Saturday, February 28, 2015

Engage It

Bribed into compliance and volunteering to break his word,
Will Wilson pick old money and give neighbors the bird?
Real men don't cheat
Or trade the common good for a seat.
All the Britt Rahmners sell the same old t_rd.
If you're as thirsty as Rahm, you have a koch on your transition team. Otherwise, where is the will? Let him do it.
re: GnomeLand Insecurity
First we'll sell you something you don't want and didn't know you needed until we told you. After a "decent" interval we'll threaten to take it away, causing fear and uncertainty. We call it soft terrorism. It doesn't stain the clothing, but it does take up a lot of time.
The corporate delicti
Strategizing another kick-n-buy,
Outsourced the welcome mat
To a rat with a designer bat.
It won't be quick, but it'll make us cry.
I only have half an ab left. I forget if I'm supposed to rip it, burn it, or engage it.

Friday, February 27, 2015


re: temp governor of Wisconsin
You know the space behind his dead eyes? Let's take a peek.
Hello in there! Is it honorable to be a liar and a sneak?
He refuses to say.
In his head he is not okay.
What a temp, with his ploys and propaganda speak.
Terrorist = one who uses intense fear
to kill courage and demoralize another
The money drain, "Homeland Security", could be shut down by the
(g)Op? That'll be the day. The irony is - unless we are indigenous persons of the First Nation, it is not our "homeland" anyway.
If this was 1984, Ronnie the Reagan would force the Fox anchor weights to live on the streets. It would make their jobs as
belch co-ordinators that much easier.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

7-Level Churned

We hear you claim to be your own man. How is that possible?
Good question. My answer is - sure, bro and I have the same parental units, but we were each raised by different nannies. They had completely different names. Besides, he's older and I'm not as hyper. Be strong! Click "like" on my Back-to-Iraq PAC! Next question.
   An overgrown area known as "brackenbush" was full of clumps of ancient brambles and one old cane. It was a rough and prickly uncommonweal that harmed the good public. Yet after half a century or more, some thought it was worth a try and maybe even a great adventure to make it all the way into the swamp in the center of it all. They never returned, no they never returned, and their tails were 7-level churned.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

First and Last Word

Democracy laughs in the face of money
If it has a face and is a person, honey.
Sometimes the dish we serve
Is a point oh one learning curve,
And later we can do brunch with a bunny.
What does one learn from 2/5 of 1/3?
It's a puzzler, alright, what have you heard
From the freedom highway?
That sticking together is more than okay,
And voting together is the first and last word.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

At It Again

Super bugs with genetically magnified jugs and extraordinarily tiny mugs opened a travel agency on a horse's patootie.
Do what we say, when we say when
The sky is falling & it's quite appalling says the boss hen
Once more using extortion and fear
Retrieved from the back of the rear
Are Boehner and his others at it again?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

I Am Evolving

What if the kochs got sentenced to dump their toxic waste where they (the kochs) spend most of their time. Talk about fair
"Progress. It's not for everyone." The Nation
I came that close to being queen of Bora Bora, but it would have meant a change in exceptional attitude and lifestyle.
Hey, buddy! We can still be in the whine club together even though I want to eff over your constituency, right?

Sure, pal! That has nothing to do with me or with our circle of grapeheads. Wait a minute. There is something that has nothing to do with me? I am evolving.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Trudy Assiani

The JEB Back to Iraq PAC
Wants more unmarked money in a stack.
It's a family tradition
To avoid extradition
And entertain associates with small g's and a jack.
"How Spies Stole the Keys to the Encryption Castle" by Jeremy Scahill and Josh Begley, the Intercept
If the United States government is the George Zimmerman of the world, hand-picked by itself, stealth is it's killer app.
Who is Trudy Assiani?

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Let It Live

This just in from Britt Rahmner: Somebody has to be austerical. It won't be my wife and her fake staff. It won't be my "budget" expert. And it won't be me. I'll give you 266 million or maybe 1.5 billion guesses. How else can I force unions to stop giving money to Democrats?

A first response just in: Hello. Since I don't work for the state, the same as your wife does not, I want one of those $150,000 clerks, too. Thank you. Me
We know the family baton's royal part
We do know Jack
We know the family's poison dart
We do know Jack
We know the family's icy heart
We do know Jack
We know the family's CaliPhart
We sure do know Jack.
If thought bubbles are time sensitive,
If the very fabric is starting to give
On this and that fragile thing,
If a conscience begins to bring
Mind awakenings, have mercy & let it live.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mortal Soles

Low self-esteem is everywhere.
The same with savior faire.
Brian Williams or Mark Kirk
Or Hillary might be a jerk,
But does it matter if they don't care?
Jay Fifth and Anna Tolls
Traded tour eggs and rose bowls
While traveling the Silk Road.
They said - we grrr when an overload
Stops right on our mortal soles.

