Saturday, January 30, 2010

Other Stuff

You know what they say about corn syrup? They say that first the corn plant was and is mutated to stand tall against sprayed poisons, then it is liquified with more unnecessary and unhealthy chemicals into a glucose syrup which is injected into anything that stands still long enough, then we eat it and drink it for calories with no food value. They also say that beet sugar has food value.
He got free rides in from Hog Wallow Haven every other week. He sat and took up some space. Then he got free rides back home to Hog Wallow Haven. His successor came from inside an oyster's mouth. Where he'll go back to is anybody's guess. We have to stay.
The possibilities seem endless. If you wish to be "post racial and black for an hour," chris will assist. If you want to be pre-common sense and highlight a yellow stripe, as you fear my dear.
If you care to be concurrently homogeneous and pentabulously
5-colored, proceed and be freed.
When Dull, Null & Lull won over Cull & Hull to their downslide, the other four had to go suck eggs. At least that's what their faces said, but please don't talk about faces. Null & his associate don't like faces. Wait until they find out that their last work day was in the past and their next work day is in the future. It will blow what they have left.

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