This is the most recent Afghanistan history -
In 1947, 4 out of 5 Afghanis were illiterate.
In 1977, 4 out of 5 Afghanis could read.
In 2001, 4 out of 5 Afghanis were illiterate again.
If illiterate means "unable to read and write," I have 2 questions.
Why is the Republican Illiteracy Plan (R.I.P.) the one stolen from Afghanistan? and
Who knew that we who are the US in US, could become illiterate in less than 25 years?
To follow the R.I.P. in it's infancy, please stay informed about Michigan schools.
Racists have faces, too. Right, Sally Kern?
Republican flunkies
Are reactionary junkies
Causing life to sorrow
'cause they're afraid of tomorrow.
It's us humans v the punk monkeys.
Abusers are never satisfied. You can meet them halfway. You can meet them all the way. You can become their mirror image or you can turn yourself inside out and lay on the floor. Nothing ever satisfies abusers. It is always your fault, no matter what. So be yourself.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Without Them
Holy nut jobs, Sir! 60+ Americans at the GPS Crossroads of Heritage, Prosperity, Action, and Freedom to Network are peeking and peaking in our windows! What to do?
Close the drapes, kid, and let's start the party without them.
Father Michael Pfleger, an activist and advocate for the Jesus factor, has always been a thorn in the Vatican's paw.
President Obama's birth certificate, in full-sized colorized form, is on page 13 of today's (4/28) Chicago "Tribune".
The Bullet Speed Train, or the BS Train, is a wonderful dream which involves a select group making a ton of money, the bankrupting of the transportation system, and one last way to say "I love you."
It is wonderful.
and one man's thoughts about our President showing his papers -
Thank you, Groupon!
Close the drapes, kid, and let's start the party without them.
Father Michael Pfleger, an activist and advocate for the Jesus factor, has always been a thorn in the Vatican's paw.
President Obama's birth certificate, in full-sized colorized form, is on page 13 of today's (4/28) Chicago "Tribune".
The Bullet Speed Train, or the BS Train, is a wonderful dream which involves a select group making a ton of money, the bankrupting of the transportation system, and one last way to say "I love you."
It is wonderful.
and one man's thoughts about our President showing his papers -
Thank you, Groupon!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
MAYORAHM and the Ohhh-bomb
Remained outwardly calm
when, without a single qualm,
moms grabbed her pom pom
and chased the neighborhood tom.
Today's 2 choices are between the inadequate but calmly polite, and the delusional but misguidedly evil. A 3rd choice kind of fell asleep in the Rolls Royce.
Dr. Funkenstein, 1976
Remained outwardly calm
when, without a single qualm,
moms grabbed her pom pom
and chased the neighborhood tom.
Today's 2 choices are between the inadequate but calmly polite, and the delusional but misguidedly evil. A 3rd choice kind of fell asleep in the Rolls Royce.
Dr. Funkenstein, 1976
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
US Constitution or Rick Snyder
US Constitution, Article I, Section 10:
No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bill of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder; ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
"ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility"
No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bill of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder; ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
"ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility"
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The People's Budget is The People's Welfare
from the Congressional Progressive Caucus§iontree=5,70
3 choices:
One choice (thanks to P Ryan) is harmful, it requires the sacrifice of Medicare to give more tax cuts to the super rich, and adds $6 trillion to the debt over 10 years.
One choice (thanks to B Obama) is inadequate.
One choice (thanks to the CPC, R Grijalva and K Ellison) is helpful and will work on the debt.
Should the 2012 US budget be helpful or harmful or inadequate?
Should the People's welfare be helped or harmed or continue with more of the same?
3 choices:
One choice (thanks to P Ryan) is harmful, it requires the sacrifice of Medicare to give more tax cuts to the super rich, and adds $6 trillion to the debt over 10 years.
One choice (thanks to B Obama) is inadequate.
One choice (thanks to the CPC, R Grijalva and K Ellison) is helpful and will work on the debt.
Should the 2012 US budget be helpful or harmful or inadequate?
Should the People's welfare be helped or harmed or continue with more of the same?
Friday, April 22, 2011
Kenya Believe That?
Gave himself the bumpity-bump
With dishonest hair from the back
And speeches different from the pack.
