Thursday, March 31, 2011
The mid-1800 American movement to unify Christians into a 1st century, new testament-styled church has a final 3, but not 4, connection: Butler (Ovid Butler), Kentucky (Barton W. Stone), Virginia (Thomas & Alexander Campbell), but not Connecticut. Coincidence or just an interesting fact?*********************************** If you are between 0 and 4 1/2, give us a call. We can help you with your final expenses.
Dangerous Fools & the BS Factor
Yes, Mr. President, we remember last year. We remember last week and yesterday. We remember who is brave enough to tell the truth, and who is not. You, Mr. President, told the same lie that your predecessors told: if only we could drill drill drill for oil in the ocean and in our country, all around it even, we would not import so much. That is a lie. No guts, no glory, Mr. President. There is no "safer" oil drilling, even though you said so. That is a lie. All of those lies in one speech kind of made us nauseous, Mr. President. Who knew that sitting on your brains would be so 21st century? Wasn't it awkward when you put your tap shoes on the ground, and yet the rest of us heard boots? Hey! How about a 72-hour battery backup for our aging nuclear facilities, could you at least do that?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Attorney General of Wisconsin

If you feel like sending an e-mail to the Attorney General of Wisconsin, his name is John VanHollen - ............................. He might enjoy hearing how he has been doing his job so far........................................................................... 400 wealthy cons baked in a pi. When the pi was opened, the cons began their rants. Wasn't that a backwards dish To serve without a dance?......................................................................
Will Scott Walker have to get arrested in order for him to do the right thing, or at least stop doing the wrong thing, the illegal thing?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Ass Sets
You know how the US government picks certain countries in which to massacre someone else's massacre, while ignoring other countries? That's all. I just wanted to know if you knew. It probably has something to do with ass sets.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Rhythm & Rhyme & Harmony

All the Juan Pierres and Jim Darlings
Double-named themselves without quarrelings
Then we all did
Even when amid
An incoming flock of new starlings.
Maxilla Gluteus & Anya Downe-Lowe
Drove the whole town to a picture show
It took quite a bit
Saying they didn't like it
Why the tragedy, when we live Edgar Allen Poe?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Losers in Suits

Since the US fell off its high horse down into hard times, what is sold on the screen in Europe for $40, will be hawked on our's for $10. The rest of the world is beginning to understand what a mistake it was to emulate US and follow US down, what a terrible mistake. And unless you are a politician, you will no longer even follow US into the men's room. Losers in suits are still losers in suits.
Would you say that a pro-nuclear energy politician is
a dangerous fool?
Would you say that a pro-ocean drilling politician is
a dangerous fool?
A reasonable professor in Wisconsin -
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Quote from an article on 2011.03.17 at the Nobel Women's Initiative website Why do we keep investing in nuclear energy when safer, more cost-effective and cleaner alternatives are available? ********************************************************************************* Why would permits be issued to drill more deep-water oil wells with a flawed design, while the existing wells with a flawed design are still dangerous? Hellooooo ********************************************************************************* I did not know that Caterpillers are whiners. ********************************************************************************* If methyl = methane = inflammable gas from coal mines, and if propyl = propane = petroleum, an oily fuel, and if butyl = butane = another fuel, could it be that, at the very least, people have issues with fuel on their faces?
Friday, March 25, 2011
Oil Junkies Drag US Down
When people are forced to mess with nature in ocean drilling
and nuclear facilities, the corporate politicians are already out
of control. They put the whole planet in grave danger.
A requirement for maintaining their political jobs should be
intense rehab to break the addictions to oil & dangerous reactions.
The odious governor of Maine
Is ashamed of work in the rain
Despicable him
With a heart so grim
Good sense will eradicate his bane
We don't get it, Sir. You campaign-promised to smooth talk US into the future, yet are blasting US back into the past with new oil drilling permits for an old design with fatal flaws. Can you explain?
I could explain, but your heads would have to swivel 180 degrees, and that is impossible while I am sashaying US into the future.
Blow it out your preventer's permit, Sir.
Across the world, the People are slowly overcoming their abusive governments. Even here.
Dear Ohio, Have you ever had a governor who is an idiot?
and nuclear facilities, the corporate politicians are already out
of control. They put the whole planet in grave danger.
A requirement for maintaining their political jobs should be
intense rehab to break the addictions to oil & dangerous reactions.
