Thursday, February 28, 2013

*ss Form

Is Scalia the perpetuation of fear and stupidity in ass form?

Entitlement corporations are too big to pay their own way
Too big not to be pathetic and no, it isn't okay
Our government is complicit
In making Democracy illicit
Watch what they do, and not what they say.
More money and more things for the moocher 2 percent
The rest of US can all get bent
Hoarding for them
Who are spongy in the stem
We'll sleep in a tent, no money for the rent.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lindsey Graham on CNN, Feb 25 2013
by Sam Stein, Huffington Post

Quotes from Lindsey Graham on February 25, 2013 on CNN
"Have we put together a plan to cut $20 billion?"

"The Senate Republicans have yet to offer a plan."

"We'll say, 'Mr. President, it is now up to you to find this $85 billion in savings' and we'll say 'it's to make it easier for you.' But every decision he'll make, we'll criticize."

Monday, February 25, 2013

The High Way, Isn't It?

Bat guano ain't cheap
Loose heads in too deep
Freedom's song
Won't B Wong
So many promises not to keep.
When you come to a dork in the road
And place him in a box with a toad
What are you going to do
If they threaten to sue?
Grab the dork & the toad - what a load
And sequester their fracking new abode.
He looks at the cardinals and the bishops in their fine church costumes. And he looks at the gold they hoard and the artwork they hoard and the knowledge they hoard, and the acres of tax-free land they hoard. He looks at their man-made, made-up rules and sees that they copy Paul of Tarsus, the man who hated and feared women. And he looks at their bible and knows many writings were removed and hidden from the people. He looks again at the cardinals and bishops, and understands they have always collaborated with criminals and fascists and so many others, for the sake of money and convenience. 
He knows he has to leave them behind. 
It is their way or the high way, isn't it?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pet Your Jewels

Free Speech TV @
Jindal's Hate Sells
More than just smells
Bobby, wake up
Get a smaller cup
Times-a-wastin' - hear the bells?
One and a quarter kochs
Used to be quite a hoax
Nobody gets out alive
Even wizards of the hive
Will sleep with the fishy folks.
The President has been accused of possessing no moral center. If that is the case, there is a 94% probability he will cave in (more than he has already). Hot air accounts for a 6% inflation rate to soften his own implosion, not ours.
Hey! D.C. nincompoops, dolts, and fools
Why don't you sequester yourselves as helpless tools
Having no heart for the fact
And no courage to act
Go home and pet your jewels.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Old Fossils Come Into It

"Keystone XL decision will define Barack Obama's legacy on climate change" by John Abraham, the guardian
"Did the Pope Resign Due to Blackmail?" by Nathaniel Downes, Addicting
If that is true, for the first time I admire the Pope. The Bush Jr. White House - the male prostitute part, who knows about any blackmail part - could have benefited from the Pope's decision.
Overactors and clowns are drawn to the formerly grand, but now merely old party. Research finds  two keystone koch principles which attract this minor segment of society. The first is Caesar's "Divide and Govern." They have modernized it into "Divide and Confuse." The second is Goebbels' "Tell a big lie often enough to be believed." They have made it their own by changing it into "Tell so many big lies every day to confuse even yourself." Research also finds that nobody ever told the overactors and clowns that Caesar and Goebbels are extinct and fossilized. Wait a minute. That's where the old fossils come into it. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Crematorium of Democracy

Czar L Toe is a new drug. We pulled it out of a spot where the sun don't shine to replace Warfarin, a good drug that works. Take Czar L Toe! It is unproven. You won't need any stinkin' blood tests either. And you won't need to ever think about stopping once you start taking it. Who needs a stroke from quitting? Not you! Take it! Czar L Toe!
If criminal corporate pension thieves are too big to jail but not to imprison, and if governments now exist solely to clear obstacles from their corporate paths of destiny, can't we steal everybody some bigger britches?
Two extremely important test tube cases have been conducted in almost full view of the public. "Justice" is changing our rule of law, and not in a good way. Both exercises were carried out in two very different ways against policemen, Christopher Dorner and Drew Peterson. If it can be done to the police, it can be done to anybody, especially if one's personality is obnoxious or some hack does not like an attitude. Whether or not you think or believe or have a gut feeling about the men's guilt or innocence is not the point. We should all be very concerned about the dangerous downhill path our government is on. Welcome to the new open air crematorium of Democracy.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Right Away

"NRA: No Research Allowed" by Susan J. Douglas, In These Times
Whores charge, sluts do it for free. Tiger grabbed the money, did his time, and got the heck out. The President? Not so much.
Speaking of golf, hey Phil Michelson! Would a golfer be more content, more at ease with his changing reality, if he faced and accepted the fact of his inconsistent game, or should the golfer continue blaming something outside of himself, such as taxes? Don't answer right away.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Be Nice, Everybody!

