Saturday, November 30, 2013

Integrity Has to Draw a Line Somewhere

If we believe bribers and their politicians are idle and unlicensed peddlers of oppression whose habits of life are inconsistent with the advancement of society's common good, there are options.
What if the wealthy hoarders conducted their so-called "black" Fridays and still in the red Fridays and nobody came? What a hoot.
As there is no honor among thieves or their stealing, there is no honor in the feds or state of Illinois insurance scam or "audit." Thank goodness the lawmakers did not invent insurance problems for themselves. Integrity has to draw a line somewhere. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

And So Are the Illinois Ones

What about the war on Thanksgiving and how corporations hijacked family time and who cares about the lunacy of shopping violence v.
a non-fiscal holiday if somebody can make a couple of dollars?

Why Indiana is Thankful 
   Indiana corporate pols sold their integrity to the biggest bribers. Two of the biggest bribers are British Petroleum and the Koch Bros. A small portion of the profits from bribes was used to create a ring of identity thieves and other kinds of thieves. It calls itself some kind of "examiner" or "auditor" or whatever. What a great business! Okay, everybody. Let's be sure to provide our tax records and bank statements and credit card statements. Identities don't get stolen by themselves, you know. And that is why Indiana corporate pols are thankful, and so are the Illinois ones.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


If BUFIS =  gov/corps of Britain, U.S., France, Israel, and Saudi Arabia,
is BUFIS the virtual plural of bufo?

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wanna Share?

Play softly ye connoisseurs, pizzacato if you dare.
Come on over this way, pull up a chair.
It takes all kinds
In the land of big behinds
Let's try something different. Wanna share?

Friday, November 15, 2013

But That's Okay

Give it up for the shark market
Park it in the restricted market
Virtual abasement
Meetings in the basement
Starkly bark it for the narcs market.
"Obama in the Dark on" by Jonah Goldberg,

Three sentences from the article: "The law is quite clear. It was so clear that the Congressional Budget Office -- their own in-house think tank -- said that millions would lose their health care plans." "More to the point, the law was intended [my underlining] to cause millions of people to lose their existing plans so they would enter the exchanges."

Glance at your pants, France. Take a chance and dance, France. Enhance the US lance, France.
Rubber bullets and pepper spray
Elephant ears and donkeys bray
Closed minds and feet of clay
Fast-tracked nights hidden from day
Pieces of peace hawked for a fray
Lies cost US dearly but that's okay.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thanks Again

Everyone dies naked in duffel bags, it is what we do. Sometimes codebreakers choose to start decomposing in the duffel bags. Right, codebreakers?
So Obama is passive-aggressive and will invariably choose a lie over the truth every time. So he is basically untrustworthy and we can never believe anything he says. Boo hoo. Now we know.
Thanks, MayoRahm, thanks for the snooper drone card fiasco. How innovative and transparent. Purposeful are the messes from Ventra/Cubic in Chicago, London, Brisbane, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Miami, San Francisco, Vancouver, San Diego and Sidney. Thanks again.

"Ventra's Parent Company: An International History of Fare Card Glitches" by Jason Prechtel, Gapers Block

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Better Kind of Strong

"BILL CLINTON TO OBAMA: 'Honor Your Commitment' On Obamacare" by Brett LoGiurato, Yahoo Finance

And while you're there, you may want to check out
"These Foods Kill Your Brain"
So far, my favorite brain-killers have been BPA (bisphenol A = benzene from coal tar), mutated corn syrup, glutamate, omega 6 oils, sulfites, and trans fats. I guess there's always room for more.
Progressives are not wrong
About TPP enslavers - they don't belong
In our home on the range,
With self-inflicted mange,
Silence on climate change,
And more minds to derange.
I bet we can buy US back for a song
And work our way into a better kind of strong.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Everyone is Watching

"Man is like a piece of cheese," said Lloyd Bridges in his last movie.

Humana is the hole in holey cheeses. It takes 2 costly tv minutes to say that, yet only 3 seconds to read.
Deng it, there is Noah Butler to serve Boozer some Rose'. We'll just have to play as if everyone is watching.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


"America's Going Rogue The U.S. snubs treaties, obligations and universal principles" by Noam Chomsky, In These Times

". . . perhaps the world should become 'de-Americanized'"

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tree Stumps

Is Fox any different today than it was 80 years ago? One paragraph from The Secret Life of Tyrone Power (1979, William Morrow and Co, NY):
   "Strength*Quality*Leadership. So ran the studio proclamation when Zanuck [Darryl F. 1902-1979] came into his own there. A questionable aspect of Fox's motto was its second word. In a marginal fashion, the studio began its involvement in World War II as early as 1932, and on the same side as Hitler. Millions of Germans would not have heard his hypnotic oratory if Fox's German subsidiary, Fox-Tonende-Wochenschau, a weekly newsreel, hadn't disseminated propaganda favorable to Hitler in such short films as Der Fuehrer (The Leader) and Hitler's Kampf um Deutschland (Hitler's Fight for Germany). The Fox subsidiary also loaned sound trucks to the Nazis, so that Hitler could speak to the increasing multitudes. The films were screened throughout Germany right before the national elections which led to Hitler's becoming a national factor and which ultimately resulted in his being named German Chancellor in January of 1933."

I think it is different. "Newsreel"?
Dear Mr. President,
   Surprise, surprise. We the People are aware the roll-out of the Affordable Care Act is a  technological failure, unlike your successful techno-campaigns for president. What we say is - you can keep all of your benefits and any coins you find on the ground, if they don't rust by 2016. Communications are only "challenging" when you lie, unless of course you're talking to tree stumps.

Monday, November 4, 2013

They're On The Same Team

This just in: The White House says it violates the law with regularity and also gives preapproved passes for being wealthy to others who violate the law. But hypocrites both in and on top of the White House would be very sad if truthtellers were given clemency. Very sad.
So far, how successful is the Affordable Care Act?
For people who are concerned about their health, it has been confusing and frustrating. So, quite a success.
For people who had their jobs taken away and will now have the privilege of spending money they don't have, really successful.
For retired people who like the insurance they already have but will be forced to replace it with the first corporation that came out against healthcare or the other corporation that has several expensive 2 minute commercials and is in league with WalMart, it is very successful.
And who says the D's and R's don't work hard work fast work well together? After all, they're on the same team.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

"Speaking the Truth is Not a Crime"

Three Saturday questions:
Are the "security" corporations that work for the governments involved in espionage and terrorism?
Do those same corporations/governments snoop to excess and attempt to intimidate truthtellers?
 Is blackmail the way they piece things together and occasionally get something done?

"Edward Snowden letter to government in full", The Guardian

"speaking the truth is not a crime"