The odious governor of Maine
Is ashamed of work in the rain
Despicable him
With a heart so grim
Good sense will eradicate his bane
We don't get it, Sir. You campaign-promised to smooth talk US into the future, yet are blasting US back into the past with new oil drilling permits for an old design with fatal flaws. Can you explain?
I could explain, but your heads would have to swivel 180 degrees, and that is impossible while I am sashaying US into the future.
Blow it out your preventer's permit, Sir.
Across the world, the People are slowly overcoming their abusive governments. Even here.
Dear Ohio, Have you ever had a governor who is an idiot?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
On the Squeegee
Took the punjab's fee
To punt and jab
The pundit tree.
Make it so, #2's.
Please explain, Royal Blaster.
The US Militant Budget has a Bottomless Hole Division, #2's.
Double it.
Yes, your Blasted Royalness. Done! What about the
blind baby orphanage, Sir?
Cut it in half, you 2's. Here are the tools.
It is a box of governors inside another box! Thank YOU, Sir.
It is so easy - just throw numbers from your cell phone at the problem. It is as easy as stop loss tossing or hoss flossing,
unless you left your fingers somewhere by accident.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Something About an Odyssey

Operation Wandering Journey at Cock's Crow is a throwback to our continuing and ongoing history of invasions in the old milleniums gone by. Only the welfare elite can afford an odyssey.
Humanitarian Bombs for Freedom is the new millenium honorific for the exact same thing. Even the poorest of US can afford to get on board the humanitarian bombs.
If you like to roll inward upon yourself and pretend it is all someone else's fault, join the Republican Obvolution! Hurry, while you still have ankles and thoughts! Hurry!
Look under that bridge. Isn't that Uncle Sam with his cardboard box and bag of meds? Let's ask him to fly us somewhere to hurl bombs. You know he wants to. Uncle Sam, please tell us a story, too.
US federal senators and reps with lifetime health care and full salary retirements want to share our burden! They want to give it all up for the cause! They want to shut up and pay their fair share! They want to stop taking and start giving! They want! They want!
Sure. Keep pouring more & more money into your militant budget. Keep siphoning it off into the pockets of the welfare elite. Keep stealing it. We the People will be glad to give up everything so that you can continue invading & killing. Do you need our oxygen? Just take it. Food? Clothing? Shelter? Life? Sure.
Humanitarian Bombs for Freedom is the new millenium honorific for the exact same thing. Even the poorest of US can afford to get on board the humanitarian bombs.
If you like to roll inward upon yourself and pretend it is all someone else's fault, join the Republican Obvolution! Hurry, while you still have ankles and thoughts! Hurry!
Look under that bridge. Isn't that Uncle Sam with his cardboard box and bag of meds? Let's ask him to fly us somewhere to hurl bombs. You know he wants to. Uncle Sam, please tell us a story, too.
US federal senators and reps with lifetime health care and full salary retirements want to share our burden! They want to give it all up for the cause! They want to shut up and pay their fair share! They want to stop taking and start giving! They want! They want!
Sure. Keep pouring more & more money into your militant budget. Keep siphoning it off into the pockets of the welfare elite. Keep stealing it. We the People will be glad to give up everything so that you can continue invading & killing. Do you need our oxygen? Just take it. Food? Clothing? Shelter? Life? Sure.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Pre-Jesus Pinheads

If you want prehensilly polydactyl precisianary anti-visionary predaciously mendacious predictably dictatorial predilectedly prefabricated preliterately premedicated premorsefully prenatal preponderantly preposterous preputially puritannical predilectively prestidigitational pretentiously pretextual prevaricatingly predatory, vote for the pre-Jesus pinheads.
Mrs. Blander-Bass Scythe
Worked hard to be lithe
Her skeletal remains
Were tied with food chains
Her spirit is eternally blithe.
BS&S is famous for illegal snooping. If you let it have access to your bank account, it will illegally snoop there also. And who knows what else.
If you desire visiting family in Cuba, there are 2 small details: You need federal approval, and it has to be for the purpose of education or religion or agriculture or medical health. The rules left family out. Sorry.
I am thinking about exploring the possibility of running for Queen of the World. If you agree that I am thinking, click the Agree button and send money to temporary mailbox #2012.
Mrs. Blander-Bass Scythe
Worked hard to be lithe
Her skeletal remains
Were tied with food chains
Her spirit is eternally blithe.
