Friday, January 30, 2015

So is Autism

A flatulent house leek named Cookie
Has his own point-oh-one bookie
Who allows no smiling
Nor records filing
While bro faces his sentence like a rookie.
The before and after hand routines
Of gumming up the works
Are favored by germ-filled ball peens
And virtual clerks who can be such jerks.
Mitch McConnell's nightmare: He says his and the 9 Democrats' pipeline bribes signify a low point in their accomplishments. Then he smiles ever so sweetly and reminds the selling screen that the newest pipeline pr scam has nothing to do with any kind of security or jobs. He adds that pipelines are constant threats to the environment and why is he wearing nothing but a tie?
Which bank is not good at math but says it is curious?
What about Measles and Mumps and Rubella?
What about mercury?
What about gmo preservatives?
What about mutated corn syrup under its old or new label?

A Measles inoculation by itself, or a Mumps shot by itself, or a Rubella vaccination by itself is good and necessary. The Measles/Mumps/Rubella shot (MMR) of all 3 together is not good or necessary and may be dangerous to some. Going to the doctor 3 times rather than once is inconvenient for doctor and patient alike, but then so is autism.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

All About

The usual suspects rounded themselves up,
Personally awarding themselves a promotional cup
Of duty free dinners,
Partnered freedom winners,
And time shared stocks with fossils in a krupp.
Rahm is not very bright. He wants to take away green space and cover it up with cement and toxic asphalt. Truth or dare, Rahm, truth or dare and how about this?
"Think outside the box for library/museum plans" by Lee R. Talley, Chicago Tribune
The Iowa Sedum From It
Team players who favor the lock in with harshness arrived at the intersection of Gluttonville and BerSerk. They didn't know which end was up or which way was which. So they planted themselves right there and began to learn what gout was all about.

Monday, January 26, 2015


"Boehner/Netanyahu: 'So Smart, They're Stupid'" by James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, Huffington Post
"Dark pools are valid"
Said the few to their crew
Then the hungriest pallid
Cooked up a stew
While a puritan ballad
Waltzed one and a two
Our union made salad
Donned an earth-friendlier hue.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Lamer Than Lame

Adolescent killers without all the charm
Capitol eyes on death - where's the harm?
Corporate pigs pharming
Slumbers quite alarming
Trained to be ignorant while keeping it too warm.
Huck-a-Who advertised his culture war but nobody came
Miss Misty sold his jersey for a seat at the game
Refugees' airs made a tundle
And Jobby Bindle made a bundle
All the suspicious usuals became lamer than lame.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

State of the PU

State of the PU
Know this, land of the special loss leaders, cheese grits and hard boiled bs made a successful come back. Elephant tusks protrude from the shadow that never goes away. One crisis after another has blended until there is no ahead ahead without truth serum and political self-commitment into an institution. It is up to you, not me, to pick either one of two false choices. Line up for your street endorsements and reality screenings.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Can't Afford It

Hi. Y'all remember me. I'm Grinzey Lame. I come out of the woodwork for 3 reasons: money, money, money. I whine for war and punish for peace. Having as much chance of winning as a half dead cockroach, I'm publicly pretending to think about hopping aboard the gravy train of presidential campaigning. Gosh, why wouldn't I add to my fortune by grabbing money from strangers who can't afford it?

Monday, January 19, 2015

Don't You Wanna?

Sure, the heads of various organizations get paid to endorse him, but not even the children in public schools can look up to him. And as he holds the finest poster board sign that money can buy, for the finest staged photo op that money can buy, the serious and unhappy on stage ask - Don't you wanna be like us? Don't you wanna?

Saturday, January 17, 2015

_sshole_ Are People Too

An unholy alliance we call Britt Rahmner says that knowing how he mugs the unsuspecting and hides the booty is not in the best interests of Illinois. He also says that almost livable wages are out of the question and also out of our interest zone. _sshole_ are people too.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Last Week

So sorry, Craig Taylor. You do not have the ability to think quickly on your feet or to give the appropriate response with a clear head. Isn't it time for a job away from the decrepitly ancient public? You are starting to scare the seniors.
Capitalists running amok don't care if Brunei is into Shariah law with a new future of punishments and executions, or even if it's war on Christmas was a little late this year. It's about who gets the shafta and who doesn't.
Rejuvenation > ARE ready to take your calls.
Experts              You'll know our motto:
                           If you're confused or already dead,
                           you probably should have called last week.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Be Fair

Senator Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin says - since his intentions are to hit people with disabilities where they live, it is only fair that Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois might want to lead a coalition of people with disabilities from all over the United States to hit Mr. Ryan where he lives. Probably not, though. Mr. Kirk has an open letter to sign and you know who long that takes.
It is nice there are no people with disabilities in Paul's church or his kids' schools or his neighborhood or in his family. And it is nice how the senator likes to be fair.

Friday, January 9, 2015


People who abuse the homeless are no good. Rahm is no good.
Truly, once upon a time in the 1400's or the 14th century, who can remember exactly, an ancestor in the Bush clan came to Wexford County Ireland from Britain along with other killers in order to kill the Irish, such as county residents in the Kennedy clan. The head guy of the county sold his daughter to the Bush ancestor, probably in order to save his own skin. To this day, the Bush men do not like the Kennedy family, or their horses, or the people they give dogs to. Elephants have long memories.
Satire = drawings or sketches, written or spoken words which use irony and/or sarcasm to expose serious abuses. Abusers don't like satire.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Stolen Grapes

Be Yourself
God Doesn't Like Liars

I had plans for you, big plans. You were going to be a public extension of me. I was going to be proud, basking in the reflected glory of how great I am as a parent. Now what? I should change the way I have always thought? I should accept you for who you are? What will strangers think of me?
It's a "permanent dirt ball inhabited by psychotic apes"
Whose interests run to techno moments, trendy escapes,
And surfing the climate change.
Oh yeah, they traced the mange
To a pair of heirs under a tree eating stolen grapes.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Selling Screen

Cod pieces adorned the court selected extreme rendition of tortured talons. Polar pointed IEDs poked a pyro that sister gee oh wiped seven times, and with no regrets. Mortar boards were outsourced into watery dead zones of sweat inequity. Three jobs were required to eat breathe and wear poisoned yet unjust desserts. Dynamically scored with a thousand shallow slashes, the poor died as extra points were offered for simultaneously deconstructing those accidentally left alive. Here's to our unhealth, but only after punishments for seeking justice are beautified on the selling screen.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Not Lawful

re: Attention!
      About! Ass!

How did such childish men pass the NYPD psych exam and become tools of the fringe? Their behavior is not okay. It is not lawful.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Good Citizenship

Son of a b is a dewlapped porker
From a fringe clan, a sham of a corker
That's illicitly presidential
With 2/3 of a credential
Plus it blinds justice & liberty to bork & forker.
Protesting the criminal behavior of bad cops is a required action for good citizenship.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Maced in the Face

Common sense solutions
A few very good ideas from the People of Missouri:
"3. Clear and transparent protocol when a person dies in police custody including:
   A) Immediate medical attention for victims,
   B) Immediate release of the officer's name,
   C) Appointment of special prosecutor for ALL deaths that occur in police custody
 4. Whistleblower program that protects officers acting with integrity
 6. Creation of a diverse citizen review board with subpoena power . .
 9. Restoration of the residency requirement
10. Screening that prevents officers fired from other departments to be hired . . ."

Sometimes, when you are in a state such as Missouri which is 1/50th of the United States, and you peacefully request and require police to conduct themselves lawfully in order to protect and serve We the People rather than the point oh one percent predator class, you get maced in the face.