Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ain't it Sad Ain't it True

Outsource your doubt force and cough more offshore.
Memo to the t party: The majority of you already have health care, so give it a rest, shut up and sit down. Now let's hear from the few of you t party members who do not have health care. Fair is fair.
RAPTOR brings you the following poser.
A government with a strong central power, no opposition or criticism allowed, attempts to control all aspects of the affairs of people, emphasis on aggressive nationalism, propaganda against communism or socialism depending on the era, repetition of zero tolerance of differing opinions. All describe which type of subgroup within a government?
a. authoritarian
b. fascist
c. republican
d. totalitarian

(answer: all of the above)

Ain't it sad, ain't it true.

Friday, June 29, 2012

"Now, explain that again.
We are different, how???
We don't get it."

Oh, right, the misanthropy of men
Making a party of bow wow
Sorry, no good health approved by the mitt.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

"These Five People"

When has Scott Walker ever moved forward?
The Fox's own Katrina Watergate
In a Box with Latrina Bought 'er Date
What about the News?
It's under your Shoes
Rocks Quatrain a Quarter Late.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Both Ways

Article II of the Constitution provides for a supreme Court with a small s. It is similar to catholic with a small c. Both supreme and catholic have different meanings than the same words with a capital S and capital C. Speaking of Court, if judges properly recused themselves, who would give them bribes? We currently live with a political system in which mice masquerade as men, because money is money and it cannot buy honor. And speaking of honor, Scalia is a hunting buddy of the former Dick. Enough said.
Ron Paul is on Social Security and Ayn Rand was on Food Stamps.
That tells me hypocrites swing both ways.

Monday, June 25, 2012

With Gamera

The Misruling Class by Christopher Hayes
Meister Night Bumpin
Priced Her Scheit Klumpen
The Going Rate
One Fifty Per Plate
Shyster Might Jump In.
An onslaught in ephemera
Who bought some taut en camera
It is opposite of bravery
At the royal knavery
Caught en flagrante with Gamera.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Both of Them

Step right up, Ladies and Gentlemen, and buy an executive privilege blanket which will cover a whole embarrassment of deliberate incompetence, plus keep you real warm at night.
Pro the Hummer and the Gummer on alternate summer evenings, Joe the Bummer always said afterwards that he would not be any dumber unless he got the urge.
A bony dancing mead chugging cocky rocky
A pony prancing steed strutting shlock jockey
Went all melding in the Son's sun
Becoming the bottom half of one
Crony enhancing greed abutting horse hockey
of fun.
How nice for both of them.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

He is Funny

Joe Justice and Flo Fairness made a big fat baby they named Moe Morals. Moe was nothing if not expensive. From all of those multiple shots the corporations forced Moe to get, to his lifetime of toxin based illnesses the corporations forced him to get, and from Moe's privatized profit based kindergarten through his college squeeze tube training the corporations forced him to get to his empty degree of broken promises the corporations forced him to get, the kid was a great disappointment to the corporations. He was so lazy. Lunch anyone?
Mitt Romney has 25 years worth of experience in the "business" of breaking apart companies and taking away jobs. Nothing bothers him more than the plebian mislabeling of his smash and grab operation. Besides, he says he feels confident, or at least semi-hopeful, that if elected, he can maybe bribe himself enough to do the opposite and become the opposite. He is funny.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Better Traits

Karl? I'd like to introduce me. I'm Mitt.

Hello, Mitt.

Hello, Karl.


Is my charisma worth anything to you, Karl?

You don't have any charisma, Mitt.

I take credit for that. Can I have a SuperPAC of 300 gadzillion dollars to play with, Karl?

Sure. Let's strategize in Vegas about that very thing, Mitt.

Wouldn't that be breaking the last of the frayed rules?


Okay, Let's do it, Karl!

