - 3 or 4 or more parties, or do both. Somehow we'll live.