Friday, April 6, 2012


As college becomes way too expensive for mere mortals,
and as SanTorum goes around telling people that
higher education is not for US,
and as some people are discussing a
longer school day for kindergarteners
to make up for not going to college,
MayorahM is still
f*ck*ng with public school teachers.
Did we all renew our
vows of
 constructive reasoning and
pragmatic thinking yesterday?
(the pope is going to be p*ss*d about that)
 CBS & Sony & Adam Sandler
think it is okay for
David Spade's character to call
 Adhir Kalyan's character
"Mahatma Gumby".
Honduran government, you're an idiot.
I want to frame the Constitution
during the mornings
clog dance
during the afternoons.

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