Friday, April 22, 2011

Kenya Believe That?

Donald "Kenya Believe That" Trump
Gave himself the bumpity-bump
With dishonest hair from the back
And speeches different from the pack.
Let's talk some global dump for the gas pump.

We made a huge mistake when we allowed the illegal selection of Jr. by the Inferior Court.

Imitation is the finest form of flattery. So later, read my parts while you are smiling and with a polite soft voice.
Read your parts later, Sir?
Later is relative. It may be 10 minutes from now, or 10 months, or 10 years.
Thank you, Sir.
Know this: I can build a hope boat with my words and never really get on board with whoever is listening. That is the magic of me.
Yes, Sir.

The former Rod is itching to share his own escapades, affairs, and kisses. Eak! But he needs encouragement, doesn't he. Let's clap for his courage.

If you want a broken school system to be the opposite of helped, if you want bad test scores to go lousy, if you want statistics and perceptions and children manipulated, if you want teachers to continue being made scapegoats for the richest 2%, I'm pretty sure Rahm knows somebody.

Dear Mr. President, If a patriot is "a person who loves his country, zealously supporting and defending it and its interests", and if more than 2 persons together make people, and if people make a country, and if that person has ideas to harm the people, how can you stand in front of the people and say that the person is a patriot? Are you a big pacifier? The world's most expensive pacifier?

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