Saturday, December 1, 2012

Became a Wash

Angus T. Jones has been walking a fine bi-polar line between figuring out who he is and living his faith, while acting for laughs to promote sluts and their lifestyle. It can make you crazy, rich and crazy.
"Bradley Manning: a tale of liberty lost in America"
by Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian
"How the 1962-63 Newspaper Strike Crippled a Newspaper Town"
by Scott Sherman, Vanity Fair
Dear Large Ones, President Obama is planning to take away 401 thousand of your calories every day. Jesus, King of fossils and dirty water, told him to do it, so what can you do? Eat less?
Mister Dniester Kiester
Put the kibosh on a bosh
But a blister dissed her mister
And well, the nosh became a wash.

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