Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wolves and Sheeple

Although Paulie the Patsy Ryan often brags about running the 5-k in a minute and a half with one hand tied behind his back and the other hand balancing a plate of unethical ideas and venison stew, he is not a ridiculous figure at all.
Politicians can be a dirty people
Hypocritic oath-breakers without a steeple
"Where's more gold?"
Gets so old
Ancient tails of wolves and sheeple.

God's Glare, or the Eye of a Hurricane?

Politics/political campaigning is a nasty business. Joe Walsh and Mitt Romney put their sons right in front of the microphone. What does that say about them as parents, or are the men just desperate politicians?
Dear Pope and Pope's Bishops: There is only one way to win back Catholics who have walked away from the church: Become morally honest and truly Christian.
Was God's eye over the republican senators
And the D.C. 3/4 bull 1/4 man minotaurs?
He'll blow them away
On another day.
New cons could still stop their sin of wars.

God's glare, or the eye of a hurricane, and where have we heard that before?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Woman Wants to Throw Out Public Education

"Ann Romney on Public Education: 'Throw It Out' (And Other Gems)"
by Justin Acuff on Addicting Info

When you ask bitter selfish people what issue is closest to their "heart", it is still shocking to hear that throwing out public education is closest.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween is Just Around the Corner

"Bain's Birth by Death Squads" by Terry J. Allen, In These Times
The future of FEMA, according to the Romney anti-person plan:

Neither needs much prep time. One removes the caps on his eye teeth, the other makes a couple of parts in his hair. Voila! Halloween!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Be Well Heeled

If Paulie is his party's brain trust but his brain is atrophied and we cannot trust him even as far as we could throw him, and if Mitt rose to the top because that is the phenomenon of pond scum, then their party really is the invested best it can be, and that is the saddest thing you could ever say about it.
Paul the ball and Mitt the mitt
Are way out in right field
They're preying for the wonder of 1 hit
And their soles to be well heeled.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Ugly Is as Ugly Does

Sue Gnu gnu
You Ewe you
are showing
your ignorance
Boo! Hoo who.
Work the room, Sue!
Adolescent Zingers
Reusable Stingers
De Bait
Re Bait
Undecided Swingers.
If you can pretend to be a lunatic until you become one, you will certainly receive a Rogues Scholarship. Which presidential candidate did just that?
We must never forget that the former George of the corporate cause gave the monetized and privatized mercenaries freedom from obeying the law when in Afghanistan and Iraq. They had carte blanche to do whatever. So of course terrible things happened. One of those terrible deeds was rape. Today's republicans are working the room for the corporate cause of yesterday. Ugly is as ugly does.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Human Being

"New Romney Gives 'Peace' a Dozen Chances" by Eric Zorn

"Gloria Allred's 'October Suprise":  Mitt Romney Lied Under Oath to Help Staples Founder Keep Money From Wife in Divorce" by Neetzan Zimmerman on

Romney lies every day in every way - under the oath, on top of the oath, inside of the oath

"Jesse Jackson Arrested in Protest with Workers"

Romney wants to be president so bad, but not bad enough to act as a decent human being, that is, a job creator not a job destroyer.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

On Top Of The Oil

"Will Romney Really Create 12 Million Jobs?
Ask Sensata Workers" by Leo Gerard

"We accept the love we think we deserve."

"Welcome aboard, sir. Business class or livestock?"

If the oceans will no longer protect US, as the former George said, and if there aren't as many ships in that ocean, as the former governor said, can't we just walk across on top of the oil?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Real Voting Fraud

California - Colorado - Hawaii - Illinois - Indiana - Kentucky - Ohio - Oklahoma - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Texas - Virginia - Washington

Beware. The real voting frauds turn out to be in business with Romney.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sodium Pentathol

Mr. Romney, as an experienced corporate raider, disaster capitalist, and jackal of the job-killing trade, will you share your company's current, in real time plans for Sensata in Freeport Illinois?
Romnesia is a kind of sickness in which the sufferer, Romney, cannot remember anything except his tie preferences and his life coach. He may be unable to remember his real first name, where all of his houses are and why he cries until his property taxes get cut, or the kind of person his father really was, or how old his own children are, but he knows knots and grades of silk. Romnesia can be caused by Romneyspringing, or running around all over France instead of manning up. Sometimes it is caused by brain disturbances from too much horseshit and not enough grace in his pace. This particular bout of Romnesia has lasted for years. Why won't he let the doctors help him with one cc of hypnotism and a mug of sodium pentathol?

