Sunday, September 2, 2012

Medicare For ALL!

Great news about torture being cool! Thanks for the shame, Injustice!
Once upon a time, the C.R.U.D. - the Cannibalistic Republican Underground Dwellers - disappeared President Writ Momney because nobody liked him anyway. The new President, Raul Pie-In, got pretty excited. He had his first wife committed to an institution for the permanently mid-western so that he could enter the dynasty and marry the lovely widow, Babzy Brier. She was a dominatrix just like his mentor Ayn Rand. The marriage lasted until Babzy layed her last egg underground, thereby giving Raul permission to pass his legacy on to one of the newer cons. They all lived ever after. -The End-
LAW =  Rule for the worker bees, the working poor,
           those who bring home unlivable wages

ANARCHY = State of society without Government or Law

GOVERNMENT = The great American experiment to see how many pols can fit on the head of a Bob McDonnell probe
Lying does matter. Liars are cowardly losers who can only win by cheating. Do we want to vote for the worst of US who lie?
Medicare for ALL!

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