BS&S is famous for illegal snooping. If you let it have access to your bank account, it will illegally snoop there also. And who knows what else.
If you desire visiting family in Cuba, there are 2 small details: You need federal approval, and it has to be for the purpose of education or religion or agriculture or medical health. The rules left family out. Sorry.
I am thinking about exploring the possibility of running for Queen of the World. If you agree that I am thinking, click the Agree button and send money to temporary mailbox #2012.
Kasya, a hasya from north of Engada & Masada, still remembers when Issa turned and looked at her. She still remembers.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Stupefication Level 5 1/2
Backwards warning -
Republican Stupefication Level 5 1/2: Color Code Puce.
Justinian's illegal meeting in the year 553 is the same as
Walker's illegal meeting in 2011.
Republican Stupefication Level 5 1/2: Color Code Puce.
Backwards warning.
What do you call the opposite of progress and innovation?
Republican Stupefication Level 5 1/2: Color Code Puce.
Justinian's illegal meeting in the year 553 is the same as
Walker's illegal meeting in 2011.
Republican Stupefication Level 5 1/2: Color Code Puce.
Backwards warning.
What do you call the opposite of progress and innovation?
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Operation Free Iraq from US Day
Between Iraq and a hard place is -
Operation Free Iraq from US Day. Hurry up!
The welfare elite finally found an invasion everybody
can get behind, you know, that crazy
Qaddafi family. There's $$$ to be made, people!
Operation Free Iraq from US Day -
Hurry up!
Between Iraq and a hard place is -
Operation Free Iraq from US Day. Hurry up!
The welfare elite finally found an invasion everybody
can get behind, you know, that crazy
Qaddafi family. There's $$$ to be made, people!
Operation Free Iraq from US Day -
Hurry up!
Political Liars
A quote from Barbara Flynn Currie ("D"-Chicago):
If you want to run the ship of state, you have to have people who are able to stay past 5 o'clock, who are committed to working overtime and who, if privy to information that is important, have a clear allegiance and loyalty to the government, not to their union local.
Shame on you, Barbara.
Dear Projection of the Thyroid Cartilage at the Front of Your Throat, You are one needy nut. It was great seeing you again.
Wall street hedge fund speculating is responsible for the current gasoline prices, contrary to what el presidente said about it being gas station owners' greed. Give us a break, el presidente.
Dead eyes took his squishy marshmallow hands and signed his name oh so carefully. If you look at them, they will make you shiver. Don't do it.
If you want to run the ship of state, you have to have people who are able to stay past 5 o'clock, who are committed to working overtime and who, if privy to information that is important, have a clear allegiance and loyalty to the government, not to their union local.
Shame on you, Barbara.
Dear Projection of the Thyroid Cartilage at the Front of Your Throat, You are one needy nut. It was great seeing you again.
Wall street hedge fund speculating is responsible for the current gasoline prices, contrary to what el presidente said about it being gas station owners' greed. Give us a break, el presidente.
Dead eyes took his squishy marshmallow hands and signed his name oh so carefully. If you look at them, they will make you shiver. Don't do it.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Temporary Restraining Order
Scott Walker is temporarily restrained from union-busting
Is it true that 46% of Republican voters, nation wide,
do not like Mr. Walker?
Is it true that 46% of Republican voters, nation wide,
do not like Mr. Walker?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Election of 2012
The republican presidential candidate, it doesn't matter which one, will force you to have a baby, then the candidate & its party will abuse your baby until it is dead.
The obama presidential candidate will smile down at your dead baby and quietly say, Don't look back, mon amie. Vote for me."
Is there a third?
Obama's big lie told in Spartanburg -
That was a good time for McCain's "blah blah blah"
Are republicans going to try to kill NPR today, without any discussion? That will really create tons of jobs!
The obama presidential candidate will smile down at your dead baby and quietly say, Don't look back, mon amie. Vote for me."
Is there a third?
Obama's big lie told in Spartanburg -
That was a good time for McCain's "blah blah blah"
Are republicans going to try to kill NPR today, without any discussion? That will really create tons of jobs!
America Teaches Greed
Prescribed Pain by Corporate America by Cliff Schecter
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Everclear Party!
Join the Everclear Party where we tell 90% of the truth 90% of the time and sell 10% of the truth for cash under the table! It probably isn't legal! But everyone has to eat! What proof do we have!
