Friday, August 2, 2013

Infamous Patriot Act

This just in: Local color alerts became global corporate alerts when prestidigitation alone wouldn't do. Dangerous is as dangerous does.
Questions that may come to mind while watching political pole dancers:

Is truth disgraceful? Are reality checks really slaps in the face? If someone is dishonest and it is revealed to the public, is that your twist of the proverbial knife? Is good leadership a poke in the eye? Why only one eye? Is it a disappointment when someone won't be bullied? What's with all the slapping, twisting, poking, and disappointment anyway? If DeNial is not a river in Egypt, is DeRail an extortion move in the BS game of summits and dad gummits? Has "austerity" contributed to child prostitution and adult suicides? Will we honestly revisit sections 215 ( and/or 584 of the infamous Patriot Act?

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