Once upon a time, a bee and a king fell in love. Can you imagine that? The bee's family did not like the king. It should have been the other way around, but things aren't always right side up. They had 2 lovely children. Can you imagine that too while you're at it? One of the kids was a miniature king. Sometimes he was hard to find when you really needed him, but that was just him and wasn't he special? His sister turned out to be supernaturally wise when it came to figuring out that her daughter was her very own source of joy. The bee and the king made themselves a nice life, a good life, except for a couple of minor details. One, quite a while ago but almost before they knew it, 2 other lovely people became the parents of their grandchildren and began running the family circle ragged, as if there wasn't enough running already. Two, the bee often hurt herself and others with her stinger. Other than that, this is just another story.
Next week: Are the bee and 1 of the 2 other lovely people involved in a power struggle? Will a new character, grandkid and helper of mankind, end up being a lovely person herself? Is she the object of the power struggle? I can't wait to find out.
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