Monday, March 14, 2011
"The 80th do-nothing Congress" is Back

Here are some excerpts from Harry Truman's speech in Elizabeth, New Jersey on October 7, 1948. This is one of 275 speeches he gave between Labor Day and the elections. He was speaking of the 80th Congress, but he could have been speaking about the 112th.
...The Republicans are trying to hide the truth from you in a great many ways. They don't want you to know the truth about the issues in this campaign. The big fundamental issue in this campaign is the people against the special interests...
...Well now, you have had experience with them running the government. In 1920 to 1932, they had complete control of the government. Look what they did to it!
This country is enjoying the greatest prosperity it has ever known because we have been following for 16 years the policies inaugurated by Franklin D. Roosevelt. Everybody benefited from these policies - labor, the farmer, businessmen, and white-collar workers.
We want to keep that prosperity. We cannot keep that if we don't lick the biggest problem facing us today, and that is high prices.
I have been trying to get the Republicans to do something about high prices and housing ever since they came to Washington. They are responsible for that situation, because they killed price control, and they killed the housing bill.
If 2/3 of the people stay at home again on election day as they did in 1946, and if we get another Republican Congress like the 80th Congress . . . The same men would be the bosses the same as those who passed the Taft-Hartley Act, and passed the rich man's tax bill, and took Social Security away from a million workers.
Do you want that kind of administration?
...When a bunch of Republican reactionaries are in control of the Congress, then the people get reactionary laws. The only way you can get the kind of government you need is by going to the polls . . .
Above is a link to a chronological list of
historic American speeches & letters, from
Powhatan's speech to Cap.John Smith in 1609 to
Elie Wiesel's "The Perils of Indifference" in 1999,
and lots in between, plus links to more.
...The Republicans are trying to hide the truth from you in a great many ways. They don't want you to know the truth about the issues in this campaign. The big fundamental issue in this campaign is the people against the special interests...
...Well now, you have had experience with them running the government. In 1920 to 1932, they had complete control of the government. Look what they did to it!
This country is enjoying the greatest prosperity it has ever known because we have been following for 16 years the policies inaugurated by Franklin D. Roosevelt. Everybody benefited from these policies - labor, the farmer, businessmen, and white-collar workers.
We want to keep that prosperity. We cannot keep that if we don't lick the biggest problem facing us today, and that is high prices.
I have been trying to get the Republicans to do something about high prices and housing ever since they came to Washington. They are responsible for that situation, because they killed price control, and they killed the housing bill.
If 2/3 of the people stay at home again on election day as they did in 1946, and if we get another Republican Congress like the 80th Congress . . . The same men would be the bosses the same as those who passed the Taft-Hartley Act, and passed the rich man's tax bill, and took Social Security away from a million workers.
Do you want that kind of administration?
...When a bunch of Republican reactionaries are in control of the Congress, then the people get reactionary laws. The only way you can get the kind of government you need is by going to the polls . . .
Above is a link to a chronological list of
historic American speeches & letters, from
Powhatan's speech to Cap.John Smith in 1609 to
Elie Wiesel's "The Perils of Indifference" in 1999,
and lots in between, plus links to more.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Stop Look & Listen
Peter King, the P. King, the Peeking Duck, has been hearing inadmissable hypothetical opinions, and it has been going really well, if by really well, you mean it is an oxygen-killing, time-killing, nasty piece of business. Goodnight Mr. Peeking, you make us sick.
Sewage to Can by DimSum AllDenty is 3 words longer than a human can hear.
If you are too busy right now to research, soon you won't be. Perhaps one day when you are out foraging for something to keep your belly from growling, you can read to pass the time. Read some history. Read about the do nothings who are back now. Dear republican voters, It isn't pretty, but accept what you voted for. Please explain your desire to sacrifice yourself for the welfare elite. Happy foraging!
Obama wants to assure everyone that the U.S. has no standards when it comes to torture for democracy. He intones, that is appropriate, that is appropriate.
Sewage to Can by DimSum AllDenty is 3 words longer than a human can hear.
If you are too busy right now to research, soon you won't be. Perhaps one day when you are out foraging for something to keep your belly from growling, you can read to pass the time. Read some history. Read about the do nothings who are back now. Dear republican voters, It isn't pretty, but accept what you voted for. Please explain your desire to sacrifice yourself for the welfare elite. Happy foraging!