And wear a leather jacket, Mitt!
"Fortnight" is a British word, a word used only on the written page in the US, a passe word, dated and practically obsolete, so it appeals to the bishops.
Everybody with white hair and glasses,
it is time for your group therapy!
If a presidential candidate is understood to be basically dishonest,
without a moral compass or backbone, and empty of compassion
for his fellow man, shouldn't he steal some better traits?

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Dogs Against Romney -

Dear Jeff, Is more than 1/2 of the taxpayers' money going to the rich peoples' military? Is the money being wasted in large enough amounts? Do poor people really need to eat or do they only want to eat?
Which candidate probably said this? Don't talk about the warts on my face or I'll NEVER get elected!
Marco!     Rubio!     Marco!     Rubio!
How about a new world where politicians who take bribes lose their jobs and thieves who are too "big" to fail go to prison?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

On His Chin

Recognize the deutsch wangen
With it's new world gang bangin'
Inherit the hate
Ask it for a date
Next round starts with bells clangin'.
For every 2 dollars a koch bro has, the mitt has a penny.
These are the few abusive heirs, we are the many.
Is the old world order afraid of all change that does not
get siphoned through it's own pockets? Oh, yeah.
You know you are a Washington politician when you ask a gambler who loses money, the ceo of JP Morgan Chase, what you should do next.
Romney's Mormonism is akin
To a face growing on his grin
We can look but mustn't touch
He refuses to own that growth much
Shhh . . . another one is starting on his chin.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Deportment

Sure, the Pope has a number 2, not every day or even every week - look at the man's eyes. Both worship the false adoration points of torture and death, even though those points are dead and stinky. They are no longer acceptable. The Pope and his number 2 destabilize themselves with lies while the rest of the world watches. Their falseness is no longer acceptable to people who think.
Theoretically and philosophically-speaking, Richard (Tea Party-Ind) Mourdock's selfish greed is a pre-existing condition which renders him incapable of representing humans with or without cancer.
After their initial brain lock, American politicians' response to the Arab Spring was foaming at the mouth, Kabuki theater, and mockery of their fellow citizens. Fear turned them into embarrassments, but at least they still have a lifetime of health care and great pensions.
Hey, Mr. Mitt! May I ask you some questions?

Hello down there, little person. Next year, you may or may not ask me questions. For now, give it a try.

Are you a business man or a politician man, sir?

Fair enough, small buddy. My specialty is smash and grab. That works for both careers, possibly a third.

Mr. Mitt, do you know the rules of the money game?

There aren't many rules left, tiny one, and those will not apply to me very soon. My answer to your question is yes and no.

Last question, sir. Could you choose which is more important - violence issues against poor women and poor immigrants, or more money and less rules and regulations for you and your friends?

Well, now. I could choose an answer but I won't, not now, certainly not now. Besides, I am seriously thinking about being the first to officially manufacture destitution. There! That is the third career I just mentioned. It is all about honesty. Now, how do you like my deportment?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mood Cramps

Above is the "Map of Shame Vote Suppression Legislation by State" from the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law
When your time is up and you refuse to let go
Give $$$ to admen and one or the other koch bro
Stick yourself in a box
With unlimited glocks
Is there room for your booty, your loot and your dough?
Times they are a-changing, that is what they do. And extreme radicals, in spite of the "conservative" label, are radically fading - with or without their legislation of suppression.
Expedited rood champs
Expedited brood camps
Bought Jesus' frown
Brought cheeses down
Expedited mood cramps.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Not Even the Prescient

The increase in homicides can be attributed to, among other things, trickle down lunacy from our nation's "leaders". They are demonstrating manufactured madness and hopelessness. It must be bringing in lotso money. Thanks, guys.
What an original idea, Bishops. Between you and the Koch bros., the Wall St corporations are in fine shape. It is not the unchristian and radical suppression of freedom itself, but rather how the bumpkins grasp your  message. Perception, boys, perception.
The bees are dying. It must be some other bug's fault. It couldn't possibly be all the poison.
The neo-orchestrated relapse of the Great Depression
Was planned by the wealthy US Dutch and Hessian
Seven generations of unholy stealth
Obscene use of inherited wealth
Nobody gets out alive, not even the prescient.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Get Them Clowns

