Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Economy Is An _______

Most Americans believe the 57,000+ American refugees are
also human and should be treated as such. That is nice.
Dear Junior,
   Three questions:
1) Would the book be twice as fat if the truth was added in?
2) Does it contain lovely etchings?
3) If you make a profit, which charity(ies) will you sponsor?
If "the economy is surging" means the wealthy ran out of hiding places and who else needs livable wages anyways, the economy is an _sshole.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

"A Genuinely Significant Difference"

Two paragraphs, out of order, from "How Sarah Palin could change the media, and why she won't" by Alyssa Rosenberg, Washington Post:

"This has always been the great contradiction of Palin's career. When she arrived on the national stage, Palin's family members and her fluidity in talking about them were a significant part of her appeal. But Palin also got plenty of clear signals that there were rewards to be had in playing to ugly, inflammatory political narratives, and she did not stint in pursuing them."

"Watching Palin read to and play with Trig is a genuinely affecting display of emotion and patience. And when Palin discusses the teachers and therapists who work with children like Trig, helping him learn to speak and eat solid food, her concern and hopes for him are both modest and clear. If Palin were going to embark on a focused media career, this is a place where she could tell stories that are often excluded from mass culture and where she could make a genuinely significant difference."

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

To Distract Us

The Bill of Rights for Voting Equality
State Department spokesperson says snooping on right wing allies is the new U.S. way of being a partner and an ally. And when the other partner and ally is Israel spoiling for a fight and willing to kill innocent citizens to prove it, the spokesperson said peace is a quieter and cheaper option, though neither ally nor partner finds it interesting or profitable.
"Is Obama trying to get impeached to distract us?" by Rex Huppke, Chicago Tribune,0,7251527.story

Saturday, July 26, 2014


New millennium tractarians, wasps, and taxidermied power shirts are currently enjoying a coagulation of fossils to wipe Women's Equality Day off the calendar. They wanted you to know.
The new tractarianism of 2014 (the last one was churchy and ended in 1841) = a countermovement against progress and pragmatism, and attempts to force everyone backwards into an earlier time of existence, with primitive rules and regulations for those without bribe money. What happened to the comics code authority?
The greed of big money in politics is our big big biggest problem. Neither the Clintons nor the
Obamas are ready or willing to admit that fact. The hunt for more money more money is sad to watch. They went to college to ask people for money?
Does anyone want to dicker in the not so free American
global market place it if means
Extortion  and

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Existing Constitution

From "Areopagiticus" by Isocrates (436 - 338 bc)

(18) "And yet how can we praise or tolerate a government which has in the past been the cause of so many evils and which is now year by year ever drifting on from bad to worse? And how can we escape the fear that if we continue to progress after this fashion we may finally run aground on rocks more perilous than those which at that time loomed before us?"

(23) "Furthermore they considered that this way of appointing magistrates was also more democratic than the casting of lots, since under the plan of election by lot chance would decide the issue and the partizans of oligarchy would often get the offices; whereas under the plan of selecting the worthiest men, the people would have in their hands the power to choose those who were most attached to the existing constitution."


The Ching Quay

We asked the 5 radical supreme Court judges - To what do you
owe your decision making skills?

Amazingly, the ching quay answered in unison and in harmony -
Colo-rectal thinking.

We left it at that. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Is This a Problem?

Let's say there are 3 branches of government in the U.S. And let's say 2 of the branches have members who are actively working against the 3rd branch. The President himself is 1 of the branches, the Executive branch. The 2nd is the Legislative branch, that would be the Senate and the House of Representatives. The 3rd is the Judicial branch, which has no right to be the executive nor legislate law. Again, let's say far right wing members in the Senate, House, and supreme Court are actively working against the President and they are also actively working against all of us who are not the very wealthiest. Is this a problem?

Monday, July 21, 2014

"Money Has Been Happy"

"Money matters more than mouth (the old challenge: put your money where your mouth is) and money has been happy with Obama beginning six weeks after he took office, and it has never looked back."
from "A bull market under Obama's watch"
"Is Obama worst or best president"
by Len Robertson, Chicago Tribune Letters to the Editor,0,4772234.story

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Hub Bub

See how your Chicago alderman/alderwoman votes on issues such as education, housing, and minimum wage. For instance, what is James Cappleman (46th) doing? Who is insane and who is just greedy? Who votes your preference and who doesn't? Who needs to retire? Take back Chicago!
There should be a Working Families Party everywhere.
The ObamRahmPWinkle Club
Has some age but no sub
After all the shared grub
The good times at the pub
They're the nub of the hub, bub.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Steal Third

Will F_x buy CNN? Are monopolies wonderful?
If any scum are offended, CNN will kiss your _____.
Thanks, CNN, that felt good.

