Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Different Day?

Back in the stone age when everyone was pre-sexting and didn't know it, there was a man seen on the sidewalks here and there. He wore a trenchcoat, with his pants down around his ankles. Same compulsion different day?

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Opposite of Pure

Dear Anthony, Even a fool who lost everything such as yourself might spend the next half of your life getting your head shrunk & learning & practicing to be a decent father & role model. If you know what's good for you. *** This is about a connected guy who knows how to start violence, not how to stop it. "Ass•edonia" is a box office failure. It tells the story of an abusive turnip without a cure, A desperate man with no one left to insult. He floats over to the greatness of alt right & starts up a new cult. His intentions are transparently vile, The opposite of pure.

Sunday, August 28, 2016


Hard_ss, Kocho & Foe: Even after the coal bird Croaks in the litter, They fuel US backward Because they are bitter. *** Most of internal & external stress is bs.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

More Than Ducky

Home under the bed MIGHT be a safe space if a person is lucky. Sorry, the nra does not approve trigger warnings, too sucky. Fear is afraid of learning, Of the search for wisdom & the yearning. But tpp, pipelines, floods & earthquakes are good for us. Things are more than ducky.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Non-Hero And Joke

Nobody mocks Kirk's stroke. Sure, he uses it as a cloak To say words of hate, To tell lies and berate. But that's him, our original non-hero and joke.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Check! Go!

Carbuncle Sam-legend, myth or fable-you decide. I yam what I yam, A sham in the cam, self-bought & abrupt, self-caught & corrupt, I yam the art of the scam. *** There hasn't been "home" or heart for over half a century. Which bathroom is this? Oh, yeah. The one with the bathaprompter over here. Let's see. . .One, check. Two, check. Three, flaunt the tresses, check. Four, tuck the neck flap under the collar, check. Five, decide who will be granted my opening game insult of the day. Check! Go!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Top of Your Game

Calm and sober vetting reveals a frightened individual who is unable to concentrate, use constructive reasoning or answer questions. He is unable. *** I've built a Rastafarian wall between Rahm's words and the thinking public. *** Is Monsanto killing our food supply? *** Larry, we will you more! Some compared you to that retired guy. Some compared you to that young guy made of soft moldable cheese. Some compared you to the guy you replaced who volunteered for self-immolation. Luckily you are yourself at the top of your game.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Dying With Indignity

How to lose and pretend as if it is always what you wanted, or The Chronicles of Trudike, Party of 3. It is a footnote about relaxation and serenity meetings to usher in dying with indignity.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Thank You!

To you wonderful people who caught on very well-if Larry = Latin for laurel & Francesca = Teutonic for free & Holly = AngloSaxon for good fortune & Jordan = Hebrew for the descender & Mike = Hebrew for Godlike & Ricky = Teutonic for wealthy and powerful & Robin = Teutonic for shining fame & Rory = Celtic for ruddy and even if they don't, bless you all on your paths. Thank you!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Words Do Not Suffice

Before there was the digital revolution, there was Rahm's sacrifice. Ever since then he's vendored bs at twice the price. Anybody's money for his whine, He says. Things are more than fine, He says. Teachers & homeless students say words do not suffice.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Anything But Kill

Who will protect Disney guests from themselves once they get home? ***** Did 702 evil cops plot to murder people in Chicago or are they too stupid to do anything but kill?

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Extra Punishments

UberTrumpfen, the Kocho Bros' talking anthropoid is "The Man Who Wouldn't Be King", a classic story about a not very bright but crafty and mercenary adolescent _sshole with sociopathic tendencies who travels from one lie to another in an attempt to set himself up as man in charge of bankruptcies and extra punishments.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Oops! What?

Oops! I turned the body cam off! Oops! You just lost a day's pay! Oops! What?