US bishops are riding the religious freedom train to impose their leader's will on unsuspecting innocents. The bishops vaguely feel it is wrong to impose their ruler's will in that manner, but their brains are tied.
p.s. They said so sorry for yesterday's and not today's abuse.
Can the Supreme Court members face their historic blunders, or are their egos too big to be fair and just?
MayorahM is just following orders. That is why he was picked to be MayorahM. Same old thing, there is nothing new or creative to see here: take from the poor and give to the rich.
Hush governor Rick Scott
Losers never ever win alot
You tried
You lied
Find yourself a nice retirement plot.

Beware of the glad-hander who reaches around with that extra hand to remove the tendons behind your knees. He wants them for building a circus tent. But what do you want?
Could it be more exciting? We are coming up on the daily luncheon 2 hour demonstration of almost fisticuffs between your constitutional scholar and your affirmative action rich guy pushed through school. It turns out that both are just as good as public school graduates, well, almost as good.
The scholar feigns a little lukewarm under the collar, especially if you give him a dollar, but he'll never holler.
The rich guy, always landing in the ditch guy, pitching a mitch guy, makes an ordinary schitz guy.
Mr. Haney ways and Hun plays always get them clowns.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Zaftig Pero Soigne

Reorientation therapy for hidious heterosexuals is exactly the same as chelation therapy, except without the chelation.
It was a tough choice. Would GitmoNorth be put in one of the prisons built by the former Dick's corporation, or would it be put in Illinois? Who is dead to us and who isn't? Who stands to make the most money where?
Zaftig pero soigne.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Never Has

Every society has a police force of some kind, groups of emergency workers and teachers and laborers. Please feel free to use them and then throw them away. Brag about it. Be proud.
Thousands have endured Cairo's ill-equipped prison. Yet Mubarak and his oldest son are too weak in the mind. They do not have the fortitude to bear it. They are too weak in the mind.
Sometimes deep questions get shallow answers.
Is Romney a "wealthy peasant with troglodyte indifference"1, or is he a troglodyte peasant with wealthy indifference?
1 -  from Brides of Dracula, 1960
Reminder Memo: We corporatize everything with dissipation.
We are Democracy!
The preceding was brought to you by C.R.A.P.
For those preciously private moments that one of a certain caliber never has.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Is it Only Petty?

Romney IS a private sector specter
His mouth says he is doing so fine
Is he an unfair trade victor vector
Or a post mutational shrimp in brine?
Citibank robs a single mom:
Is it unreal how the wealthy elite hate the people who do jobs they cannot do, or is it only petty?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Quid Cur, Quid Quis

Why "Toyota" Park? What did it do for Bridgeview?
And how is the war on whistleblowers going?
Citibank robs a single mom
If Laura Bush ever did any push-ups, she might have had the strength to whack her husband back, for his own good of course.
Is there a Romney business model for making money off suicides from war?
Quis id ad primus?

Quid Cur, Quid Quis

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Minute of Peace

Agree or Disagree: If the wealthy elite would try harder to recognize those who are less financially fortunate as fellow human beings who are as worthy as themselves, life could be improved.
Dear VP Contenders,
     You probably cannot tell because you are right in the middle of your gyrations, but you are nuts, really really nuts.
     Please contact the nearest shrink, or at least stand on your heads for a minute each day and offer up a prayer for your immortal souls. That gives the rest of US a whole minute of peace.