Let's talk some global dump for the gas pump.
We made a huge mistake when we allowed the illegal selection of Jr. by the Inferior Court.
Imitation is the finest form of flattery. So later, read my parts while you are smiling and with a polite soft voice.
Read your parts later, Sir?
Later is relative. It may be 10 minutes from now, or 10 months, or 10 years.
Thank you, Sir.
Know this: I can build a hope boat with my words and never really get on board with whoever is listening. That is the magic of me.
Yes, Sir.
The former Rod is itching to share his own escapades, affairs, and kisses. Eak! But he needs encouragement, doesn't he. Let's clap for his courage.
If you want a broken school system to be the opposite of helped, if you want bad test scores to go lousy, if you want statistics and perceptions and children manipulated, if you want teachers to continue being made scapegoats for the richest 2%, I'm pretty sure Rahm knows somebody.
Dear Mr. President, If a patriot is "a person who loves his country, zealously supporting and defending it and its interests", and if more than 2 persons together make people, and if people make a country, and if that person has ideas to harm the people, how can you stand in front of the people and say that the person is a patriot? Are you a big pacifier? The world's most expensive pacifier?
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
A Golfing Garrison
Only the greedy need apply.
And the needy can quietly cry.
While doing that, wanna see the sky?
Pay 5 thou to the gatekeeper guy.
To paraphrase a wise man: it may look like a giant, but it is only a grasshopper.
The airport porno scanners of humiliations and controls
Got mixed up with worn out manners, accumulations,
and unworthy goals.
Ding bats and scaredy cats
Dung beetles are where they're ats
Take down! Banners, fumigations, and bent polls.
Unloved and ignored, the heirs put on airs of refined oil and other disaster smallness. Their undignified presence on top of the slick, lends an eerie aura of insatiable greed to the atmosphere. Forbidden from looking back at their sources because their sources never looked back at them, the heirs instead stare daggers into posterity. It is something for them to do during the week while eveyone else is busy. Stealing Benton Harbor St. Joe is a slight departure from glaring at the scarey scarey future. Now, the heirs can no longer say they are ignored. But what about the unloved part? And what could be so uninviting about a Gulf-front golfing garrison?
And the needy can quietly cry.
While doing that, wanna see the sky?
Pay 5 thou to the gatekeeper guy.
To paraphrase a wise man: it may look like a giant, but it is only a grasshopper.
The airport porno scanners of humiliations and controls
Got mixed up with worn out manners, accumulations,
and unworthy goals.
Ding bats and scaredy cats
Dung beetles are where they're ats
Take down! Banners, fumigations, and bent polls.
Unloved and ignored, the heirs put on airs of refined oil and other disaster smallness. Their undignified presence on top of the slick, lends an eerie aura of insatiable greed to the atmosphere. Forbidden from looking back at their sources because their sources never looked back at them, the heirs instead stare daggers into posterity. It is something for them to do during the week while eveyone else is busy. Stealing Benton Harbor St. Joe is a slight departure from glaring at the scarey scarey future. Now, the heirs can no longer say they are ignored. But what about the unloved part? And what could be so uninviting about a Gulf-front golfing garrison?
Monday, April 18, 2011
Hawkish Wind
And kicked it into the ceiling fan
It spread right out to an all over ban
And got pasted on that guy with a tan
Even with cheating, each is an also ran
Because a dangerous child is not a man.
According to today's Chicago Tribune: Dual Tracking "is a common banking practice in which a lender continues to pursue foreclosure even though the homeowner is applying for a mortgage modification." People are proposing limits and bans on this common practice. The Trib labels limits and bans as "twin attacks."
According to today's Chicago Tribune: Dual Tracking "is a common banking practice in which a lender continues to pursue foreclosure even though the homeowner is applying for a mortgage modification." People are proposing limits and bans on this common practice. The Trib labels limits and bans as "twin attacks."
apex blechs brecks checks chex decks drecks ex fecks flecks hecks ibex lecks lex mex necks nex opecs pecs plex recks sex techs tex vex wrecks xebecs
The reunion was a blast, just look at the pictures. The unofficial entourage of adopted urban snuggies and double talking me-men entered the city from separate doorways, though with identical goals and differently framed conversations. The me-men moved 2 mil from here to there (or was it there to here?), at least somewhere between the 1st dessert and the 2nd. The snuggies came in real handy when the sun went down because somebody forgot to tell the weather it was Spring, and that hawkish wind is fierce.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
You politicians who cannot control yourselves have decided you can control everything and everybody else. Isn't that a bit egotistical and unrealistic and time-consuming and stupid and quite impossible?
