Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sweetest Indoor Voices

Dear Al Gore, "Collegiality"?
Is it the "Stand Your Ground" law or
is it the "My Fear Trumps Your Life" law?
Dear Rock, How about a sugarless cereal next time?
Please note how quietly polite the former and current wealthy pols are as they decimate our lives. Should we kindly respond with our sweetest indoor voices?

Friday, March 30, 2012

Stomach Filler

Did MayorahM say this? I got plans, big plans. You don't need to know what they are. No. I got 'em though, and they're big, the biggest.
Okay, Ladies, don't forget to show your cleavage! Hey, Guys, don't lose your heads! We must all be proud of something, and if not that, what?
Mechanically separated finely textured beef, and chicken, and baby beef, and piggies, and liver, and hot dog pulp that has been treated with ammonia gas is probably not good as a Monday through Sunday stomach filler.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Slightly Used Dictators

Have you noticed that those who are against us having insurance, already have their own insurance?

Do you trust anyone who says "trust me"?

When you're right you're right, el Presidente. As the self-appointed deadly night stick of the globe, and as the self-appointed george zimmerman of the globe, the US government can still be quite influential in 2 areas: following oil money down the drain and throwing away slightly used dictators.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How About You?

Sly insteadications
Crafty 4-headications
Insidious InbredFedications
Cunning embedications
Synthetic dreadications
Machiavellian dedications.
The Newter is so glad he resigned way back when.
Otherwise, he would have been indicted the next day.
History is written by the winners with the most money.
As the Newter sports his unpresidential bulldog face
As the SanTorum aborts thinking and thoughts for his race
As the Mitt does his bit
And can never quite fit
All 3 play it deliberately obtuse with dis grace.
Who can tell us about habeas corpus? You there in the Oval office, how about you?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dedicated to Huns and Hot Dogs

Should there be an age limit on heart transplants for a pol with eternal insurance? How about 110? Really, sometimes 71 is asking a lot, sometimes too much. So how about 110?
The above was dedicated to huns and hot dogs.
It would be nice if the pol, after he recuperates, would dip into his vast fortune and pay for 71 heart transplants for people who could not otherwise afford it - you know, those without insurance.
It would be nice.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

With the Coolest Beat

Bribery cruises are out, lobby cruises are in.
A combat veteran in MayorahM's posse named Tammy Duckworth, or Joe Walsh, another guy who will not take proper care of his kids - tough one or not so tough?
Can one of the Pope's costumes feed a family for a year?
As someone in the (g)OP recently said, any president but Mitt will do, as long as he does as he is told, such as approve the pipeline before the elections.
A reptile heart?
Wow, nebech Jebush mit oigs of shturemen & vermin. Scarey.
The churlish complaint of the welfare elite
Is about not paying their way; they'd rather cheat.
"Class wars!"
"Class wars!"
They cordoned themselves off over on sheet street.

You can see by following their prince of feet
And by pre-approval only; a meat and greet.
Gas whores!
Gas whores!
You'll want to take a seat with the coolest beat.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

People's Lives

The Ass in the I Lum Assylum over on K Street experienced a coup about 12 years ago. The lunatics took over the assylum.
Catholic bishops are childless unmarried men who work for the Vatican, which makes its church rules for the sole purpose of money gathering. Bishops have the right to work for the Vatican. They have the right to make rules for the other childless unmarried people who work for the Vatican. No matter how much they want to, bishops do not have the right to be voyeurs and judges and rulemakers of people's lives.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Do we really want people to read?
Now, since e-books from public libraries are becoming more and more popular, isn't it about time for the book corporations to sock it to the libraries, financially-speaking?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


While using Nasonex, stay away from anyone who has the measles or the chicken pox. Stay away from anyone who just got innoculated against measles and chicken pox. Perhaps a safer product is on the shelf.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Went to Vote

Today was primary day in Illinois. Shortly after the polls opened, the immediate area experienced 3 electrical power surges. I called the electric company, unaware that speaking to a living being in real time would be more unhelpful than speaking to the bill. It turned out that the living being was a squirrel in a transformer, just as he told me he was, and he was trained in the art of block and tackle. I cried uncle, hung up, and went to vote.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Dear Mitt, You're okay with your Chinese homosexuals getting abortions, aren't you?
Dear Newt, You're okay with your radical islamists getting abortions, aren't you?
Dear Rick, You're okay with your Americans making their own health care choice about abortion, aren't you?
Dear Ron, Are you okay?
And you're all okay with turning this country into one big oil well and nuclear power plant and coal mine that is fracking ugly, right? And who needs clean water to drink, right?
And look at the 5 worst things about the gop budget proposal:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Who is it?
Who is it?
Peter is the rock it throws to get the money.
Paul is the misogynist it follows to find the money.
Mary is the lady who gave birth to the
sun in the sky blues, and it would gladly accept
your last dime in her name.
Who is it?
Ireland has a structure created by human beings, that is older than the pyramids. So quite naturally, it sent Patrick over there to tell the people they were eating wrong, they were wearing their hair wrong, and they did not know the first thing about creating a structure to make it last.
Who is it?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Second Time

