Monday, December 31, 2012

Amateur Night on the Blatz

Once upon a New Years gone bleary
Warily I wandered with the freaked and the cheery
O'er many a faint from fumes galore.
Merrily I hot-toddied with my feet tap tapping,
Suddenly there came one last crazy night capping.
Then someone started loudly rapping, rapping inside my very core.
"Tis the inquisitor," I muttered "rapping inside with such a roar.
No! No way! And never ever more!"

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Whining For Free Stuff

I hope the flooding in Sri Lanka does not kill any more people. I hope the flooding prevented Disney from breaking the legs of any more workers who dare to want a living wage. I hope.
Shhh, but according to the big elephant in everybody's nightmare:
the wealthiest one percenters, those wastrels who spend anybody's money except their own, who do not like laborers who make livable union wages, who do not like the public and its public schools, who do not like healthy old people with full stomachs, who do not like the mentally ill and their greedy needs, who do not like a segment of the population called "women," who do not like people who look or think differently from themselves, but who do like and enjoy cashing in on wars and the unnecessarily exorbitant defense budget, well, their favorite pastime is picking pockets and whining for free stuff.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Raises For Everybody!

How are you feeling, fb?
Since Congress just voted itself a raise, the fiscal cliff morphed into the fiscal crack in the sidewalk. It is a miracle of modern science.
Raises for everybody!

Friday, December 28, 2012

It Will Be Fun

"Bracing for hard landing off 'cliff' "

Just as long as the wealthiest among US do not pay their share, and the government tools continue to burden everyone else, especially the poorest, in extreme and hurtful ways, and corporations still kill whoever they feel like wherever the almighty profit takes them, it will be fun.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

TV Channel

David Gregory, News Anchor: ". . . a magazine that carries 5 bullets or 10 bullets [me: versus 30 rounds], isn't it just possible that we can reduce the carnage . . .?"

Wayne LaPierre, Gun Salesman: "I don't think it's what will work."
[me again: what an idiot]
If 80% of your weight loss has been between your ears, you may want to think about changing political parties or at least the tv channel.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Days of the Weak

Corporatize your black and blue days after Kris Miss
Hasidic or al Kalam, better bring the Lit Miss
Who is
Sue Ezz
A sign I neck on the AfricAsia Iss Miss.
If the Chicago Tribune is the carping enemy of the formidable public school system, it must be one of the days of the weak.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Be Bright

Merry Christukahzaa to all
And to all a good bite
Grab your boots from the hall
And go out into the light
If your grandparents should call
Let them know which flight
Traffic is down to a crawl
So the timing will be tight
I'll run to the mall
Before snows turns our world white
Merry Christukahza to all
To all who would be bright

In Any Way

The wealthy heirs wish to conduct drone killings and invasions of sovereign nations, but do not wish to pay for them. What should we do?

I know! Let's have the sick and the elderly pay for them!

What a great idea! And let's have a Social Security battle while ignoring reality!

           (especially when the mistake of the rich is selfish greed)
Once a kingly singer
Falls from his legacy of grace
Then he's only a hurt-slinger
In the wrong time and wrong place.
Over the Christukahzaa break, if you're jim jonesin' for your own cool aide, but are having a talking pointless brain freeze and can no longer read your own handwriting, what will you do?
If responsible = answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management, then is the NRA's bribery against gun control responsible for gun deaths in any way?

Saturday, December 22, 2012



The NRA exists to sell guns. It will tell any lie to continue existing
to sell guns. LaPierre is it's top gun salesman.
Movie News: Is it Reel?
The makers of the government embedded movie, Zero Dark Thirty which lies about the results of torture, understand that if nominated for a statuette on the shelf, they will be required to experience torture in order to accept. They are all cool with that.
What is going on with today's D.C. republicans?
Good question.
It is quite sad, but they have no learning curve.
The bottomless pit they so faithfully serve
Can't get enough
Of their flunky stuff.
We want them to be decent, but they don't have the nerve.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Still Bones

"We learned in the last election that the NRA is impotent." - Dick Kay
As a salesman, Wayne LaPierre tries to invent new ways to sell his product by using his freedom of speech. Otherwise, what's it all about? Humanity?
The wagonmaker's millstones
Are a gun salesman and shill drones
Hawking words
Peddling turds
Selling until we're nothing but still bones.

Just in Case

Are you becoming who you are becoming? Are you the best you aspire to be? Join the casting call for 10,000+ Bradley Mannings.
"Rove outfit plays fast and loose with IRS" by Steve Benen,
The Maddow Blog
Hey! Snyder of Mackinac! As an accomplished liar and a person without a conscience, how will you spend your Christmas?
Assified, calcified, and ossified into the embarrassment of pols we know and try very hard to love today, they are this very minute harming somebody somewhere. It is what they do.
Mosquito spies
See the bees' knees
So cross the eyes
And dot those teas
Deny the disguise
Freeze the wheeze
Prize the buys
Agree to please
Whiteous survivalists live underground, just in case.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Easy To Do So

What is everyone wearing - Be polite when staring - Who likes sharing Semi permanent pairing - Toss in at least one red herring - Clouds are glaring - Truth can be flaring - How are you faring - Triple the double daring - Which committees are we chairing - Thank you for caring - Straiten the Bering
Why have the loser legislators been weakening the gun laws rather than toughening them up? One reason: the NRA keeps threatening to hold its breath until it turns blue. Another reason: the legislators and the people who bribe them intend to steal money during the chaos and violence which follows because they are making it easy to do so.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Collective Bargaining is the American Way"

"Just How Powerful is the NRA in the Post-Sandy Hook World?"
by Lorraine Devon Wilke, Addicting Info

"11 Secret Documents Americans Deserve to See"
by David Wallechinsky,
"In Illinois, the Anti-Worker Fraternity Gets a New Member in Quinn"
by Anders Lindall and Cynthia McCabe, AFSCME

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Richard Engel Has Been Freed!

