Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Believe in Science

Reciprocal corruption by the embarrassment of pols And their unregulated dolls Of capitalism Created a terrible schism. The non answer to schism is the ugliness of walls. * When a pea-sized piece of Peace Costs more than 140 countries wrapped in fleece, Way more than that, And the fat cats are much too fat, In what season do global worms go on the decrease? * I admire a person who is smart enough to believe in science.

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Big Money Fold

Can a person's ambition be blinding and too icy cold to notice dangers? Can a person be tone deaf and love the tones of gold from moneychangers? And can a person love the tones of gold from banks despite their stanks of old mold? Be it the Blackstone or bush or lonely rangers, Wanna get rolled with herself into the big money fold?

Friday, March 25, 2016

His god Factor

Has the FBI begun investigating the illegal voter suppression that is happening this year -2016 - in one state after another? * Surprise test question! White "christian" terrorists have been a plague in the US since what year? * One trick vermin in a virtual blue turban began curbin' his intake of bourbon. He has one plan; an unnatural plan to steal from the poor and give to the rich and turn the States into the kochs' toxic waste can. He calls it the king Lear reactor part of his god factor.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ours to Bear

Did someone in the trumpet cult bug bomb their own catapult 4 f x only? * If rood equals cross and cruz equals cross, then crisscross applesauce spiders crawling up our knees tight squeeze now we've got the shivers. It may make US the cross that is ours to bear.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Tie That Binds

They scream: Hall monitors! Patrols! Security! Walls! But there is brittleness in the backbones and rashness on the balls. They do have microphones and their own messed up calls. Certain pols are radicalized by fear in their own minds. They imagine the sky is falling on their personal behinds. Every opportunity is the President's fault. He is the tie that binds.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Strike a Fire

Flint - both the city in Michigan and the opaque stone equal hard and useful and strike a fire.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Stay Out Of It

Dear Mr President of wealthy corporations and the rest of US, and Dear Debbie of the DNC who wants to waterboard the working poor with payday loans: This will shock you so please sit down. We like choices. We will come together in Philly in July. Until then, stay out of it.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Oh So Breezily

Trumpf (T is silent) & Jerry Springer make a simpatico team. Throw in Gallagher and the team would be dream, Especially if we were in the middle ages And someone was backturning the pages. Same story another thread and an unseemly seam. * Crystal balls can be a riot, And don't they break easily. Rather than buy one and ply it, Deny it oh so breezily.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


After years of keen interest in the virtual violence of professional "wrestling" and some practice runs in the arts of fake reality and fake business, the kid was ready to host his own traveling bad medicine show. So he did. How the displays amused and excited him! And he was his own best orchestra leader and cheerleader. At least that's the story us morons always heard from our moron parents and our moron grandparents. It takes one with the mental age of 8-12 years to know another one of the same mental age. Right?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Soft Parts Softer

If you experience spin turtle bleeding, confabrication of the mastedon process, or forensically ocular vicissitudes, they say add, don't subtract, another pill to your diet. And of course, vote and vote some more every single time. * Will success foil Ben Assleck? * Pastey Hooding, the man who would be ring bearer of tomorrow, should and could be confined to the 5th floor. Years of bleaching his brain pan have rendered all of the soft parts softer.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Not People

Trump is a very ordinary _hit spredder with low ambitions. There is nothing special or Presidential about him. He sells lies and violence and pain. He has no value to the human condition, quite the opposite. (I've been so wrong. _ssholes are not people.)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A Really Great Price

Ted Instead: Hi, some people! I could have called myself a cool name like Rafe. But one day when I was being smeared with oil, it hit me that God was a friend of mine. I heard whispered words saying I was his gift. Wow. You know, Ted is Greek for "God's Gift." Fate is fate. It was years too late when I found out that gift is the Greek word for "poison." Smiles everyone! * Hillary, play nice. You've been given that advice once or twice. We need more honest queens Your ends do not always justify your means. But guess what Learning curves are on sale at a really great price.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Or Be Nice

Old con's into penile Technology became senile Before Ronnie Calcified into the Donnie And was offshored from the mean green isle. * Crude is lacking maturity and tact and Irresponsible is not being answerable and Vulgar is lacking in good manners or language and Ignoble is low in character and aims and Coarse is lacking fineness.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Cannot Go To Town

Are you cactus intolerant? Have you been told your eyes are adorable but not the independent glint? Are you getting shorter? Are you becoming a bs sorter? Yes answers win virtual smiles even though out of print. * Anyone can be a whitefaced clown Or wear an upsidedown frown Or have lientery of the word Or selfmedicate to the slurred But nobody cannot go to town.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Calm.net Kiss a Vet

Pull the lever til the 12th of whenever Such a deal won't last forever Double the negative @ twice the price Roll the dice: extra slice or be Nice? * Calm.net Kiss a vet.

Friday, March 4, 2016

When the System Cheats

Black Votes Matter Trump is a ratter Bernie is himself Hillary is a work in progress And so are we Black votes still matter. * Every vote matters Even when the system cheats. Overwhelming with votes matters Especially when the system cheats.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Stolen Bauble or Two

When an adult boy has mommy rage in that unfillable hole in his Id, and he wears his Ego on top of his combover and all over his words and he has a Super ego the size of last year's Easter egg that fell off the wall and cracked, he will never be ok-ed. But will he be ko-ed? * The bible of libel is liable to contain a stolen bauble or two.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Clarity is Coming!

Clarity is coming!