We won't put boots on the ground until after we put boots on the sand. Big difference.
Real great, Sir.
We are there in a marginal limited way only, and then even more so during the time we are entering deep into the interior.
Even greater, Sir.
We do not particularly advocate for the removal of one of our business associates, unless he volunteers to retire. We want him to be gone either way, but no we don't.
It will be greater later, Sir.
Trouper Jack got out of the van,
But super pac o'stan had
Already put his grouper back in the pan.
We heard a yell!
The super lacked a can,
So we stood on Drooper's mack. Oh no! And then we ran.
It is that time of year to replace your scheibenwischers.
We won't put boots on the ground until after we put boots on the sand. Big difference.
Real great, Sir.
We are there in a marginal limited way only, and then even more so during the time we are entering deep into the interior.
Even greater, Sir.
We do not particularly advocate for the removal of one of our business associates, unless he volunteers to retire. We want him to be gone either way, but no we don't.
It will be greater later, Sir.
Trouper Jack got out of the van,
But super pac o'stan had
Already put his grouper back in the pan.
We heard a yell!
The super lacked a can,
So we stood on Drooper's mack. Oh no! And then we ran.
It is that time of year to replace your scheibenwischers.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Ojibwa Tea
The wealthiest do not pay taxes. When you start from 0, it is not a "raise" in taxes.
Why do the Koch heirs waste their money against US, rather than use it to benefit their employees?
Why do the Walmart heirs waste their money against US, rather than use it to benefit their employees?
Instead of worrying about what shade the nail polish is, how about reading the chemical contents of the polish and worrying about that?
Once upon a time, old white men realized they would never have babies and they began to lose their chokehold on the world. They started getting nervous and nasty because they had too much time and money on their hands. So they began again to bully their grandmas and people who needed doctors. It felt so good to be back in action that they forgot to care about their grandmas and people who needed doctors and even their own d*mn good.
Ojibwa Tea = Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm, and Turkish Rhubarb. If you are very ill and doctors are no longer an option, drink a cup of Ojibwa tea every day.
Who ever thought the US government would regress to such a degree, that by the year 2011, it was no longer a government of the People, by the People, or for the People?
Who ever thought that the government pre-approved scapegoats in the year 2011 would be teachers? Who ever thought that "change" meant "delete"? Those are 3 questions that make you want to give them money.
Why do the Koch heirs waste their money against US, rather than use it to benefit their employees?
Why do the Walmart heirs waste their money against US, rather than use it to benefit their employees?
Instead of worrying about what shade the nail polish is, how about reading the chemical contents of the polish and worrying about that?
Once upon a time, old white men realized they would never have babies and they began to lose their chokehold on the world. They started getting nervous and nasty because they had too much time and money on their hands. So they began again to bully their grandmas and people who needed doctors. It felt so good to be back in action that they forgot to care about their grandmas and people who needed doctors and even their own d*mn good.
Ojibwa Tea = Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm, and Turkish Rhubarb. If you are very ill and doctors are no longer an option, drink a cup of Ojibwa tea every day.
Who ever thought the US government would regress to such a degree, that by the year 2011, it was no longer a government of the People, by the People, or for the People?
Who ever thought that the government pre-approved scapegoats in the year 2011 would be teachers? Who ever thought that "change" meant "delete"? Those are 3 questions that make you want to give them money.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
If Sarcasm is an ironic gibe and if Slivers are splits along and with the grain and if Other Stuff is the material and materiel of which everything is created, then lots of times these are not intended to be factual statements and lots of times these are. That did, does, and will cover any and all past, present, and future statements.
BHO Jangles the Temple
I could have required the rich to once again pay their fair share, but I would have had to overtax the middle class at the same time.
Good one, Sir. Did you just make that up?
Check the record of what I just said. How could I
have made that up when it is on the record?