Obama wants to assure everyone that the U.S. has no standards when it comes to torture for democracy. He intones, that is appropriate, that is appropriate.
Friday, March 11, 2011
What do you call it when corporate marries government to abuse the kiddies?
What do you call it when someone aids and abets criminals? Are they equally, more, or less guilty?
What do you call 2 dead eyes showing ash on ash action?
What do you call it when sick puppies go all more on you?
Fanny faced felt feelings, finally figured fiddlesticks, forgot, focused fun futures.
Hate comes from fear. Fear comes from ignorance. Why can't ignorant mother__ckers get educated and get over themselves? Cheeses.
Are we sad that dinosaurs did not adapt to civilization?
What do you call it when someone aids and abets criminals? Are they equally, more, or less guilty?
What do you call 2 dead eyes showing ash on ash action?
What do you call it when sick puppies go all more on you?
Fanny faced felt feelings, finally figured fiddlesticks, forgot, focused fun futures.
Hate comes from fear. Fear comes from ignorance. Why can't ignorant mother__ckers get educated and get over themselves? Cheeses.
Are we sad that dinosaurs did not adapt to civilization?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
The Majority is Outside & Inside & Everywhere
Where is the minority?
Gov. Koch Sucker is indoors trying to earn his bribe money & work on tomorrow's blaspheme.
Barack Obama is indoors reaping benefits without exerting himself.
Bill Clinton is indoors trying to blend in with the wallpaper. You didn't think his democans were getting along on just union money, did you?
The not so silent majority is outside and inside and everywhere.
Gov. Koch Sucker is indoors trying to earn his bribe money & work on tomorrow's blaspheme.
Barack Obama is indoors reaping benefits without exerting himself.
Bill Clinton is indoors trying to blend in with the wallpaper. You didn't think his democans were getting along on just union money, did you?
The not so silent majority is outside and inside and everywhere.
re: Peter "McCarthy" King - Can a skinhead have mucho hair?
God's 6th Commandment: Thou shalt not commit newt gingrich's version of patriotism.
May in Wisconsin is a beautiful time for recalls. January of 2012 is even more beautiful.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
They Don't Want To
The welfare elite created any financial "mess". They should pay for it. They should pay. They don't want to.
Stiel Proboscis, the old is still old even if it is a repeat self-starter, is smile-errific and shiny as he tells bedtime stories. The kiddies think his fantastical tails are grand. His tales are grand too. For instance, last time . . .
The audience collectively held it's breath. Stiel Proboscis was about to pull the curtain and yank the rug. He was going to reveal something about himself and the audience in the process. Was everyone ready? Were they really ready to know the pastor of their pasture, the grand puppetmaster of all things laborious and human? Were they ready to learn they were puppets instead of People? Was he? He started to talk fast. Psych, psych, psych-psych.
Sugar cane is not mutated corn, no matter what the screen says. Dear Whatever you call yourself now, What has your poison done to the bats & bees & corn & US?
Stiel Proboscis, the old is still old even if it is a repeat self-starter, is smile-errific and shiny as he tells bedtime stories. The kiddies think his fantastical tails are grand. His tales are grand too. For instance, last time . . .
The audience collectively held it's breath. Stiel Proboscis was about to pull the curtain and yank the rug. He was going to reveal something about himself and the audience in the process. Was everyone ready? Were they really ready to know the pastor of their pasture, the grand puppetmaster of all things laborious and human? Were they ready to learn they were puppets instead of People? Was he? He started to talk fast. Psych, psych, psych-psych.
Sugar cane is not mutated corn, no matter what the screen says. Dear Whatever you call yourself now, What has your poison done to the bats & bees & corn & US?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
"Fighting for the Future" #10
It's all about Democracy in Wisconsin
Wauwatosa Wisconsin Town Hall Meeting of 03.07.11 - 4:51
"This is what Democracy looks like"
It's all about Democracy in Wisconsin
Wauwatosa Wisconsin Town Hall Meeting of 03.07.11 - 4:51
"This is what Democracy looks like"
Monday, March 7, 2011
Trying to Divide and Control
All abusers, whether in the home or in government,
like to divide and control.
They lie to do that.
They take things out of context to do that.
Speaking of which, re: the abuser who is presently
the gov of Wisconsin -
like to divide and control.
They lie to do that.
They take things out of context to do that.