The Keystone pipeline near Winona Texas is constructed with bad welding. Should we guess it was  non-union crap work?
Whistleblowers = brave truth tellers, or people who threaten criminals' way of doing American business, or both?
"We Eat Horses, Don't We?" is a story about US cow eaters, desperate and exhausted, fascinating but tragic, on the search for an American meat product which does not contain C. coli or E. coli or a norovirus or salmonella.
A short synopsis of NCIS LA:

Hetty: I live large. Try it sometime.
Callen & Hanna: al Qaeda. al Qaeda. Gitmo. Gitmo. Occupy is weak. Protesting our perfect government is weak. al Qaeda. Gitmo.
Deeks: I am immature and unwashed.
Blye: You're a jerk.
Eric & Nell: We're time killing, creating that 
dead but so cutsie air time.
The end. Live the message.
What a tangled mess in their weaves
Star suckers hidden under sleeves
Chumps and groupies
Humps in the soupies
A couple of nickel and dime thieves.
First we had Jesse and Sandi Jackson who are so disappointing in their pettiness. Eighteen others yearn to "serve" in the 2nd Congressional District of Illinois. It is a golden opportunity. Here are just four. Lenny McAllister, Eric Wallace, and Paul McKinley are three male self-haters. And then there is Debbie Halvorson, a female self-hater. She is in the pocket of the NRA. It is crowded in there. Be nice, everybody!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Rouse the Rabble

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Saadiq Long

What former VP contender is good at memorizing one-liners that almost sound like something and is good at repeating them ad nauseam, but there is no substance behind the words? Hint: he is the true definition of "empty suit".

Cheap dates
Junior fates
Jack's goofer son
Sacks twofer one
Livin' large mates.

USAF veteran Saadiq Long
Is on the no-fly list where he does not belong
Hello, anybody with sense?
Why is our government so dense?
And why do we sing the same old song?
by Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Two Most Excellent Choices

Let's support our local business owners. Dominos pizza began it's new corporate program of slowly eliminating it's deliveries of food. The program won't happen overnight, or maybe it will. Who cares about corporate pizza anyway. Thank goodness we all have local restaurants with a better quality of food. They still deliver, too.  

All cruise ship passengers who morphed into holes of asses are no longer welcome in enclosed spaces with human beings. You are welcome to be encaged with animals who have not yet been domesticated, or you may choose to stay home - two most excellent choices.

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Keystone Kochs

"There never was a Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities working group, never a so-called task force dedicated to ferreting out Wall Street fraud . . ."

"Wall Street Wins Again" by David Dayen,
The refreshingly redundant Keystone Kochs
Death and destruction their folly evokes
Since they left the kitchen
They won't quit the bitchin'
They obsess on fossils & give our life the chokes.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

4 You

1 fortune
2 popes
3 gods
4 you

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Drones Target Christopher Dorner?

Three questions about MayorahM:
Does the top of MayorahM's head keep ramming into your ribcage? Why is he an enemy of organized labor? Was he hoping the first drone target would be a public school teacher?

"Is Christopher Dorner 'The First Human Target' of Drones on U.S. Soil?" by Anthony Mangini, In These Times

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Steve Stockman is pro gun in schools. That says it all.

If fracking has made your water unfit for human consumption, a few gallons will make nice Easter presents for the bribers and the takers, don't you think?
"Guantanamo Declassified" by Peter C. Baker, In These Times
Ethics reform is not happening due to the absence
of one necessary ingredient: Ethics.
When the going gets tough, the tough don't quit.
Traditionally, the pope is a p r man diving for dollars
More recently, he gets to hide in his bubble when anybody hollers
Quitting takes meekness,
Who's betting on the Preakness?
The whole gang should be arrested, though they're too big for collars.
Once upon a time, in 1995 to be exact, Beauty from Gray House bragged about becoming jagman for bagmen. The promotion meant, among other things, wearing a flag, along with a daily mirror ritual of nagging and finger-wagging until Beauty learned to obey his own gag order. Year followed year. Granny's dresses turned to rags and Beauty's face began to sag. Some called him a hag. He longs to retire to a crag made of slag, but for one thing. He craves applause.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


What third-rate former Vice-President thinks 
he knows second-rate when he sees it?
Where did I put that paper with the long list of corporations that chose to spend more money last year on bribes rather than on taxes?
When you live long enough to get down to your ideal height of 4'9", you are also old enough to know when Democrats, being followers rather than leaders, have volunteered to economically self-box.

 Children of Afghanistan
Angels of Afghanistan
People rarely look up
Maybe you should start

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Terrorist At All Levels

If tanks are obsolete in our new world of drones, but tanks are still a great product to sell to the Saudis and others, why not sell the 3000 gently-used tanks sitting in Nevada, rather than waste so much money building 300 new ones? Anyone willing to answer that?
"Challenging NDAA Indefinite Detention"
From someone at the Pentagon: Military strikes 
never ever kill children.
From the rest of US: Your statement is categorically unfounded, absolutely groundless, positively baseless, and explicitly unsupported. At long last, sir, have you so shame?
From someone at the Pentagon: Not much. No.
". US military strikes have killed hundreds of children in Afghanistan ."
If there is one thing City Hall cannot abide, it is thieves
getting caught and then everybody has to lie about it.
What a hassle.
Dear Pentagon: Your lie which states protesting = low level terrorism does not wash. The People have the right to protest anything. Protest does not cause, and is not intended to cause fear. It is meant to cause change. Now let's talk about drones or invasions of sovereign nations or hundreds of children killed in Afghanistan or any number of other things you do which cause fear. Are you a terrorist?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Old Hogs