Another good one, Sir. I admire the guilt trip you layed on the boomers for their existence, Sir. That was classic.
Everyone should share in our greater burden, rather than the
poor wealthy heaving most of the ho's. Don't you agree?
I'll defer to your rhetoric, Sir. What about
the expensive prescription drug program?
Ah, the beauty of compromise. There will be an immediate 50% cut in the title. It will become simply "expensive drugs." I'll leave all further reductions and any fine-tuning to others. My job is the talk.
Yes, Sir. One more note for today. Read it aloud? Yes, Sir. "Thank you for not curbing Wall St. and its gambling. We like expensive gasoline. Have a nice day."
The dance -
Good one, Sir. Did you just make that up?
Check the record of what I just said. How could I
have made that up when it is on the record?
Another good one, Sir. I admire the guilt trip you layed on the boomers for their existence, Sir. That was classic.
Everyone should share in our greater burden, rather than the
poor wealthy heaving most of the ho's. Don't you agree?
I'll defer to your rhetoric, Sir. What about
the expensive prescription drug program?
Ah, the beauty of compromise. There will be an immediate 50% cut in the title. It will become simply "expensive drugs." I'll leave all further reductions and any fine-tuning to others. My job is the talk.
Yes, Sir. One more note for today. Read it aloud? Yes, Sir. "Thank you for not curbing Wall St. and its gambling. We like expensive gasoline. Have a nice day."
The dance -
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Shame of Being France
(or) Good morning!
The men of France don't like your garb.
Please give them 150 euro.
Can French men be sued for wearing 400 year old suit styles?
The men of France don't like your garb.
Please give them 150 euro.
Can French men be sued for wearing 400 year old suit styles?
The Mirage Keeps Getting Kated
Got married anyways and made drive buys
2 with faux gents
2 made no cents
The last threw pies in everybody's eyes.
The G.risly o.ld o.ld p.arty hid behind a smile,
but it's face began to hurt.
The Goop hid behind someone else's words,
but it's brain started to hurt.
The G.risly o.ld o.ld p.arty hid behind home screens,
but it's equations moved into the basement.
The Goop hid behind some skirts, but it turns out
they were self-hangers in a walk-in closet.
The G.risly o.ld o.ld p.arty hid behind the most delicate
of antique cups, but age got to it.
The Goop hid by standing still, but lying was so much easier.
The Walmart heirs are not our friends. They use
the People's money against us.
An insensate cheapskate of currage
Hatefully inatefully peeped the steeple and sheeped the people
He ate 8 prelates and he ate 8 oblates
He crated creeps who then seeped into our furrage
He berated the straight and narrow into a deep sleepy slurrage
So quite naturally the barely anywhere labeled it
A grating bleep of courage.
But the mirage keeps getting kated.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Walk or the Talk
If Washington does not bully the District of Columbia in it's sad way, how else can it feel powerful? Oh, right. There are still plenty of women, children, students, old people, union members and animals.
Someone please tell the President that he is 1/3 of the government. He acts as though he doesn't have a leg to stand on.
The Grisly Old Old Party gets incredibly farty on Mondays through Fridays. Weekends they go all tarty.
If everyone is their own worst enemy, and facing, then telling the truth are acts of bravery, how brave is being one's own best friend?
It is no compromise when you get to keep something you already have. That would be called something else such as, somebody just got conned again.
Sins of omission lead to votes of omission. Leaving things blank is foolhardy. That is how disappointed voters can be sometimes. Besides, it isn't about the votes anyways. It is about the $$$ collected.
Someone please tell the President that he is 1/3 of the government. He acts as though he doesn't have a leg to stand on.
The Grisly Old Old Party gets incredibly farty on Mondays through Fridays. Weekends they go all tarty.
If everyone is their own worst enemy, and facing, then telling the truth are acts of bravery, how brave is being one's own best friend?
It is no compromise when you get to keep something you already have. That would be called something else such as, somebody just got conned again.
Sins of omission lead to votes of omission. Leaving things blank is foolhardy. That is how disappointed voters can be sometimes. Besides, it isn't about the votes anyways. It is about the $$$ collected.