"Oh, I see," said the blind man to the man who could not hear.
"What?" signed the deaf man to the man who could not see.
Try not to newter your own flingrich or
trick your own cherry or
sick 'em on your own pantorum because
energy costs money and we know how you
3 guys like to conserve.
First, a name is attached to a place on the map, such as
"Palestine" or "Taiwan".
Then, the US government makes a law to treat the
humans who live there as not worthy,
as less than everyone else.
Finally, as in the case of
We the People find the US government

  (brought to you by Americans Against the Tea Party)
MayorahM says using violence to impose his will on democratic protestors is the old way of doing business. He says his new way is to use violence to impose his will on democratic protestors. If you squint real hard, you can pretend to see the difference. Who is voting for him a second time?

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Bag of Cool Stuff

The Chicago Tribune is relentless in its pursuit of the evils of public schools. It must be very proud.
Give us your tired, your weak, and your hungry. We will put them on the fast track to nowhere. Give us your wealthiest losers. We will kiss the back of their hands and roll over. Sure, play dead?
There are starving people in Israel, yet the US government gives Israel's military 6 billion dollars a year. There are starving people in Egypt, while the US government gives Egypt's military 6 billion dollars a year. Does any of that make any sense at all, especially when it is OUR money?
Santorum and Perry and the fetus make 3
With that campaign slogan, pay them a fee
Waddle in ponds
Wattle their wands
Hey boys, is it porn when you feel our knee?
Don't get caught up in the ignorance of improper labeling. In the cold political world of bribery, watch those labels. You don't want to call bribery something like "selling jobs" because that can get you a severe punishment of 14 years behind bars. Conversely, naming your bribery "lobby money" can get you 14 virgins, some jewelry, and a bag of cool stuff.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tin Roof
"None of Us are Free"
As human guinea pigs swallowing our newest lab creations, if you are experiencing uncontrolled muscle movements and confusion, call us. We will then verify the symptoms. If you experience death, please contact us within the first 24 hours.
Igual Pasqual, Even Stephen, and Well Well Manuel are voting on Tuesday. They won't say for whom the bell tolls.
Sat on a cotton hoof
Thought about big daddy's woof
Patrimony and parsnips
Matrimony and bar slips
Cat on a hot tin roof.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Nugatory, good buddy, nugatory.
Having a koch fills your balloon with noxious vapors,
and who needs that?
The second post-y2k ruler of the universe was taught by a nymph named Egeria. To be more precise, she tried her best to teach him, but some things he would not learn. Egeria instructed him in the arts of legislation and religious worship. Some of it took, some of it did not. After that, she went back to swimming.
Dear Mitt, All that $$$ you spend on advertising, and it is not helping you much. Perhaps you should stop worshipping it and start walking among us mortals instead.
Hi! My name is Rick and this is my constant companion, Freddie Fetus. Come on over to our side - waaay over here. Howdy! Nice to meet and greet us! Sure, most of my hate may cause you to shortsheet us. But the truth is, anyone with a kind heart and half a brain can beat us.
I love you, my Newter, my G, my serial groom but never
the best man. I wish I could be your V.P.

I love you too, my crazy cow puncher. I wish I could grant your wish. You should have asked before you became V.P. of visual probing.
By doing that, you spurned at least half of our constituents.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dear Men

When Mayorahm said he was going to do things differently, he meant he will be doing them in a 5'7" kind of way. That is different.
Dear Mr. President, Over Spring break, we want you to study and memorize the meaning of the word "compromise." It is for our own good.
The mouth has been given a 2-week vacation. The republican candidates would prefer it to be a 34 week and 1 day vacation.
Perry probes
Punk ass Perry probes
Perverted punk ass Perry probes
Perverted punk ass Perry probes will have to be inserted up into your prostates whenever you request male enhancement drugs or gels.
You may be curious and ask why.
Answer: It is for your own good, dear men.

