Monday, April 23, 2012

From Here On Out

Scott Walker: ruthless clog or toothless cog, voting counts.
War Whores: free to be religious or not so much, the choice is theirs.
Joe Walsh: a real gas or half glassless, take your pick.
MayorahM: selling us out to the creeping unknown or indenturing us for 99 years, but in a refreshing way, and who needs to know?
Mitt Romney: a corporate raider with less political experience than any other presidential candidate and willing to blame Obama for that too, or a guy with more than enough empathy to go around, please decide 
Tiny news note: every day and every night zimmerman thinks about the real possibility of changing his name to zelleman.
Bayer's breech from the city of clout
Gives his player's peach with no pity or pout
It's a liar's game
Who's got the most infame
A naysayer's niche, no nitty gritty from here on out.

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