Monday, April 11, 2011
"Three Paths for Indebted Democracies"
by Raghuram Rajan -
"Mr. Obama, please report to the front desk"
re: Paul Ryan, whose plan would add $6 trillion to the debt in 10 years - A real leap of courage would be to reinstate the taxes of the wealthiest 2%, while at the same time requiring that same 2% to pay for it's own wars and invasions. That takes courage. Neither Paul Ryan nor any of the paid-for pols have it. It takes no courage at all to lie and cheat and steal, right Paulie? $6 trillion, Paulie?
chart by Rick Seaman
"Mr. Obama, please report to the front desk"
re: Paul Ryan, whose plan would add $6 trillion to the debt in 10 years - A real leap of courage would be to reinstate the taxes of the wealthiest 2%, while at the same time requiring that same 2% to pay for it's own wars and invasions. That takes courage. Neither Paul Ryan nor any of the paid-for pols have it. It takes no courage at all to lie and cheat and steal, right Paulie? $6 trillion, Paulie?
chart by Rick Seaman
Sunday, April 10, 2011
They Died With Steaks in Their Tarts
This is meant to be sung loudly to The Payback by James Brown -
Hey! Got to got to shut down! The big shut down! Revenge! I'm mad! The big shut down! Got to shut down! Need some shut down! Shut down! Shut down! That's it! Shut down! Revenge! I'm mad! Get down with our freedom! That ain't right! Wo! Smokin'! How to tussle! Gonna fight! Shut down is a thing you got to see! Now! Never did any darn thing to me! Sold out for chicken change! Yes you did! Told us that they had it all arranged! You handed us down and that's a fact! Now you're pumped! You gotta get ready for the big shut down! The big shut down! That's where we are for the big shut down! The big shut down! We can do wheelin'! We can do dealin'! Yes we can! But we don't do no darn squealin'! We can dig rappin'! We're ready! We can dig scrappin'! But we can't dig that back stabbin! Oh no! We're gettin' ready! That's a fact! Get ready! For the big shut down! The big shut!
Helloooooo! People across the globe are literally dying to shut down their governments, while the US government is offering every day to do it for free. So what. We will form a new government without you *ssh*l*s. So what.
Flapped their jaws and broke the laws
Siphoned life and gold with straws
Gave stolen power respect
Defiled fine into wrecked
A murder of crows with caws.
Hey! Got to got to shut down! The big shut down! Revenge! I'm mad! The big shut down! Got to shut down! Need some shut down! Shut down! Shut down! That's it! Shut down! Revenge! I'm mad! Get down with our freedom! That ain't right! Wo! Smokin'! How to tussle! Gonna fight! Shut down is a thing you got to see! Now! Never did any darn thing to me! Sold out for chicken change! Yes you did! Told us that they had it all arranged! You handed us down and that's a fact! Now you're pumped! You gotta get ready for the big shut down! The big shut down! That's where we are for the big shut down! The big shut down! We can do wheelin'! We can do dealin'! Yes we can! But we don't do no darn squealin'! We can dig rappin'! We're ready! We can dig scrappin'! But we can't dig that back stabbin! Oh no! We're gettin' ready! That's a fact! Get ready! For the big shut down! The big shut!
Helloooooo! People across the globe are literally dying to shut down their governments, while the US government is offering every day to do it for free. So what. We will form a new government without you *ssh*l*s. So what.
Flapped their jaws and broke the laws
Siphoned life and gold with straws
Gave stolen power respect
Defiled fine into wrecked
A murder of crows with caws.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Knick a Louse, Knick a Lice
Sick ol' fans with a pair o' sights
Yes-mandowned their street of blights.
Licked the boots
Of Toady the Toots.
Then bit the kids with granny bites.
From the St. John Cantius church bulletin: (Facebook) is exactly the opposite of the Christian culture where people go into the secrecy and sacredness of the confessional to blot out their sins forever.
From me: Church can be exactly the opposite of human culture where people exist in an open society in the sacredness of life to magnify their creative spirit forever.
Crude oil is moved great distances on paper only, but not in reality.
Kathy Nickolaus is an expert at numbers running for the justamistake department, as she should be. She has the experience.
Yes-mandowned their street of blights.
Licked the boots
Of Toady the Toots.