People of U.S.A.
John Andrew Boehner

As you - John Andrew Boehner - have with purpose and deliberation willfully damaged your Constituents, the People of the United States, the People of the World, and the reputation of the United States, without mentioning your on stage and off stage redundancy, you must return all salaries, benefits, bribes, and hidden monies you have accrued from February 1, 2009 through July 18, 2014. Go directly to prison. Have a pleasant day.
Iraqi Christians were given 3 choices. In the U.S. we are given 2.
But just as in baseball, sometimes we have to steal a third.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Worth It

Hungry ghosts and the men who do their bidding
Think going downhill backwards is the way of ridding
Their minds of scarey stuff
But it's self-destructive bluff.
Love the children and tell them you're kidding.
In the year 2042
The old lady gives up her shoe
"Money out
Voters in"
Evolve with the nuance of your hue.
At long last pension thieves have you no shame
Smooth lies show the fissures in your frame
Government assisted workercide
Fracking & undermining the democracy bride
Phony recovery stories are a dangerous game.
If you want to be super rich and you don't like your spouse all that much, talk him/her into becoming president and killing for dollars.
It'll be so worth it!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Here in the Chicago area, we like to call private-for-profit schools "charter" schools because they are newly created corporations with special privileges. One of the special privileges is taking money from those who still pay their taxes. And the powers that be see the future with the rest of the public school students on isolated home computers - the oh so private public school system of the future. Most students will not do well but they will never have to leave the house. Organized sports and worshipping the permitted God(s) can all be done by avatar. Again, most will not do well, but it is free.
K through 12! Free!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Fire

Please place your avariced possessions outside the hangar door. All of the dozen members of the committee of safety will float by unshaven and pick up the items. They will then be delivered from evil amen.
Or hoarded.
Were Rick Perry's ancestors some of this country's first illegal aliens? Will the First Nations put a fence around Rick? Will he like it?
Love the Children
Did you hear that Hobby Lobby wanted to offer free childcare and college scholarships but then realized it is against their beliefs?
The second most recent unholy Roman empire
Old follower of Paul who was afraid of women and quite a liar
Says just wait until later
To see the size of your tater
It is for your own good nobody will hire. Obey & stay out of the fire.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


The Occidental Pre'vert Society wishes to announce it's llc partnership with Hip Crits Are Us for the summer of 2014 tour of our handiworks and grand cotillion which follows. Greatness should be celebrated with as much pretense as one can get others to pay for. Dress for equatorial downpours and polar vortexes - there will be both.
This year's theme: We Do Not Believe in Climate Change
But We Do Believe in Nothing.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Involving Bribery

Cleveland is so Cavalier!
"Glenn Greenwald Speaks Out About NSA's Spying on Muslim-Americans" from Huffington Post
"A dishonest politician is one lacking native integrity
and thoroughly untrustworthy."
They say John Boehner has not been sober since 1956. That is what marinates the pickles in his brain. That is what helps him to sue President Obama for his continuation of the Bush Jr. policies, including the continuation of Bush's eternal State of National Emergency. Junior never got sued by Boehner because Bush Jr is the only man alive who could lasso a tumbleweed, throw it onto his own path, and then trip over it. John's pickles admire such a skill.
Lindsey Graham is usually glassy eyed and a bit carnation pink nosed. Is he allergic to alcohol?
We love you, Jane Fonda!
Not just anybody could get in. You had to know somebody or have a lot of money to get into the National Guard during the VietNam war. Bush Jr did know somebody and dad had a lot of money. Junior did not want to go to VietNam. It turned out that Jr did not want to show up for his flight test while he was in the Guard either. It was all so much work, and he had to party and abuse people and party some more and abuse people some more and.
Avarice = insatiable greed for riches, miserly desire to gain
and hoard wealth


Corruption = dishonesty, without integrity, involving bribery

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Imaginary Lines

"Behold, the drunk uncle-ization of America" by Rex Huppke, Chicago Tribune,0,615165.story
Hi. I'm TomBobPetePaulJebKevin
An American sock puppet playing 7/11
Can't see my strings
Or the off-shored blings
Me and the parrots'll fly you to profit's heaven.
An example of the sickness of Congress: it wants to spend LESS money to fix the present day problems at the Veterans hospitals than it wants to spend investigating the past in Benghazi.
How dare young people cross imaginary lines?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Will Too

Is a poison-penned Christmas war coming against the People?
Do our tomorrows entertain the possibility of drug and food deaths?
What if Monsanto and the pen say yes we will eat crow?
You can pick your ass sets and you can pick your lie abilities
but you can't pick your relatives.
The koch minus zero 300 tar race
Shoots regurgitated bs in your face in your face
Shafta is as
Shafta does
The question is, who koch-holds who and who brings the mace?
Well, if reported American Taliban members such as Pete Sessions and
Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy are bringing mace, other members
will too.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Beauty Spots

