Friday, September 14, 2012

Call US

 (Kathleen on the left 1n 1983 with Mom, Kathleen on right as a Mom in 2012)

We've come a long way, Babies
It's been 29 years, that's no maybes
Progress is tough
We'll never have enough
Perhaps one day Mayorahm'll curb his rabies.
"The Right Wing Machine Behind 'School Choice'"
by Rachel Tabachnick, In These Times
Memo to TARP recipients: Get up off that money and do your jobs or get deported to Iceland!
Romney made his business career out of pushing people into doing the wrong thing and consistently driving up the medical costs of insurance, just to line his pockets. Romney made his political career out of pushing Massachusetts into being the most in-debt state, again just to line his pockets. Romney's personal greed-based careers hurt everyone around him. He did it all by himself, or so he says.
Reince Priebus and Mitt Romney are bald-faced liars. They willingly manipulate people into danger for their depraved desires.
If an "idiot" is an utterly foolish person, all id at the level of a 3 or 4 year old, with no self-control, today I charge Romney and Priebus with being idiots.
Barely legitimate bi-peds
Inbred to become declasse' insteads
Lentil spud burgers
Mental dud burgers
Rarely a good thought in their incredibly lead heads.
It's the cons. It's the old cons and the new cons hustling for some green. A couple of years ago they stole my spleen. It's the cons alright.
If you suffered death, you may be eligible for a rebate coupon. Call US.


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