New news: Richard Engel has been freed!
Story by Mike Brunker, NBC

Old news:
"Richard Engel is Missing in Syria; NBC News Enforces News Blackout [UPDATE]
by John Cook, Gawker

"Outrageous HSBC Settlement Proves the Drug War is a Joke"
by Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone
If you clicked on "Like" for Bachmann, Coburn, DeMint, SteveKing, Kyl, Mourdock, RandPaul, Romney, Rubio, and Codgers for the (g)OP, you should click on "Love" for Club for Growth. Oxymorons need love too.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Holly Day's Fairies

The Westboro coven of scurvy viles
Travels to spread its ugly, no matter the miles
Freddie in a Caldron yelps
Will torture even the youngest whelps
Sharing the worst of his innermost biles.
                                           from Occupy Marines
Holy cash cows stuffed with marian berries
Are served by embroiled christians without cherries
On vacation in Ghazzah
While observing Mary Christukahza
Desserts are the specialty of Holly Day's fairies.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


"Can we make our schools any safer?" headlines the Chicago Tribune.
Of course we can, but not while our politicians are the tools of anyone with bribe money.

Which Michigan governor got bribed to say this: I eviscerated and disemboweled and gutted the heart of labor and its unions for their own good.

Too greedy to last, yet MayorahM likes the old ways of putting people into poverty. He is not who he pretends to be, but of course, neither is the man he used to work for in DC.

The pope is a danger to peace and justice. He is a distortion of Christianity.

Walmart = biggest seller of guns and bullets in the US and guarantees the lowest wages. Who doesn't love walmart?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Who Doesn't Love Eric Holder?

"Vast New Spying Program Was Started in Secret on a Bogus Pretext"
by Chris Calabrese, ACLU

In short, an attack by a known foreign terror suspect was used to justify changes to rules about collecting information on US citizens.

Who doesn't love Eric Holder?

Friday, December 14, 2012

"Hey Michigan:"

"If this is what it takes to sign a bill into law,
then you're doing it WRONG."

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

This is Not a Bill

As a doctor of assalogical considerations and mutational animosities, Phil rarely listens to himself and he is grateful for that.
Scalia, opposite of supreme, emerges from his closet each morning and asks himself where to spread the hate. Everywhere, he mumbles into his bellybutton, everywhere.
"Your opinion of me has no cash value"
Basil Rathbone in We're No Angels, 1955
For a quarter I will - Wait until - For the vicarious thrill - But still - Don't be a shill Elbows on the sill - Sword to quill - Mr Phil - Each little pill - Next to nil Shut down the mill - Rage can kill - Share jacks with Jill - First do the uphill - Aerate each gill - Extra cost per frill - Eat your fill - Grow some dill - Running out of crill - Wrap the chill - This is not a bill

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fracking is Nothing to Brag About or Be Proud Of

Welcome back, Donne Trotter,
Got the gun and clip? Got 'er!
No gun control for you.
Represent yourself. Get a clue.
You're a gunslinger's kind of rotter.

Dear President Obama, Fracking is nothing to brag about
or be proud of.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Running Against the Devil


It is not our fracking fault lines
Unless pols grow some brave new spines
For mirth sakes
Fools' rules dirtying up the coal mines.
The once upon a time freedom bringers became divide and governing cliff clingers by spraining their middle fingers with the same old jingle ringers and not so well hidden stingers.
"Obama can tackle climate in his second term, and he doesn't need Congress to do it" by David Roberts, Grist
The BillHill couple loves corporate money so much that it molded, bent, and offered up it's only begotten child into the ugly world of hedge funds. It praises the enslaver known an walmart. BillHill would never again get my vote, no fracking way, unless it was running against the devil.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Brand New Day

"What Happened To The Republican Party? (OP-ED)" by Finitia
In short, they, as a party, need to be louder than their lunatic fringe, through words and actions
Jim De the finest catMint unceremoniously got himself out of bed on that sad Wednesday morning in November. He surprised nobody but himself when he trash bagged his tea collection in favor of lattes and tiny scones. After shaving brushing and boiling all necessary areas, he grabbed his manliest power tool and got off to a brand new day.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Not What They Said

Dinosaurs are extinct yet dead
It's why they exist in the fed
Cheat sheets for the cause
Red whites with blue laws
Doing what they do, not what they said.


Dear MayorahM, Your "code of silence on the code of silence"
is the old way of doing things, the really old way.
Dear Michigan Embarrassment of Politicians:

"NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US under surveillance,
all info stored, no matter the post"

And isn't that special, especially while people are
STILL giving AT&T money?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Became a Wash

Angus T. Jones has been walking a fine bi-polar line between figuring out who he is and living his faith, while acting for laughs to promote sluts and their lifestyle. It can make you crazy, rich and crazy.
"Bradley Manning: a tale of liberty lost in America"
by Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian
"How the 1962-63 Newspaper Strike Crippled a Newspaper Town"
by Scott Sherman, Vanity Fair
Dear Large Ones, President Obama is planning to take away 401 thousand of your calories every day. Jesus, King of fossils and dirty water, told him to do it, so what can you do? Eat less?
Mister Dniester Kiester
Put the kibosh on a bosh
But a blister dissed her mister
And well, the nosh became a wash.