No one protects our nerve substance more than Strife Crock
Okay okay we'll buy at least one toxic knife glock
To whack the stacks
And frack the wacks
Doing the koch thing decks out the whole frickin' rock!
Arm processed by Robot #312, his royal electedness walked right on the line between his unclean bosses and the unwashed masses. All he was trying to do was come out alive on the other side with at least one dark hair left. The unclean bosses had been most attractive to him because they offered up free travel tickets and free smile checkups. The unwashed masses offered only their undying gratitude. The not so free market valued gratitude at less than a nickel a gross ton. And so the guessers guessed what the semifinal outcome would be and the line told his royal electedness to have a nice day and give its back a break by walking somewhere else for awhile.
Example of a dysfunctional conjunction:
You have a good hot. I yanked it out and trew into the yod.
My hero . . .
We want a permanent change in the yogurt culture.
We want an insurance salesman to carry on the wicked policies of
a mediocre bathroom painter.
We want to eat and wear poison.
We want a phone snooper that fits into our life experience and recognizes our thoughts before we speak them.
We want a president to be a stone killer with a heart of platinum because fool's gold doesn't make the grade.
From anchor babies to loophole kids to 7 day a week part-time wait staff = the new american dream. Isn't it aggravating when kids flaunt their loopholes?
"Hands off our local beauty spots."

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mortals Hath Possessed

Forgotten Books is the "world's largest online library with 484,473 books available on demand."

How about "Jefferson and His Colleagues A Chronicle of the Virginia Dynasty" or "The Chaldean Account of Genesis" or . . .
George Washington wrote a letter in 1788 to his friend, the Marquis de Lafayette. He wrote of the merits of the proposed U.S.Constitution and said there were some real defects, but they were not radical and he would not touch upon them at that time. Here is a part of it.

    . . . With regard to the two great points (the pivots on which the whole machine must move) my Creed is simple:
   1st -- That the general Government is not invested with more Powers than are indispensably necessary to perform the functions of a good Government; and, consequently, that no objection ought to be made against the quantity of Power delegated to it:
   2ly -- That these Powers (as the appointment of all Rulers will forever arise from, and, at short stated intervals, recur to the free suffrage of the People) are so distributed among the legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches, into which the general Government is arranged, that it can never be in danger of degenerating into a monarchy, an Oligarchy, an Aristocracy, or any other despotic or oppressive form; so long as there shall remain any virtue in the body of the People.
   I would not be understood my dear marquis to speak of consequences which may be produced, in the revolution of ages, by corruptions of morals, profligacy of manners, and listlessness for the preservation of the natural and unalienable rights of mankind; nor of the successful usurpations that may be established at such an unpropitious juncture, upon the ruins of liberty, however, providently guarded and secured, as these are contingencies against which no human prudence can effectually provide. It will at least be a recommendation to the proposed Constitution that it is provided with more checks and barriers against the introduction of tyranny, and those of a nature less liable to be surmounted, than any government hitherto instituted among mortals, hath possessed. . .

Harmful to Society

Hobby Lobby asked one of it's high paid spokespersons - Sammy the Toe - to send a formal thank you note to China. China is Hobby Lobby's biggest partner. China has the most abortions. Hobby Lobby and China are equal partners in business, so why not a formal thank you note?
To all tax dodgers and tax whiners:
   Plainly, you exist apart from society and do not require the use of roads and bridges and other mortal objects. The soles of your shoes remain as shiny as the day you were born from floating above it all. Would you consider donating even one pair of shoes to someone who has none?
How admirable,
"The law has the right to forbid only that which is harmful to society."
by Charles Laughton in "This Land is Mine" ('43)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

There Is No Place To Hide

"Climate news: Arctic seafloor methane release is double previous estimates, and why that matters" by Gaius Publius, Americablog
Kochs' heinous lies cloak our guide
Koched up flams give a murderous ride
Sound bits
Rich or poor there is no place to hide.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Very Trying

Thanks, Sammy
When your 3 favorite people are King George III, Paul Goebbels,
and whoever slips you the most cash, fantastically great things
can be accomplished, right?
The following words are from The Declaration of Independence of
July 4, 1776. The words refer to King George III, the German king of England. The funny part is that the words also apply to the party of John Boehner, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Sessions, Mitch McConnell and whoever is currently running the state of Michigan.
Substitute  "They have" for "He has":

He has refused his Assent to Laws,
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing Importance, unless suspended in their Operation till his Assent should be obtained;
He has dissolved Representative Houses
He has refused for a long Time, after such Dissolutions, to cause others to be elected;
He has endeavoured to prevent the Population of these States; for that Purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their Migrations hither,
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone,
He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People,
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended legislation:
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all Cases whatsoever.
He has excited domestic Insurrections amongst us,
In the U.S. Constitution it says "no religious test." The 5 radical supreme Court judges are very trying.