Monday, March 12, 2012

66 T's Tease Teas' Tees

In order for the corporate pension thieves to continue getting their
 un-needed bonuses, and in order for the military budget to continue skyrocketing through the roof, and in order for the richest grossest 144 corporations to remain on our welfare system and on the public dole, and in order for We the People to pay for politicians' lifetime of pensions and health insurance, it seems way more than fair, almost a sacred privilege, for the same We the People to have less and breathe less and even live less, so that the few can feel some kind of enjoyment.
Hells Cargo Quells Margo Sells Largo Wells Fargo Yells Embargo
Giving the bankers bail money was bush's lousy idea, but look what Chevrolet did with the money.
66 t's tease teas' tees

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ogres Make Things Up

A little bit about 3 ogres:
The former george who is not liked by anyone including his parents, and the former dick who is dead to us, and a judge from the opposite of supreme court whose name translates into flight of stairs, keep themselves busy by making up fairytales. Ogres are people too, and ogres make things up.
Dear Mouth, Your mama must have been a real trip. We are all thankful you didn't become Rush Dahmer or Rush Bundy.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Reality Check Please

Primaries are great opportunities for the outgoing embarrassment of pols to have their names on ballots with the incoming ones. Springtime and the pickins ain't easy between one sideshow fob and another and another and another.
MayorahM wants to install the word "trust" where there is no actual trust, saying it will go hand in hand with the honor system where there is no honor, but only if he is granted total and secret and totally secret uber powers.
President MeMe Lies 'n Flowers
Succeeded former george of the toppled towers
Aloha brudda
And f u mudda
Today's cocktails are jager martini vodka sours.
Has being the face in our storefront window gone to his head?
Yo! Israel! He's got your back! All by himself! Can we have a reality check please?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

More Questions and

Did American Way of Eating by Tracie McMillan get the Rachel bump AND the Rush sump(f)? Sometimes the f is silent.
Is the Constitution a casualty of the war on common sense and decency?
Is there a camp big enough for the President's ego, yet twice as casual?
Can the new doo doo process try to be more politely overt? Thank youuu.
Ta ta, Rosie, and good luck. It is never a good idea to take the kids along on an ego trip so far from home.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Shock
from above:
"Rush Limbaugh's depravity is the endpoint of conservatism's long journey into the heart of darkness."
Joe Walsh (R-Il) does not care if his own children have the money to eat or go to school. But he does care about getting re-elected. What are his chances?
Dear Maria, Some people would rather be abused than be alone.
How about you?
A mascu-dope on the ropes
Used the oldest of soaps
To clean his own clock.
It must've been a shock.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Anything New?

When the unethical try to scam the ethical with an honor system without honor, it must be one of the days of the weak.
"Mommy Says Promises Kept Klepto in Clover"
is a short story which takes place in Wisconsin.
The title is the story, that's how short it is.
So far, this is the wisest decision we have made
and we did not even make it.
Are you still talking about the G-8? Can you give it a rest?

We are still concerned about security.
You probably should not use the first person plural
unless you have official papers from the doc.

But we are still concerned about security.

If I understand you correctly, you are concerned about the hoarded items of your wealthy bosses, which you label "security." You always worry about that, well that, and "please God, don't make me spend my own money." Right? Anything else? Anything new?

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Auntie occidentally
Compelled a panty incidentally
To explode
From hubris overload
All is forgiven accidentally
One of the radio mouths with a talking pointed sneer and a cigar full of hate, was feeling months and months of lonely rejection. He shouted out "Look at me! Look at me!" in the ugliest way he knew how, because it would get the most attention. Is it too much attention? Only the mouth knows for sure.
Why exploring space still matters - by Neil deGrasse Tyson
Himself, He so pleases
With easy teasy breezes
Out in the open
Reality is a hope in
Hey Zeus loves His cheeses

Saturday, March 3, 2012

How Else Can Losers Win?

4 crooked voters out of 1 million honest voters
somehow cheat when voting
1 million crooked politicians who
somehow cheat 4 honest voters every minute:
So, to protect the cheating politicians, should teacher Dawn Quarles of Florida be fined $1000 for registering people to vote?
How else can losers win?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

You Had to be There

Walden Wand is the story of a magician who took a few years off from the ravages wreaked by mohair bunnies whenever he tried to teach them something other than hiding in hats. So he built a house of smoke and mirrors in the center of an acre of trees, and went back to nature. To hear him tell it, he was really roughing it, especially when he had to walk all the way to his mom's everyday for lunch. Walden Wand, you had to be there.
And, what is going on with the might of the US government against Julian Assange?
Our 2 favorite labels:
Are Ben Nelson, Joe Manchin, and Bob Casey looking for real Democrats to replace them?