Friday, October 19, 2012

How About Some War?

Another reason why the Koch Bros. make us sick - from Rebecca Leber: "Koch-Affiliated Group Campaigns to Make Wind Credit 'So Toxic' . . ."
As fresh water levels decline and water becomes more precious, Romney wants to put oil wells in the water supply to hasten the demise. He cannot make any money when things are great.
Should we help him or not?
Thanks to modern technology and science, tea party member Joe Walsh, no longer uses his brain. He is seeking to donate it, after performing self-surgery.
The refreshing kochs, who like to boast about their legs being as shapely as those of adolescent tap dancers, cannot keep up. So if money isn't the answer, what is?
Gropes tickling the strange
Dopes spreading the mange
Mopes riding the deranged
Papers calling it "hope & change".
Variety is the spice of life.
A business hoar and a Wisconsin boar
Barely treading without an oar
Derelict in their duty
Yet still looking for booty
Dishonest to their core. How about some war?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Talking Pointed Pan - After Maggie
led the Pacifier Rebellion in "A Streetcar Named Marge" on
The Simpsons,
Season 4, Episode 2, first aired on Oct 1, 1992

Now, about a business hoar and a Wisconsin boar:

First Syria then Iran
Is the Romney/Ryan plan
Naturally as mothers
They're careless with others
Two flashes in one talking pointed pan.
"Mind the Binder" by David S. Bernstein - Yes, Romney even lies about binders.
Romney, close to the last in a long line of salesmen, is a used car salesman in his heart of hearts. He is not good at that either.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Good Show

During the next 20 days of expensive tv ads: Eliminate the politician and give your money directly to Wall Street. It's track record assures US the money will be obliterated half as fast as with a shredder.
In an imaginary world where Romney has an honest character:

Mr. Romney, would an oil pipeline running the entire length of our country be dangerous to life?

That is a definite yes. There have been many accidents and breakages and spills up in Canada. You, not me, would experience the same.

Mr. Romney, where would you like to see oil wells in this country?

Good question. I would like to see oil wells EVERYWHERE, but not when I look out any windows of my houses. That reminds me - note for future reference and Paulie: lower and middle income housing construction will not include windows. What would be the point? And before you ask again, yes, oil drilling is dangerous to life, but not my life.

Mr. Romney, would you increase fracking and is it dangerous too?

Yes, and yes, but so what. Fracking has brought us a lot of gas so far, and now we want to drive the natural gas prices as far up as your cancer risks. Fracking makes your water undrinkable. And don't get me started on the earthquakes. The nice part is that when there are earthquakes, such as the recent ones in Maine, you can never be sure if it is the fracking which surrounds Maine or an "off-balance washing machine" that caused the quakes. Tough one. Another note to myself: try to start fracking under Mount Rushmore. I think business is business. I have time for one more question.

Mr. Romney, is there such a thing as clean coal?

No. There is too much regulation on coal mining. We don't like rules involving common sense or worker safety. Again, what is the point? Did you see my wife's face last night? She is getting so tired and crabby. Maybe I'll build her another house in a country that isn't so filthy and dangerous. Thanks, everybody, good show. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


from Occupy Chicago
Will H.I.G. break the law as Diebold did?
"How Paul Ryan Pretended to Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen"
by Annie-Rose Strasser
Three weeks until Election Day
Desperate cons, monstrous lies, but hey
Laughing in their faces
Another day at the races
Choosing better not worse than okay

Monday, October 15, 2012

Finger Pulling or Pointing

It is rumored that F_x Opinion Networks is letting Keith Ablow leave his job due to his inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. The doctor has a name for that.
The Koch brothers and the other ceo's who are guilty of EXTORTION should be arrested for their crime. Extortion = obtaining objects or behavior of value from people by threats, intimidation, or abuse of authority.

