Monday, January 4, 2016

The Gaia's

  • Tails of 2015
The lunatic fringe tried to make it's one bone
There was more than one moderate to sever podium crone
Simplicity of the kill was found in the drone
Monetizations evoked an anguished groan
Somebody lost a mother named Joan
Weather apps sucked a big energy loan
More monetizations drew an anguished moan
Only profit guided the backwardly prone
Tests for religious patriotism used a virtual neck stone
Being the nasty was okay if enough ugly was added to tone.
An idioblast from central cast
Stuffed a mouthful fast
With his cues
For preempting news.
Vibrations of negativity were vast.
Some call it "man-splaining"
I call it talent for stating the obvious.
Some call it "winter's raining"
I call it mournful tears of the Gaia's.

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