Tuesday, April 30, 2013

No Substance and All Flash

Dear Congress: Since you refuse to sequester yourselves, even to the point of your unwillingness to wait at the airport, what is your final solution? Love, Tiny Cog
Dear Tiny Cog: Good question. Our solution is the same as it always is, to start maiming and murdering somebody somewhere, simply to get the spotlight off our complete failure to serve and protect and use your money wisely. We will make up stuff as usual, and do a couple of magic tricks. Now, close your eyes . . . Love, Congress
The corrupters deliver bags of cash
And sequester the hungry, giving oldsters a rash
Where are Miranda's rights
Why create unnecessary blights
When did the US become no substance & all flash?

Monday, April 29, 2013

And Aren't They Nice?

When you have a truckload of toxic waste from fracking and nobody will let you dump it, then what?  It is never toxic around politicians in Washington DC or anyone on K Street. When an oil pipeline breaks and leaks and kills life because it always does, then what? It never leaks or kills life in Washington DC or on K Street. Did the banksters steal your house, or maybe your pension? Any politician who voted for the sequester will welcome you with open arms and will let you spend your recovery at their house. Yes, they still want US to ignore their campaign hype and vote for someone else, and aren't they nice?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Take-Offs and Landings

Homemade shoulder-mounted potato launchers hurt people. Guns don't hurt people. Therefore, potatoes will be banned from all public spaces unless they are mashed. Anyways, don't their eyes give you the creeps? Another ban announcement: Humans and animals will be banned from creating fertilizer. Thank you for your cooperation. You will be monitored for quality control purposes only.

Lights on the Lie-Berry
the Arteest within the Beast enjoys his Feast

From MayoRahM's mouth to our ears: Bribes do not mean jack sh*t to me. I like them. I take them. I put them in my pocket. Then I do exactly what the wealthy takers tell me to do. Witness me close public schools for the takers' cause, but not for bribes. When they do it, we don't like to call them bribes. Like I said, I accept bribes, but they don't mean jack sh*t to me.
Thank the god of greed that the rich will no longer have to worry quite so much about their own safety during take-offs and landings.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

So Selfish

There was a terrible accident. Somebody's big head got sucked into a trumpet! The next tune blew it to hell and back. Donations are encouraged. As a thank you, you will receive this lovely charm from the lie-berry gift shop.
Dear Global George Zimmerman is US: The old "Do as I say, not as I do" rule of behavior went out of style many years ago. Try to evolve.
If only the US government in compulsory partnership with Monsanto may use chemical weapons because they do it in a nice polite way, why are they being so selfish?

Friday, April 26, 2013

What's Our Line?

JAG you are, but who are the rest of US? Does Lindsey Graham want to designate Donald Adair, owner of Adair Grain in Texas, as an enemy combatant or a terrorist?

What's our line? Our tails were docked and our dewclaws were removed and we release most of our hot air in Washington DC,
all great requirements for repeatedly accepting bribes.
What's our line?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Go Figure

Which Bloat-Float said: "I think my brother deserves little or no credit for not criticizing the succeeding President who got elected by actual voters, but he deserves a lot of credit for retiring as a slug who never helps anybody."
When the War on Terra was renamed COO - Contingency Overseas Operations - and one on one torture for dollars was enhanced into drone torture for dollars, D.C. pols are pretty sure the whole mess is the fault of labor unions, teachers unions, and the fact that minimum wage earners' desire to eat 3 meals a day is a burden on the wealthiest takers.
Dear Men to Boys: If your goal is to enjoy your toddler with pubic hair and your adolescent twins with facial hair even though they are girls, let them lightly touch your enhancement drugs with one delicate finger. Pride is all you've got, babies.
Make sure your surrogates, avatars, and pseudonyms are safe
from the vacuuming robot
Then throw the pantry shelf and some secret sauce into the crock pot
Supersize your biggest cup
For safety's sake, zip it all the way up
A dab of Vicks and a bit of gallows humor, time to give another day
all you've got.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

All Syncopated

Gosh, you'll see that not one of those e-mails is from me, and living in the past is the centerpiece of my existence. 9/11, 9/11, 9/11. Otherwise, what do I have? My Homeland Security invention? No. You playing games and me criticizing you for your results? No. Probably my bathroom art. Bon!Yo! Bon!Yo!
You might say Get out of the fracking water, Cupid
All those 7-level wipes and it still took years 
to get my lie-berry halfway syncopated.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

We Have It All

Dear Rigoberto Rodriguez, Nobody believes you. Start looking forward to your friendly welcome from your future inmates. They already don't like you.
The political ticks are talking about immigration. If people desire hysterical bed bugs, fun alcoholic chugs, male enhancement drugs, school-banned hugs, big jugs, fast food lugs, tiny mugs, adorable pugs, toxic throwaway rugs, careless shrugs, and seven deadly tugs, come on over. We have it all.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Worth It

