Friday, February 28, 2014

May I Take a Message?

The centuries old one-percent ring
Is holding it's annual Spring Fling
This one celebrates
All the never too lates
Of it's 150 year old sting.
Aye, Eye, and I walked into a bar
But we didn't get far
Without deadly night shades
And three metered mades
So we hightailed it back to the car.
Accidentally existentially incidentally oxidentally Uncle Sam he yam
Hello. Is this Washington D.C.? May I speak to a politician?
What a nice thought, Sir or Ma'am, but no. Those who are not participating in the " orgy of greed and avarice" are either sleeping it off or getting ready to go back over there. May I take a message?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Virtual Figments

A thousand year hike never seems to last that long.
Big Daddy was one of the lesser gods. He kept his thumb on the pulse of all global globules. Unbeknownst to everyone, he was using the incorrect digit. So that was why he was a lesser god and everyone else was a globule.
Post endurance tested ligaments
Scream therapied rainbow pigments
Where is my couch
Made of imaginatively virtual figments

Monday, February 24, 2014


Has the U.S. government gone mad with power?
Thanks for the tip
New Jersey is about to flip
Barney plays the fife
His money or our life
There must be another mall to strip.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

"Emanuel's Re-election Nightmare"
by Carol Marin, Chicago Sun-Times

Friday, February 21, 2014


No boots on the gowned
While frack talk is crowned
Fake fakes
Cut the brakes
Old criminals unbound.
   President Nuke Sky Hawker had been recruited and rebooted by unknown forces. Before anyone could ask, "What forces?", President NSH had skipped to the head of the line of drone killers and ate all of the upside-down cakes. Luckily, not all of the crows had been eliminated in the outdoor lab test, so we ate crow pie and came back for more. Got any fries with that shake? 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Never Once Stopped

How nice that someone can say "many better-educated, upscale voters" welcome non-livable wages and the enslavement of people who are not them in order to trade in the market place of their freedom. God bless everyone's freedom.
Does anyone want a governor who has no clear memory?
What former Illinois representative used to have some smarts but they got porned, found a soft spot in Bill Clinton, and made himself an entourage in Zimbabwe? Hint: his first name rhymes with "shell"
and his games never once stopped.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Carrying Puppy Tales

Why can't I be heard?
At least that's the word
Look . . . at . . . me
Please see me
I'd uther be utherford.
   Once upon a time, a fracking insurance salesman operating within the guidelines of a keystone kochs' dark it place, oversold the newly created and itinerantly free worker class a bunch of cell phones with forever payment apps and mandatory medication injectors. The procedure might have happened competently and efficiently but the fracking insurance salesman had already begun polishing and then
re-polishing his word zone with what looked like the backs of former volunteers carrying puppy tales.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Branded New Heights

Once upon a corporate raider
Who effed the bride but never paid 'er
Suffered fools just the once
Thanks for that, mimed the dunce
Drug the bug, it's time to trade 'er.
We're only snooping on those old school dated landlines. We would never snoop on cell phones or the internet. Never.
Who said that and why? 
Dear President/MayoRahm Tag Team:
   As you continue to debase yourselves,
you might be proud to know 
pocket tools are also learning tools.
They falsified their stage faces in elective fights
And are still using smoke and mirrors and wasted lights
Both must be pushed hard to work for the common good
And wouldn't be Democrats if they could
Bringing us down to branded new "heights."

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Greatest Threat

From "The Greatest Threat to World Peace" by Noam Chomsky,
In These Times: "The ability to ignore unwanted facts is one of the perogatives of unchallenged power. Closely related is the right to radically revise history."

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Whirl

Is Mr. Christie a governor or an angry girl?
Is that a perm or a natural curl?
He aspires to what?
A presidential head butt?
Can a lap more or less buy him a whirl?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Except For The Winners

Most of the commercials, half time, and one of the teams were lame. At least they were all evenly matched, except for the winners.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Lot More Money

If the NSA is a state-sponsored yet privatized hacker and snooper program and it spends the most money possible because that is one of its goals, and it had some really really good ideas that it was thinking about forming a committee to think about those ideas some more but somebody's big mouth wrecked everything and interrupted its thought patterns, yes the NSA will continue hacking and snooping, only for a lot more money.