One of America's Wanted Unwanted
Romney may value his privacy,
but Scalia said he has no right to privacy.
but Scalia said he has no right to privacy.
I heard this yesterday - When doubters will fully appreciate President Obama's Affordable Health Care Act: after eating all that chicken full of tranquilizers and arsenic and you don't want to know what else.
Also yesterday, Romney's "charade fell apart"
Of course, the best kind of culture is active all natural no corn syrup yogurt culture. If you can't get yogurt, try to inherit money from crooks, to be part of the not so best culture where nothing stinks.
Jeff Sessions, an offense to critical thinkers or just a dangerously tired actor drinking a koch float?
If you have one foot in Utah and one foot in Massachusetts, does your gluteus get cramps?
I heard this yesterday - When doubters will fully appreciate President Obama's Affordable Health Care Act: after eating all that chicken full of tranquilizers and arsenic and you don't want to know what else.
Also yesterday, Romney's "charade fell apart"
Of course, the best kind of culture is active all natural no corn syrup yogurt culture. If you can't get yogurt, try to inherit money from crooks, to be part of the not so best culture where nothing stinks.
Jeff Sessions, an offense to critical thinkers or just a dangerously tired actor drinking a koch float?
If you have one foot in Utah and one foot in Massachusetts, does your gluteus get cramps?
Drogi Cygan Zona Zaprzeg,
Buziak twoj gruby osiol? Dziekowac wy na wracac moj kieszonkowe. Prosze, zasiasc do podatek i rozum egzaminu.
Jeden Wyborca
The Koch blokes, those unfunny jokes, are the founders and members in terrific standing of the Anti-Americans Shilling for Personal Prosperity club. The Kochs are the mothers of all b*llsh*tt*rs, speaking secretly and carrying their club. They are the refreshing inspiration behind the downfall of Democracy. They do not like rules for themselves; the Kochs had their fill of rules from the parental units. Yet they make daily rules for the puppets and pols in their food chain. The Kochs are so tediously tiresome at this time in our lives because if they don't win in November, they will be through. Those financiers of their own extinction will be through. Hence the desperation.
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