Dear Mustapha sometimes Wallace, In Harvey Illinois where one fifth of the people are poor, you have learned your American capitalism well. You could grow up to be president of something someday. Congrats.
Lindsey is on the wag again. Do we have a volunteer? Bring him a nice flavor this time.
Once upon a time, on the corner of Overkill and GetEven, it was a Boston stand-off between the full wrath of the run versus a killer with no gun. One of them had everything and the other did not stand a chance. The two hour scuffle lasted two minutes in real time. Know your places, everybody. -The End-
When you made it further than you ever thought possible and your kid turns out to be a real ass hat, you wonder if the system was all worth it.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

His Brother

The actual number is 47, but Harry Reid says he is not running again due to procedural ass plugs that got stuck in his nasal passages. Below is a link to Huffington Post's list of the 46 Senators who do not work for US, 46 Senators who voted against a gun background check regulation bill last week, 46 Senators who want US to elect someone else next time. Okay, thank you and we will.

It is said that Tamerlan Tsarnaev changed a couple of years ago. Was he schizophrenic (symptoms show up between 16 and 25 yrs) ?  Had he been using street drugs to self-medicate? When he went to visit his father in Russia, did he do a great deal of sleeping because he had left his drugs in America and he was drying out? Did Tamerlan Tsarnaev radicalize himself with his own brain, and then radicalize his brother? And now most importantly, how does the FBI establish rapport with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, an angry fearful teenager who said he has no American friends because he does not understand them?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Life is a Circle

That was great police work. That was them just doing their jobs,
and they are great.
Although American global capitalism is soul-crushing, for some reason, it is not as fulfilling as immigrants think it will be.
Although we are being blinded by technology, the miracle of apps will not love us unconditionally or keep us warm at night.
Although it is great fun to run until the pain is intense, that leisure time activity and most others would not be possible without our government killing for the cheap goods and services provided to our consumer society.
Life is a circle.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Surveillance Video Related to Bombings Case - Do you know these 2 individuals with backpacks and baseball caps? One is now dead and the other is Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19 years old.
Warning: Politicians are hazardous to your health. They may be required to spray themselves with ammonia before shaking your hand or touching you in any way. Warning:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Expendable Clown

You'll wander where the shallow went when you slush the funds with dipsodent.
Mayorahm "I love Wrigley and legal contracts almost as much as I love the public school kids" Emanuel arranged his lips into a framework of the word consensus. He probably took a contortionist class at one time.
What exactly is the "Stink of Cheney" and what is its half life?
Greg Abbott is a dangerous threat to rabbits and good habits everywhere.
Dear Banksters, Rather that your phantom "territorial" tax idea that nobody requires of you and you will never pay, how about a daily dormancy tax for where you lay your head?
Major Major and Colonel Kernel
Made careers out of obeying the infernal
Hey we aren't that stuck
In the wealthiest of the muck
Life always renews in Spring so vernal.
What do criminals do when they are afraid of the people they abuse? When you want advice on insecurity and creating chaos, who you gonna call, some old toast buster who is sly but not so brainy, somebody like Mr. Haney? That's your business. When you abuse because it is easy and profitable, but you don't want your victims telling the truth in public or showing the strength of their group to the world and besides, abusers hate for their victims to have social contact, and nice weather is just about here and you still want to abuse, are you gonna call that same expendable clown?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Will Continue

This quote from Alistair Stevenson, Cross Country coach at U of Mobile, and a Boston Marathon runner: "At the starting line this morning, they had bomb sniffing dogs and the bomb squad out there. They kept announcing to runners not to be alarmed, that they were running a training exercise." Coach Stevenson had never seen that at other events.


News Alert: The church will continue it's efforts to be compatible with pedophiles and other radical deviates, and will continue undermining the nuns' work helping the poor. In other words, the church will continue.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Older Than Dirt Brand

Totally dinosaur with an older than dirt brand
Mockingly clueless in speeches so rustily canned
Little pup
Will earplugs work to improve the Rand?
What we know about the Cubs: the Ricketts are liars.
Does the President intend to assist
Exxon with Social Security money?

Should the president get a taste of solitary confinement? Doesn't Bradley Manning deserve the peace prize more than someone else? 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Happy Trails

I'm here to exercise the digital divide.

What a coincidence - so am I.

Okay, let's get started. Put your first finger and middle finger together. Now make a V sign. Then together. V sign again. Together.

Great! We've got the hang of it.

Not Quite

The poison to avoid:
Wasn't it in 1871 that President Grant fine-tuned his acting skills into Presidential skills by releasing everyone from the lunatic asylums, and they all then formed a money-making scheme called the NRA?