Friday, June 8, 2012


The Free Market is having an adults only party to celebrate the cancer marriage of tanning bed cigarettes and benzene formaldehyde.
 The party is by pre-approved invitation only,
 coming at the dawn of a new day.
If the police are tired of tazering students and seniors,
pregnant women are a great third alternate.
Since pols are eating their own constituency, tazer everyone but the embryo, bro.
The welfare elite sealed their own fate
They are the fall of Rome
How refreshing and never too late,
Creating an outhouse of their home.
Come to kochUS
Where original thought is verboten
Then you can focus
On christian number 2's and scape goatin'.
In an honor system without honor, a business system without
business can flourish, and stocks can boost themselves in warful joy.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The refreshing Koch bros, helping the gov of Wisconsin and Iran but not the planet, at the same time:
This might be a historically hysterical and very sad story. It starts in the old milennium, then oozes into the new one.
 Back then, we enjoyed a holiday of government enforced feeding tubes filled with twisted cow stomachs and tranquilized chicken wings, during which we were all sprayed with ammonia gas. Half of US were required to take our drugs before the "meal". The other half ate their drugs afterwards. Thank goodness we were permitted to take to our beds and get a bit of rest. I say thank goodness because it was during that last innocent rest that the most haughty court in the land switched itself into the most inferior court in the land. It happened upon the orders of the highest bidders. We were sleeping and missed the change-over, but we did not miss the relapse and repression which followed. Once the transition was completed, the highest bidders dismantled the most inferior court in the land because it was no longer needed. The government's weekly propaganda report said the court became the paver bricks in new strip malls in Singapore and Chili. Talk about pride and posterity!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What About Next?

We love you Wisconsin!
Yes, Dick Cheney's policies in Iraq were and are disgusting. However, his pals in the court say that retaliatory arrests for free speech are cool, free speech itself - not so much,0,5913692.story
Dear Welfare Elite: If you want the electrical, heat, and air work in your homes done properly, hire a union worker. If not, keep on with what you've been doing.
Dear Carole: Next time, film the bully in your office
and put it on U-Tube. That's what cell phones are for.
Dear MayorahM: Your plan to prevent the dreaded unsightlys from showing their faces downtown by shutting down the L for 5 months is a great plan for this year. What about next?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Royally Pistians

re: Syria/Iran and the Freudian slip from benDavid of Bloomberg News
"It's too soon for us to sell."
Drones Rock Huh!
Yes No Suh!
Al Kay Duh!
Aren't they rich?
Have they no care?
Dirt in mid-air
Send in the drones
Is this a mob kiss?
Does anyone approve?
Those who keep stealing bliss
Those who won't move
Where are the drones?
Send in the drones
Just when you locked the doors
Knowing none of them are yours
Making our entrance with unusual care
Unsure of when or where
But all will be there
Don't you love farce?
Your fault, your fear
We thought you'd want a good parse
Sorry elephants can't hear
But where are the drones?
Quick, send in the drones
Don't bother, they're here
Aren't they rich?
Aren't they queer?
Losing their heads this late in their career
And where are the drones?
There ought to be drones
Well, for sure next year.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Double Cup Shop

The ailing state and federal embarrassment of pols implore themselves to use the corporate pension thieves as role models. Otherwise, real solutions would involve thinking and discussing and doing, and that is out of the question.
The politicianchristians are busy doing unto others
Effing over voters, students, and their mothers
They want us to die
After giving up each eye
So we cannot see how their policy smothers.
Joe Walsh, an ignorant hater from the Tea Party, wants to help manage our taxpayers' money. Yet he needs another adult to manage his own money. Is this deadbeat dad crazy too?
The (g)OP, a class clown of relapse
Gives its own face lots of daily slaps
What for and why
Ask a money guy
Get in the alley, time for more craps.
Ain't no Indiana Apostolic Truth Tabernacle Church Member gonna make it to Heaven is a song that is quite popular in Indiana and the surrounding areas.

Mayor Flower Hill, the container cop
Found a crucial issue on which to flop
Nothing like need
Or even a good deed
When he overseas the double cup shop.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Why does the ceo of Quaker State think tattooing numbers on his skin is a selling point?
Starting with John Edwards, name 12 dozen politicianchristians who said "I am so sorry I got caught."
The best and brightest money oxymorons prompt the public to say "really?"