Speaking of which, re: the abuser who is presently
the gov of Wisconsin -
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
The New American
Yesterday's, or the days before, top stories from the magazine The New American:
under "Culture" - Education's Implosion Abetted by Unionization of Public Employees
under "Opinion" - Why Bill Gates's Billions Will Not Improve Education
under "Sci-Tech" - Obama's Favorite Solar Manufacturer Flounders
under "History" - A History of Union Murder and Sabotage
another "Sci-Tech" - Govt Scientists Propose Nuclear War to Curb Global Warming
under "Culture" - Education's Implosion Abetted by Unionization of Public Employees
under "Opinion" - Why Bill Gates's Billions Will Not Improve Education
under "Sci-Tech" - Obama's Favorite Solar Manufacturer Flounders
under "History" - A History of Union Murder and Sabotage
another "Sci-Tech" - Govt Scientists Propose Nuclear War to Curb Global Warming
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Still Smiling
Bill Clinton used the bully pulpit to start corporatizing himself and the Democratic party, to make both into the images of the Republican party. He started a lot of sh*t that we are dealing with now. So did Reagan and Bush and his kid - the 4 of them started a lot of sh*t that we are dealing with now. Rather than deal with the real real real issue, Obama simply goes along with their program. As long as they are all still smiling.
Snooty from being carried everywhere,
Mean from boredom,
Effete from inbreeding, and
Exhausted from all the effort, this is a story of the G.O. and Babb Z:
Once upon a time, an ice cold wildcat banker named the G.O. hooked up with a freezer burn named Babb Z. She had the titles, both yearned for more lucre. The match was so perfect, if you didn't talk about the chicks, that together they formed an alloy heart the size of a fire ant's eyelash. Of course, they did not share their heart with the offspring, the heirs. That would have been gauche and unseemly. They were proud impediments to the betterment of the human race. And they all lived quite well ever after, until the credits rolled.
The Newtster isn't really running for anything & he isn't going to and he has way more money than you or me, so why don't you send him your money and why don't I send him mine?
Snooty from being carried everywhere,
Mean from boredom,
Effete from inbreeding, and
Exhausted from all the effort, this is a story of the G.O. and Babb Z:
Once upon a time, an ice cold wildcat banker named the G.O. hooked up with a freezer burn named Babb Z. She had the titles, both yearned for more lucre. The match was so perfect, if you didn't talk about the chicks, that together they formed an alloy heart the size of a fire ant's eyelash. Of course, they did not share their heart with the offspring, the heirs. That would have been gauche and unseemly. They were proud impediments to the betterment of the human race. And they all lived quite well ever after, until the credits rolled.
The Newtster isn't really running for anything & he isn't going to and he has way more money than you or me, so why don't you send him your money and why don't I send him mine?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Ask Mr. Koch Sucker to Recall
Which state had the nation's first trade union in 1865 and not the last?
Let's ask Mr. Koch Sucker to recall.
Which state created a federation of labor in 1893 and didn't destroy one?
Let's ask Mr. Koch Sucker to recall.
Which state began the work of ending company stores and not starting them?
Let's ask Mr. Koch Sucker to recall.
Let's ask Mr. Koch Sucker to recall.
Which state created a federation of labor in 1893 and didn't destroy one?
Let's ask Mr. Koch Sucker to recall.
Which state began the work of ending company stores and not starting them?
Let's ask Mr. Koch Sucker to recall.
We recall gov. Clot Caulker & gov. Rot Stalker & gov. Dot Gawker & gov. Slot Squawker & gov. Knot Hawker & gov. Bot Talker & gov. Tot Balker when they became one with the universe. Don't look at their eyes.
What do I recall about the Koch bros? There are 4 Koch bros. Two of them kicked the other two out of daddy's business. It was a long ugly legal battle. One bro in the business and one bro that got kicked out are twins! Daddy was a co-founder of the John Birch Society. The bros all went to school in Massachusetts, just as the Koch on Rahm's transition team did.
Hey! Mr. Koch Sucker! Remember what he did to his twin!?! What is he going to do to you?
Talk about backwards - ifaddaQ has been on the screen more in 2 weeks than in 20 years.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Padraig Piarais (1879-1916)

And I say to my people's masters: Beware, Beware of the thing that is coming, Beware of the risen people, Who shall take what ye would not give. Did ye think to conquer the people, Or that Law is stronger than life and than men's desire to be free?
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