Almost, but not quite.
3 more questions:
Isn't it great that we now have drones to kill people and we are soon to have big lasers to burn people up?
Who needs Social Security or Medicare?
Who needs an honest President who works for, and not against, the common good?
The 2 marks who do not like their jobs: Mark Begich and Mark Pryor

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Real Golden Key

There was once a monkey named Stacey
Who rubbed brown stuff on his facey
Vamping and round-heeled
While camping in the outfield
Stacey got all racey with yards of his own lacey.
Jeri and Regina put themselves waaay up a tree
Stealing and lying, workin' it for you and for me
Blinging up their shark fins
And loving their own deadly sins
Making ourselves proud is the real golden key.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Not Our Fault

What is the story on the so-called "We the People" page?

It seems to be some kind of polling site. Perhaps it is compiling a list of people who are still curious. It certainly is not what it says it is.

Well, what is the story on politicians and gun regulations?

So far, it is the same old story, and very similar to the "We the People" page. When the People get too close to satisfaction, the rules are changed. We are very sorry the pols do not read newspapers and do not listen to voters in their districts. We are very sorry they constantly change the rules. And we are very sorry they appear to be idiots who take bribes against US. But guess what. All of that is not our fault.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Thomas Paine

The first 5 sentences from Thomas Paine's Common Sense, a pamphlet published on January 9, 1776:

"Some writers have so confounded society with government as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.
   Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer."

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Do It

Various cuts of beef and pork are getting new names because you and I are "baffled" by the old labels of our entire lifetimes.
To paraphrase Inspector Morse: The building where they used to feed Christians to the lions is now an opera house. It almost makes you believe in progress.
Money is a tool for control. Public schools are not money profitable, but
"If you control the youth, you control the future of the world." Spy Kids 3: Game Over ('03)
When you are connected, you can write your own biography
or let a sibling do it.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Mute Anyway

They care about the children soooo much. Cardinal George and some ministers wish they would have united against pedophilia years ago and caused a ripple across their communities of faith. They wish they had served the Common Good. Staying silent was morally wrong and incorrect, but they remained mute anyway.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Stay Seated

Is it his imagination, or can brain surgeons do it to animals?
Due to widespread fear of his honesty coming back to haunt him and his hiking activities, Mark Sanford decided to travel by limo.
"Investigation reveals trillions hidden in tax havens" by Bill Black - Associate Professor of Economics, The Real News.Com

A no-fly zone over Arkansas won't stop the pictures of the terrible oil spill, but Exxon thinks it is worth a try.
"Monsanto est malade" = My health is sick
Memo to US: If your government is the George Zimmerman of the globe, and good people get into trouble for talking about it, you are probably living in the 21st century United States.
Homicides are down in the Windy City, buy Mayorahm is very worried about wealthy north Michigan Avenue shoppers and their fear of the unknown. If closing the South branch of the Red Line is just the beginning, what is next?
Oh no, not animals again.
If you hear Louie Gohmert is in town, hide your animals and ask them to stay seated.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Something Noxious

Amisha Patel, executive director of Grassroots Collaborative, wrote a piece in the Chicago Sun-Times. Here is one paragraph:
"Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Public Schools board members want us to believe that they must close schools to save money, but that is simply not true. They are choosing to close schools while sending millions of dollars to Wall Street."

Personal friends of Pontius
The unconscionably unconscious
Use grubby mitts
To throw hissy fits
Selling clean and true for something noxious.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Same

See the smiles born of
the marriage between
transparency and bulging wallets.
Here is a letter from Matt Heimbach: Dear Anybody, The virtue in white christian worship of torture and murder is under attack by degenerate criminals seeking to rob my malady of it's fear-given malevolence. What should I do? p.s. I love everyone, Matt
Dear Matt, Why don't you do what you came to school for - go to class, study, and do the work you are assigned. Remember: An idle mind is the devil's workshop. Love back at you, Anybody
You know the truth when you hear it. ". . . there is no excuse for the White House to approve the pipeline." Exactly.
"The Usual Cuspids" is a twisted thriller about extreme extractions, canals with hidden roots of terror, and scarey antagonists with x-ray eyes protruding from teeny tiny heads. You will never be the same.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Each Bounce

This just in: The Senate and the House have termites
eating away their hallowed walls.
Clown caricature counts
Leased personality by the ounce
Rake it in
Fake the spin
More bling added to each bounce.

Monday, April 1, 2013

It Lasts Longer

The very wealthy oil companies and gas companies want to drill and frack anywhere and everywhere. They want to drill and frack so badly that they forget their manners by drooling in public. Please tell us again why the droolers get tax breaks.
The corporations, the politicians, and
the president are very proud to destroy

Is Lisa Madigan still honest and true to herself, or has she become as crazy as the rest of them?
The People are not a bit confused about how Ventra will rip them off. Deborah Mell is confused. Poor thing.
Chicago Alderman Cappleman, a "man of the people" - Mark Brown responds
What is our special purpose? Are we soon to discover the size of the voyeurism vote in Villa Park Illinois? Take a picture, it lasts longer.