Hey! Who wants to ask the guy in the bathroom if he thinks
his best side is his nape line or his toe line?
And from the American Postal Workers Union - AFL/CIO
Who boldly announced she is retired from being a threat to Democracy in order to focus solely on being the best harpy she can be? Congrats
Dear Chief Smallhouse, Your ass is showing. And yeah sure,
the definition of grief = "don't give a ____."
Never trust talent-wasting lumps on logs
Or posers for the camera with gun-toting togs
Never trust those who kiss up to frogs
Or those who manipulate others into foggy bogs
Never oh never trust those who dislike dogs
Or play Ben Dover for wealthy old hogs.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Backing Lies

4000 stankers mocked themselves by cracking wise
4000 cankers rocked themselves by racking cries
Pig pharma is a kitsch
Brig karma is a stitch
4000 bankers shlocked themselves by backing lies.

Under Each Layer

All wacks in favor of getting whacked with a belt: In order to receive your daily beating, please form a line on the far right. Isn't freedom beautiful?
In the new opposite world, he was a trumping strumpet of great inferiority. Oh, how his jaws could flap! One scarey Halloween night, after the little brassy strumpet had exhausted himself with nothing important, hackers invaded his personal space and hacked off his hair shield. They did it in a very refined way though. The trump strumpet was petrified to face the world as his true self, so he wore a paper bag over his head, along with an air of forced quietude. He told himself it was only until his hair shield grew back. It never did. 
The end.
Drug czar Adolph VonBayer
And his associates can't be gayer
About profits
Hidden under soffits
And the dirtiest secrets under each layer.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Isn't the Bow Pretty?

Why wouldn't Japan want to breathe in China's toxic air?
Cynthia Brim, Judge of the Cook County Circuit Court, suffers from "a bipolar type of schizo-affective disorder." In 2000, bar associations began recommending her removal from the bench. The political machine ignored all evidence and ignored all recommendations for 12 years. It continued to include her on the ballot. Personally, I would have recommended Judge Brim's removal after the second time she chose to stop taking her meds. The Chicago Tribune blames the voters, because if not the voters, it would blame public school teachers or organized labor, and that would be difficult to make people believe. Meanwhile, the judge's struggle continues.
Have you ever thought that bangs alone cannot make the woman into the girl? She also needs an above the knee fluffy skirt, 3 or 4 inch spiked heels, and some gummy vitamins. Men into boys will need suits one size too small. Scapegoating old people is complicated business. 
Please tell me if It the White House is part of We the People.

No, it isn't.

Then why the false advertising and false website?

Well, imagine We the People as a filled balloon and It the White House as a pin with a bow on it. It the White House wants to deflate the mighty and magnificent power of the sleeping giant that is We the People. Isn't the bow pretty?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Own It!

The Extremist Right Wing Party has a scheme to hit it's more extreme more right wing partiers where they live and drink tea. It won't be pretty at all. Karl, most recently of the new ConVictPro fame, is going to cause planeloads of money to disappear into thin air.
He is good at that.

Mayors Against Illegal Guns Superbowl Commercial

Dear Baltimore Ravens: Fantastic!

Dear Beyonce: Put some clothes on and grow up.

Dear SuperBowl commercials: Mediocrity sells.

Dear 49ers: You should own 2015. Own it!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Interesting Times

Why did several New York City politicians come out of the woodwork to boycott, divest, and sanction the "free expression of contrary ideas" and "reasonable debate without censorship"?

You'd have to ask them. Perhaps free expression of contrary ideas and reasonable debate without censorship is against their belief systems. Perhaps some people are more free than others, depending upon who gets paid and how much. Perhaps freedom isn't free and it isn't for everyone.
Nut jobs, desperately living in their "look at me! look at me!" universe, gravitated toward political thievery as career choices. They became more and more outrageous in their speech and their antipersonnel anticivilian alliances as the pols were regarded with less and less liking or respect. It was a proportional ratio of opposites. Maybe we live in interesting times.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ugly Fences

"Unaired SodaStream Super Bowl Commercial"

SodaStream makes Coke and Pepsi irrelevant. Plastic bottles really are a dangerous vice. Pepsi and Coke and CBS do not like the truth of that. The bubbles in all three might make your stomach and intestines irrelevant, too, but who cares. Does anyone want to talk about all of the plastic water bottles?

Mr. President? Congress? May we use this giant pile of the People's money to create factories for steady jobs and good lives in Mexico? Since you politicians like fences so much, the jobs could be virtual "fences" of progress.

No. We are a world leader of negativity. The giant pile of the People's money must be used against their wishes and for repression and ugly fences.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Making It Worse

"Pastor" Bell
Stingy as hell
Heart of a stuffed cod
Hater working for a false god
What are her good points to tell?
When the adults in charge are so very afraid that they refuse to deal with the problem of guns in our society in a calm rational manner, and instead raise the level of chaos and fear to new levels, we have a huge problem that is getting worse. The adults currently in charge are making it worse.