Then bit the kids with granny bites.
From the St. John Cantius church bulletin: (Facebook) is exactly the opposite of the Christian culture where people go into the secrecy and sacredness of the confessional to blot out their sins forever.
From me: Church can be exactly the opposite of human culture where people exist in an open society in the sacredness of life to magnify their creative spirit forever.
Crude oil is moved great distances on paper only, but not in reality.
Kathy Nickolaus is an expert at numbers running for the justamistake department, as she should be. She has the experience.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Congenital Losers Who Cheat
As a person who was born and raised in Chicago, I know about cheating to win elections. As someone who has been alive in the US for the last dozen years, I know about cheating to win elections. Psychological warfare always helps, too. If winning is everything, that must be why congenital losers want to cheat.
The Big Lie technique -
The Big Lie technique -
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Bodies Grew, Not Their Minds
Koch bros., Walmart kids, Erik Prince, the Amway kid
Along with the other rich low lifes on the grid
Want everyone on their knees
Even aiming for holes in big cheese.
No matter where they go, we know what they did.
An embarrassment of Old Party G's
Look how they perform and no one said please
They are lunatics, show tunes, and dangerous fools
For an amusement, the wealthy use them as tools.
Desperate old white men
Know it wasn't if but when
So they cracked their whip
And lost their grip:
Outnumbered 50 to 10.
Who is Paul "I Wanna Add $6 Trillion to the Debt" Ryan?
I heard his pretend numbers won't stop lyin'
Okay, you do realize there was no indoor plumbing, no heat/air, no stores, no clothing but animal skins and leaves? Let's vote in every state. Back to the caves?
20% YES
78% NO
re: Radical
Extremists - If you give them enough R.O.P.E.,
they will not read the directions.
Along with the other rich low lifes on the grid
Want everyone on their knees
Even aiming for holes in big cheese.
No matter where they go, we know what they did.
An embarrassment of Old Party G's
Look how they perform and no one said please
They are lunatics, show tunes, and dangerous fools
For an amusement, the wealthy use them as tools.
Desperate old white men
Know it wasn't if but when
So they cracked their whip
And lost their grip:
Outnumbered 50 to 10.
Who is Paul "I Wanna Add $6 Trillion to the Debt" Ryan?
I heard his pretend numbers won't stop lyin'
Okay, you do realize there was no indoor plumbing, no heat/air, no stores, no clothing but animal skins and leaves? Let's vote in every state. Back to the caves?
20% YES
78% NO
re: Radical
Extremists - If you give them enough R.O.P.E.,
they will not read the directions.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
War Belongs to the Rich
If we don't get the rich to pay their taxes and stop their wars, we are going to shut down the government!
What? Are people such as the Koch bros and the Walmart kids and Erik Prince using their inherited wealth against us while not paying their fair share? What about the Amway heir? What about the Whirlpool heir?
If we don't get the rich to pay their taxes and stop their wars, we are going to shut down the government!
What? Are people such as the Koch bros and the Walmart kids and Erik Prince using their inherited wealth against us while not paying their fair share? What about the Amway heir? What about the Whirlpool heir?
If we don't get the rich to pay their taxes and stop their wars, we are going to shut down the government!
What? Are people such as the Koch bros and the Walmart kids and Erik Prince using their inherited wealth against us while not paying their fair share? What about the Amway heir? What about the Whirlpool heir?
What? Are people such as the Koch bros and the Walmart kids and Erik Prince using their inherited wealth against us while not paying their fair share? What about the Amway heir? What about the Whirlpool heir?
If we don't get the rich to pay their taxes and stop their wars, we are going to shut down the government!
What? Are people such as the Koch bros and the Walmart kids and Erik Prince using their inherited wealth against us while not paying their fair share? What about the Amway heir? What about the Whirlpool heir?
If we don't get the rich to pay their taxes and stop their wars, we are going to shut down the government!
What? Are people such as the Koch bros and the Walmart kids and Erik Prince using their inherited wealth against us while not paying their fair share? What about the Amway heir? What about the Whirlpool heir?