Monday, February 16, 2015


Yea said the force. Neigh said the horse.
Yea war! Neigh free education!
Yea war! Neigh people sticking together!
Yea war! Neigh homeless people!
Yea war! Neigh old people!
The state of Chicago: The current and ongoing mayor is endorsed by all the best losers and abusers.
The state of the United States: Yea the Nazional American anti-persons party. Neigh the Doing Unto Others party.
   In the pre-Commie state of 10 million years ago when fine particulates were particularly fine, the ancients came from somewhere between Betelgeuse and the nebula below Orion's belt. It was all a matter of perspective, said the storyteller, without using too many rude punctuation marks or wandering asides. The old ones traded with the Atlanteans, the people in the Yucatan and the western Pyrenees. They traded with the people of Egypt. But that was a very long time ago when travel permits didn't cost much at all and you could zoom through a thousand light years in about 16 minutes. "Greetings, Aliens" they said as they left.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Never You Mind

If as a child, your main caregiver suffered from a mental illness, there is an 80 something % chance you will deal with a personal addiction to alcohol and/or other drugs. The rest of the percentage contains addictions to sex and other non-public things. "Normal" may even be in that percentage. Sure it is.
Britt Rahmner is 3, 3, 3 cods in one
And in the Bush CaliPhart for money and fun
Experienced in shrekking
And total wrecking
Only point oh one happy when he's all done.
I'm driven to make a difference in my bank accounts. My upbringing can't relate to homeless upbringing. I've never had every single possession taken away from me, so I can't relate. Ouch, I have pain. I'm saying I won't be contributing to the uplifting of the human condition. I don't have the heart for it. I'll be making more problems. My feelings get hurt, so years ago I made a wise and insightful decision to toughen up by not being there. I'm not there for the kids. They can deal. I did.
If you learned to be thoughtful and kind
From books and a lemon rind
Nuts in a tree
Are both you and me
Be nicer to strangers, and never you mind.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

May Have

The Chicago mayor has no right to tell homeless people
how many possessions they may have, how many pairs of shoes
they may have.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


"Taking parkland for Obama Library is not the only choice" by Cassandra J. Francis and Charles A. Birnbaum, Chicago Sun-Times
"The University of Chicago commissioned a study about the library's economic impact; funded a poll showing overwhelming support for taking parkland; and all while controlling an 11-acre site across the street from Washington Park that they would likely develop for commercial purposes.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Risk Free

Before the holidays, Rahm had the homeless people shoveled out of the downtown area and into poor neighborhoods. Providing food or possibilities was out of the question.
In Utah, they give homes to the homeless.
So, which politicians are plan a from zombie robot school and which politicians creatively think?
There is no such thing as "risk free."

Thursday, February 5, 2015


If almost the entire United States population either already had the measles vaccine or had the actual disease itself, who exactly is worried about catching the measles today?
When the police use excessive force in criminally reckless ways to kill ordinary people, humans just like themselves, and the judge decrees Hey! That's okay! - we have a problem.
When politicians are sociopaths or passive/aggressive blamers or not so smart liars and thieves - we have a problem.
When those who poison us and kill us are taking our money and creating new "law" - we have a problem.
When mayors and governors and congress people are guilty of malfeasance in office and are not on their way to prison - we have a problem.
The deliberately obtuse may ask, What?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Reality Streaming

If only the Illinois State Board of Education had the best welfare of the students as its main focus, but it does not.
Dear Your Royal Archdukeship Sir,
As you stay warm in those robes of fur,
Do for the homeless,
The cold and poemless,
Do Unto Others and remember their brrr.
St. Sabina needs
Talk is cheap.
Half of those polled were ambivalent about being undecided. The other half were skeptical about the uncertainty of not caring.
When the names of Mitt Romney, Rahm Emanuel, and Bruce Rauner are combined into one big _sshole named Britt Rahmner, it can be as amusing as 3 separate _sshole_. Otherwise, liars and thieves are not that funny.
"Hedge fund homies" are effing over the poor, and children, and poor children, and anyone else who doesn't give them money. Where do sociopaths go when there is nobody left to harm? Will they resort to self-flagellation while reality streaming?