Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mum on the Bums' Income

The Church of the Almighty War Budget
Kills and steals, ain't hard to judge it.
Why nothing's left for people:
It wants a harder steeple.
It says to US & ewes - "just go fudge it."

Bat the gnat gave Nate the bait.
They both bet the Nets with a neat weekly beat.
At halftime they knit for a bit, then had a bite late at night.
They were not into bots - 1 left a note at the helm of their boat.
Then a nut came by & threw it over a bute, so-called noot.
Does it have to make any sense?

Miss Represent
Piss away the adept, the free, and only half bent
Dis those who wept, give them a knee & 1 more dent
Kiss the babes who slept, pee tea on each tent
Bliss is locked away & kept; for a fee it will be lent
Miss Represent

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Liu Xiaobo

Liu Xiaobo

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Ugly Behind the Election Masks

Airport x-rays = more free radicals = more cancer = another tool of destruction against the middle class

The airport x-ray alternative = "needless humiliation"

How special.

Do those without official heartbeats grab a 3rd choice?
And then more ugly behind the election masks -

Monday, November 15, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Dickdom Dictum

Inexorably pace in place
Plus to minus: what a waste
Have the grace to have some grace
Check yourself with virtual mace.

A pair o' dimes
climbed a crime rhyme
in a lot of grime & slime
in the middle of prime time
to find the last pay phone in the paradigm.
Did they?

It is always the same dickdom dictum: the commie red pinkos versus chalk mummies and a dead dingo. Always the same, only the year's numbers change to blinder the busy elsewhere.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

National Debt By President

Who said this? "Okay, I admit it. I do have a regret. I didn't waterboard everybody."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Profound Metaphor of the Fun House Mirror

In a political emergency, you don't even have to strike glass or anything. The machines are on it, quick, too, real quick. So quick that you think maybe "machines" is not the correct label.

Needy people with low self-esteem, thanks to the first 7 years of mommy and her issues, think it is all about them and their issues.
It is usually about something else.

I'm very bitter about it. What? Coffee.

A commonterrier on the canine channel
Is a hound around town for his own bone to pick panel.
Isn't everybody?

When you stand still long enough, everything comes up
from behind & then passes you by. Again.

The popester says he probably won't ever need an abortion, but if he did, he would frown down upon himself in a most superior manner. It is the least he could do.

And in the Supreme Court this week - one of those freedom things

Friday, November 5, 2010

We Know Who We Are

The Mediocrity is neither good nor bad.
It is indifferent to it's own ordinariness.
Mediocrity, thy name is Subaru.
(future partner of Cars for Dummies ?)
If we drive one
We will start looking the part.
We know who we are.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sometimes You Break Even

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you break even.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Vote as though freedom depended upon it.

Sam Seder - http://www.youtube.com/user/SamSeder


Depeche Mode doing Policy of Truth