Monday, April 4, 2011
Bought and Paid For
No matter who runs for president in the continuous & ongoing elections, they do not need 1 dime from We the People. They have already been bought and paid for. Obama has been bought and paid for. Every name mentioned as a possible republican candidate has been bought and paid for. They do not need 1 nickel from US. They do not need 1 penny. Every one of them has been bought and paid for. We need VOTES tomorrow! Those are free even if they don't come cheap.
Nobody has the power to take art away!
Nobody has the power to take art away!
Dementia Kills
Dementia Praecoxcomb
A control freak chrome dome
Pops his daily pills
Never drinks his fills
Too old now to roam from home.
And his wifey, Daffy Dills,
Gives Witchy Poo the chills.
The third newest bride
Is quite bent inside.
We hope he doesn't hurt when she kills.
Back to the caves?
21% of Wisconsin residents said YES!
79% of Wisconsin residents said NO!
I suppose media could say Wisconsin is "divided". It would be the mathematical part of our brains that picture something cut into equal halves. Equal halves applies in math, but not in real life. So media just says "divided" and our brains provide the false picture. The actual reality - 79/21 - is the actual reality.
A control freak chrome dome
Pops his daily pills
Never drinks his fills
Too old now to roam from home.
And his wifey, Daffy Dills,
Gives Witchy Poo the chills.
The third newest bride
Is quite bent inside.
We hope he doesn't hurt when she kills.
Back to the caves?
21% of Wisconsin residents said YES!
79% of Wisconsin residents said NO!
I suppose media could say Wisconsin is "divided". It would be the mathematical part of our brains that picture something cut into equal halves. Equal halves applies in math, but not in real life. So media just says "divided" and our brains provide the false picture. The actual reality - 79/21 - is the actual reality.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Kissing Cousins
It is an oil-based base with a hot air center. A constant pressure of ignorance, fear, and hate is maintained through a hose system of interconnected family ties (see pic on left) and rewritten historical fantasies. On top of the base, at the shoes & socks on the ground level, the business as usual people mentor both the unwilling participants and a paperless society of movers. The shakers already left the building. At the tip top of the very top, the fence-sitter sits on a pedestal. He ostracizes the fence-climbers with a slowly dissolving royal spurnment. There is always the next election, you know. The fact that north is south and east is west is never revealed because that would mean that up is down and right is left. Nobody wants to hear that.
Why are NPR and PBS so biased towards the truth of showing all sides?
Why are NPR and PBS so biased towards the truth of showing all sides?
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Who Refuses to Pay?
Oh bomb a bird
A store front face
With polite mace
Oh bomb a turd
If bonuses were given out for killing 11 people in the Gulf disaster, how many do they usually kill?
A rich low life
& His bitchin' show wife
Hawk their wares
With fixed stares
Hitchin' their stars to a nuclear fife
The US opposite of supreme court gave the okay for hateful people such as the Phelps troll and such as Terry Jones of the Florida "Dove" Outreach Center to do their hateful outreaching. Both of the above characters hate because they fear because they are ignorant. It is obvious that Jones never read the Koran. Shame on him and what he leads people to do. Shame on the opposite of supreme court. And of course, shame on the republican side of our flat-sided system for working to create a world full of ignorance & fear & hate.
If bonuses were given out for killing 11 people in the Gulf disaster, how many do they usually kill?
A rich low life
& His bitchin' show wife
Hawk their wares
With fixed stares
Hitchin' their stars to a nuclear fife
The US opposite of supreme court gave the okay for hateful people such as the Phelps troll and such as Terry Jones of the Florida "Dove" Outreach Center to do their hateful outreaching. Both of the above characters hate because they fear because they are ignorant. It is obvious that Jones never read the Koran. Shame on him and what he leads people to do. Shame on the opposite of supreme court. And of course, shame on the republican side of our flat-sided system for working to create a world full of ignorance & fear & hate.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Fishing for Safety

What about good blow out protectors? First, we must measure various political vectors. What about good blow out protectors? Second, we must reconfigure many sectors. What about good blow out protectors? Third, it's Friday & time to play with our erectors. What about good blow out protectors? Fourth, you'll have to attend safety lectures. What about good blow out protectors? Fifth, we are considering future correctors. What about good blow out protectors? Sixth, are you a bunch of America defectors? What about good blow out protectors? . . . First, we must measure various political . . .
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