Sunday, December 30, 2012

Whining For Free Stuff

I hope the flooding in Sri Lanka does not kill any more people. I hope the flooding prevented Disney from breaking the legs of any more workers who dare to want a living wage. I hope.
Shhh, but according to the big elephant in everybody's nightmare:
the wealthiest one percenters, those wastrels who spend anybody's money except their own, who do not like laborers who make livable union wages, who do not like the public and its public schools, who do not like healthy old people with full stomachs, who do not like the mentally ill and their greedy needs, who do not like a segment of the population called "women," who do not like people who look or think differently from themselves, but who do like and enjoy cashing in on wars and the unnecessarily exorbitant defense budget, well, their favorite pastime is picking pockets and whining for free stuff.

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