Saturday, August 11, 2012

Oops, Did They Staple Our Heads?

How are Romney and his company tied to death squads in El Salvador?
What kind of favors did Paul Ryan's people do for
the Plan 2008 chair at the UW?
Certain types of individuals who avoided actually serving (a.k.a showing up) in the military, but enjoy posing around ships, also enjoy posing anywhere else if the price is right.
Fools are fools, ghouls are ghouls, stools are stools, rules are rules, and tools are tools.
Paul Romney and Mitt Ryan
Could say they love you and that would be lyin'
Horse hockey
Position jockey
Nine tenths of their story - nobody's buyin'
Two phony $3 bills, just livin' their religion, stood at the podium together to add up to $5. They told the audience that if everyone towed the line and promised not to be burdens like those grandparents and those students with pell grants and those sick people and those pesky poor---what did Jesus say about the poor again? ---anyways, together we could turn the $5 into $10 and give 9 of it to the military. The last dollar might be used as downpayment on a glass of clean water or bribery for a politician.
Oops, did they staple our heads?

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