Monday, June 29, 2015


Red Cross thieves who did not help people in Haiti are people too.
We mock the turtle in his soup
Which raced through the loop
And found a new home
In the rusty white dome
Of a tired chicken coop.
It was casual with tales
A letting go of the gore and the quails
Spoiled meat and greet
Real winners never cheat
Sandbank the red cross in jails.
Meow said the cow
Bow wow said the other cow.
The Jebooty Pac package
Based upon real time aid slackage
Is par for the course
Hey, water that horse
And bill John Q for the frackage.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Picking Out Gifts

Maybe what appeared on the selling screen to be instant rapport between the Obamas and the Sarkozys was only the result of information scooping and snooping pre-first meeting, not literal friendship. How sad, but so helpful when picking out gifts.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

What is a Coach?

Steve King and Michele Bachmann probably already spent their money from the Council of Conservative Citizen(s). Like minds think alike, especially one of them.
bloops - coops - droops - goops - groups - hoops - loops - poops - soups
If a principal is a pal, what is a coach?

Monday, June 22, 2015

Hope Way

4 and 20 trans-hued birds faked and got a by.
Passes depended on their tones
So of course birds began to sing
Wasn't it too hasty for fish to get out their sting?
We strands of the queue
Are all trans-hue
Is it
Woman & man's just due?
Taking away green land or park land is the lazy way,
the taking away more hope way.

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Ultra vires = going beyond legal power or authority by an agent, corporation, or tribunal (court of justice)
Don't feed the common good to warm all.
Kill the messenger. Why be so formal?
It's the mold standard.
Steal first and third.
Deliberate lunacy is the new normal.
Please enjoy our new thought detection technology
Labeled BUR - Brain Ulterior Radiology
Because there are never enough riches to secure
The safety of concepts in the pure
Unless you buy into our self-insurance of me-ology.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Is the information or the act -
Jesus did the perp walk
As a peace dove, not a hawk:
A progressive Jew
With intolerance for the few
And the bravery to listen and talk.
A tango ate my maybe.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Wait and See

The Chicago Sun-Times asks on the cover:
". . . when will America give up its attachment to guns?"
Perhaps when everyone votes who can vote and we stop allowing the NRA and other corporations to bribe politicians and use our own damn money against US.
God watches over fools and drunks,
Jean pools, monks and skunks.
That takes up a lot of time,
Leaving weekends for the sublime.
Except when He watches over all the high bunks.
Bobby Jindal, Chris Christie, Dennis Michael Lynch, and Scott Walker are way out there talking and taking for their explorer badges. Watch out boys! There are illegal chickens full of bird flu out there! They aren't quite as large or as friendly as mosquitos, but you'll recognize them by their dead weights.
Does Reality Have An Overbite?
There are over 300 FEC-registered Presidential candidates. Here is a baker's dozen of the hand-picked media favorites & random thoughts:
Ben Carson - I bet your mama was a Democrat
Carly Fiorina - never met a worker you didn't want to fire
Donald Trump - you and your id have a great stream of consciousness thing going
George Pataki - hi, George
Jeb BUSH - bush bush bush . . .
Lindsey Graham - seersucker fear_ucker
Marco Rubio - Marco!
Mike Huckabee - opportunity is always knockin'
Rand Paul - run, Paul, run!
Rick Perry - carry a tiny book and try to appear thoughtful
Rick Santorum - oh Rick 
Ted Cruz - if your Mama is a Dem, she is waaay in the closet
John Dummett, Jr. - you're dummett damnit!
24 hour monitoring will or will not set you free?
It coldly watches even after you agree
To give reasoning up
Drink from the propaganda cup
And there isn't time to wait and see.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

August Spectacles

It was a white letter day wearing a pink slip and designer flipflops. Pink minx hoodwinks made "good" inks and lots of blinks.
"A guy can be a gal, but white can't be black. Yet." by Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times
A woman with a stainless steel spine may expose a daughter
When the north wind is in the veins & no teeter in the totter.
Hungry ghosts of a deal
Or live fake to be in the real
Hearts & flowers & kids - thanks Moms. We caught her.
Actuary-maced gray dems
Were parched wan with sun-kissed tentacles.
Faerie-based rays-n-rems
Harshed the sun with a fist in the ventricles.
It wasn't easy.
But it was breezy.
January-faced May hems
Marched upon August spectacles.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Be Proud

Dear Ladies,
   Corporate drug pushers want guinea pigs for a several month long brain chemistry experiment. Any volunteers? What is the worst that could happen? Your brains get disintegrated? Your jaws?
Divide and talk talk talk, because governing seems to be beyond Bruce Rauner's area of expertise. With his false claim that 2.66% of the population is "us" against 2 men and an ancient clout machine, he began his summer treadmill games. Already so much of which to be proud.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

English Tenses

Lunatics worship the GWODS of transitory
Nobody cares that it makes life gory
Oh the love of gas
Starving workers denied a  pass
Makes a great title and a greater story.
Olusaphobia = fear of vegetables
Mundusaphobia = fear of the universe
Arboraphobia = fear of trees
Nodusaphobia = fear of puzzles
Viresaphobia = fear of power
"Let's dispense with the polite drinking, shall we?"
Murder, My Sweet 1944
Diminutive? Oh, please
Of all the words in the abc's
Herds and pains
Words and reigns
Sometimes any brain feels the freeze.
How sweet.
Perhaps fart and ass are diminutives also.
As in:
During a brainfart, the donkey becomes an ass.
It is a nightmare of modern inconveniences
Kept safe and secured by old cobwebs and new fences.
Greed feeds
Unheeded deeds
And all the mutated seeds of the english tenses.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Such Thing As Time

Taa Taa = To advance america Train advise assist
but do it very quietly with your back turned
His heart got almost as heavy as it's wallet
When mushrooms on a manure pile called it -
Abuse is as abuse does,
It passes around just because
Everyone becomes game with an "all it!"
Would you go any further to find an alderman who respects
the people in his ward more than David Moore of Chiraq?
Everything is time-sensitive, especially
if there is no such thing as time.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Las Quimbambas

With a one-way directional viewfinder
And its daily protocols of reminder
To be photo-ops of p r
But never carry freedom too far
Anyways, who wants our world to be kinder?
"Counterpoint: Snowden Asks Only For a Fair Shake" by Trevor Timm, Chicago Sun-Times
That reminds me to paraphrase an old movie -
Truth often sickens people. If they can keep it down,
they will be better for it.
The marvel of backside economics
Is that kicks are no longer kicks,
Plan A gives the runaround:
Down is not down.
But everywhere becomes la quimbamba sticks.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Gill

Capitol Quip's Beach Blanket Winner -
See R J Matson's winning cartoon
Lindsey, the face of peril,
Hugged constituent Carol.
She knocked him into tomorrow.
He needed that, to everyone's sorrow.
See him cascade the falls in a barrel.
Sh . . . everything is current and ongoing, therefore on the fast-track to Hushville.
Sh . . . in order for the con to work, someone holds all the odds, someone is a shill,
All the rest are catspaws
With fear's biggest flaws.
Sh . . . while rights catch a man-made blight, take a pill, adapt, turn your lung into a gill.

Monday, June 1, 2015

All We've Got

The Deviators
The old Tower of Babel was repurposed into a Bush parking lot
By our small c christian nation in some kind of neo state,
and a rusty robot
Gooses and ganders
Ruses and panders
To the dinosaur clan who gives sh_t almost all we've got.