Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dangerous Fools & the BS Factor

Yes, Mr. President, we remember last year. We remember last week and yesterday. We remember who is brave enough to tell the truth, and who is not. You, Mr. President, told the same lie that your predecessors told: if only we could drill drill drill for oil in the ocean and in our country, all around it even, we would not import so much. That is a lie. No guts, no glory, Mr. President. There is no "safer" oil drilling, even though you said so. That is a lie. All of those lies in one speech kind of made us nauseous, Mr. President. Who knew that sitting on your brains would be so 21st century? Wasn't it awkward when you put your tap shoes on the ground, and yet the rest of us heard boots? Hey! How about a 72-hour battery backup for our aging nuclear facilities, could you at least do that?

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