Saturday, May 21, 2011

Republican Non-Representative War on Decency

This is the republican non-representative
war on decency in Anytown USA

Be careful, John Huntsman, about who you pretend to be.
 Pretty soon, that is who you really will be. That goes for your cartoon self and your earthly self and your horn of turgent urgency.

John Kasich is not viable
He bent into non-pliable
What a maroon
What a saskatoon
We think he's totally fryable.

Governor fraud in the state of Wisconsin has never been
more rampant or more vile. [see pic above]

Friday, May 20, 2011

Life in Colorado

How can the unabomber get cheneyed and dumped if he's doing life in Colorado?

The Ministry of Public Enlightenment
Alarmingly hangs on base frightenment
Stealing all portions
Of unions and abortions
Shaming each one with dim whitenment.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Or Both

Claude Brizard, a mini doc on the island of Chicago, or the Condi Rice of shopping vacations, or both?

The "selective outrage machine" that is F_x
Got all wrapped up in it's old dino-box
How dismal and sad
This too longish fad
So it knocked off some socks and rocked in viox.

Headmaster of F.I.F.F.L.E.
Did a sniffle sniffle:
"Meet our amoeba?
Or rinsed a preeba?
I bought one for less than a piffle."

One paragraph about a foolish man acting foolish,0,740363.column
by John Kass

Even by Hollywood standards, the Schwarzenegger business is rather creepy, with the family being served by the maid, and the maid's son meeting Arnold's other kids, the two women in Arnold's life pregnant at the same time. And what most of us are thinking about when we think of this tawdry story is the interaction between the women inside the home. It's excruciating to contemplate.
And that is why the People can never trust Arnold Schwarzenegger. Never.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Dorothy Parvaz is FREE!

Paulie, When the old party dangles carrots in front of you, do you always jump for them, and if not you, who?

Rick San'Toru(m), or Sanguineus Torus, is attempting in his own weak and unique way, to swift boat John McCain.

What is the biggest threat to society and the family? Put on your pants, go home, and think about it.

And of course Peter, the P.King duck, wants to be waterboarded. He says it is a great attention-getting enhancement technique.

Is the former Rod back to his former self?

Ruth 1:4 "The name of the one was Orpah" and Gen.23:14-15 "And Ephron [Ophrah] answered Abraham, saying unto him, My lord, hearken unto me: the land is worth 400 shekels of silver; what is that between me and thee?" So if you do not want to be oRpah (orpa) and you do not want to be oPHrah (ofra), but you still want to set your producers free, what do you do?

If capital N.G. = National Guard, and small n.g. = no good, then let's ask Mr. n.g. if racists have faces.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Get Serious

Richie bowed out gracefully
Oprah is waiting til all eyes are upon her to do the same
Barack did that before he got here
So everything worked out.

Now, it's just MAYORAHM

First order of business after the inaugural extravaganza?
Stop spending so much!

If only John Boehner would get serious about reinstating taxes on the wealthiest and about cutting militant spending. If only John Boehner would grow up and get serious.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


You just aim for the head, Fred
Make an Afghanistan plan, man
You don't need to play it coy, Mr. Choi
Just get yourself free
Try not to cuss, Gus
Flying o'er the Kutch n such
Just drop him in the sea, G
And get yourself free.

It was all Greek to me, but supposedly saner heads were in Dutch for insisting we all go Dutch. So the winners threw a French kiss instead of the fight, put some English on the masquerade ball, and sea Creted everybody up to Uranus.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Get Sacked With Tact

A group of Republican freshmen wrote a note to the President, asking to be given special treatment. Couldn't each and every one receive a trophy, just like when they were in T-Ball? Couldn't each one be forgiven for voting to take Medicare away from their grandparents? Please, oh please, Mr. President.

Talk about low self-esteem. Scott Brown has trouble measuring up to his own low standards. What is a boy to do. Make stuff up?

Sometimes people get cheneyed and dumped, sometimes they don't.

Tom Coburn's "In Defense of Adultery Act"
Is on the q.t., and that's a fact
Hush money? Call Tom.
He will compromise your mom.
And show you how to get sacked with tact.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Too Radical

Ayn Rand was on food stamps and Medicare for a time. By her own definition, she was a leech.

"... they just want peace and security for their families and to put food on the table. Their government is the biggest impediment to achieving those goals." Kim Barker said that about which country?

Does your child drive and operate heavy machinery, despite the Shire's advise against it?

The duck said "put it on my bill."

You hear the name AT&T, and automatically you know it involves people's rights being violated. In the particular case of AT&T/iPhone/iPad, the story is 14 hour work days and waves of suicides. Cool apps, though.

The wealthiest 400 parasites
Are old old whites with blights
Those heirs of ennui
Put their airs on we
"wwJd" is not in their sights.

Can we sue the wealthiest for welfare fraud?

Australia is brave enough to reward the truth. Wow. We don't have that in the US. We have attempted punishment for embarrassing US war mongers.

Have you heard that the Commercial Club of Chicago is broke? It is too radical.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Extreme Streaming Rendition

When your pockets way weigh you down and you cry poor mouth to the peeps, when it all comes down to a polar fricking point and it pokes you in the *ss, when you lose your street cred and get desperate for some look at me look at me action, it is time for extreme streaming rendition.

Extreme streaming rendition
Is the new millenium condition
US who don't lead
Watch on satellite feed
Bringing scarey fears to fruition.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Golden Corral Buffet

Do you suffer from agitated melancholia with homicidal complexities? Be a republican or take a pill. What would be the point of doing both?

There is a thief epidemic among the wealthiest. How will we create an antidote and is that size needle really necessary?

When you have a wad of political capital burning a hole in your pocket, how do you pick the most auspicious, and not suspicious, time to pull it out, dust it off, and throw it up to your fans?

Take a pill and cower, or kill for power.
 There has to be more than 2 choices.

Got that old bin Laden
Leanin' on God 'n noddin'
Evidence is empirical
It's a campaign miracle
Been to Baden-Baden?

If Rob Lowe sees himself as one of a select few who are too cute for their own political ambitions, and if he considers Arnold Schwarzenegger to be his "Friend Father Leader", what will Rob's next movie be?

Go, Maria!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Pole

We entered the Time Transition Chamber with menacingly avuncular pawnbrokers, all named Uncle Lar, and threateningly skunkular money lenders, each named Carbuncle Jarr. They all had hysterical views of women's accessories. They all had historically inaccurate pictures of better days. It was a fun way to spend our transition chamber time.
It is nice to know that the British royal family/corporation is just as immoral as the American family/corporation. Neither wants to pay for their own amusements. It is nice to know that inbreeding is still illegal. Should we run that up the May pole?