Thursday, July 3, 2014

Harmful to Society

Hobby Lobby asked one of it's high paid spokespersons - Sammy the Toe - to send a formal thank you note to China. China is Hobby Lobby's biggest partner. China has the most abortions. Hobby Lobby and China are equal partners in business, so why not a formal thank you note?
To all tax dodgers and tax whiners:
   Plainly, you exist apart from society and do not require the use of roads and bridges and other mortal objects. The soles of your shoes remain as shiny as the day you were born from floating above it all. Would you consider donating even one pair of shoes to someone who has none?
How admirable,
"The law has the right to forbid only that which is harmful to society."
by Charles Laughton in "This Land is Mine" ('43)

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