"Koch Industries, other ceo's warn employees of layoffs if Obama is re-elected"
Overheard at a secret and not so quiet meeting of the refreshing kochs and associates:
No way will we stand for any government changing our gadzillions of dollars into only billions of trillions! No way!
Overheard all across the country:
Jeff Flake is a big fat liar.
Overheard at a tribune strategy meeting:
blah blah Al-Qaida blah blah film blah blah blah not really blah still talking blah blah blah about it blah blah troublemaking blah blah games blah blah hey blah let's start charging blah blah blah our readership blah blah another blah made up fee blah blah okay! blah blah blah . . .

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Great! No! Maybe! Yes!

Crow Ye and Blow
Low Tea and Below
To and Fro
Toodles Joe
Grow We and Row
How about Romney's current experience with Bain and Sensata in Freeport Illinois?'-petition-for-severance-pay/
Mr. Romney, let's talk about the word "experience."


First, as a young man you had experience running away from war and any commitment to it. Does that mean you will lead US away from war?


My turn to use the word great. Great! Secondly, you don't like to brag about Sensata in Freeport Illinois, but you do like to brag about Staples. All of the grade school and high school students in South Carolina are herded into Staples for their supplies. Can we expect the same public school alliance with you for some fine 
monopoly-shopping in the other 47,oops,49 states?


And lastly, sir, We the People like and appreciate Medicare. Will you get rid of it?


Friday, October 12, 2012

You Guys Were Great

Let's give a big welcome to Vice President Joe Biden and his opponent Double-Talk Central! Welcome to the stage of last resorts. Are you ready?

Sure. Yeah.

Okay. Who's on second? First, will you speak about the offensive military budget?

The answer came in unison: "No! Oh no! No! No way!"

Isn't it nice that you both agree on something? That is rhetorical, gentlemen. Que simpatico! Will you at least admit that presidents such as Reagan and Bush Jr. increased the offensive military budget for no reason at all and just because they could?

Both men mumbled a reluctant "yes"

Well then, in a similar fashion to reinstating the wealthiest people's fair share of taxes, couldn't we go back to an honest and fair offensive military budget?

"No! Oh no! No! No way!" they again responded together.

Joe, thank you. Double-Talk, thank you. You guys were great.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Because It Is

Ten Eleven Twelve
Try to Always Delve
For Info
And Kinfolk
Inquiring Minds Won't Shelve
The election of Richard Nixon, who sat on the McCarthy committee of fascists and life-killers, was a bit of a concern at the time.
Then along came poetic justice.
Don't make an ass out of u and me.
Assume the camera is on you at all times because it is.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Up To His Eyeballs

Dear Fonz Wink Wink: We know you like to lecture at private meetings about taking union pay away from workers and replacing it with non-livable wages. We also know your tv hype about reversing people right out of their homes and into eliminating any inheritance for their families. What else are you working on?
Tennessee Ernie Ford singing 16 Tons:
During that time when the former Dick wasn't quite so former, and the new cons were wrapping their ambition around the old con, did Haliburton build all those prison walls with Ryan Inc Central? And who knew that the only way the US would compete in the world market was with prison labor? But now we have the corporations involving themselves with grade schools. What is that big plan? How are they going to make profit off our kids? Will they be selling blood and bodies and body parts? How many young people will be trained to work off a debt that will never be paid? Will those who are not the brightest but may be the poorest get to be guinea pigs in laboratories? Will the brightest be turned into soylent green? Do the smallest ones get to be coal miners? Why is MayorahM in it right up to his eyeballs?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Good Health

What a great day to celebrate survival in spite of the oppressors.
The Muppets, 2011 - trailer:
Poor Mary Matalin cannot handle the truth. There are plenty of quiet places for you, Mary. Don't be afraid anymore.
If Mitt Romney is an illegal American whose petty self-interest goes against our common good, and if Paul Ryan is keeping a low profile because nut jobs and their alliances come in all shapes and sizes, why does President Obama believe each and every one of US is worthy of good health?

Sunday, October 7, 2012

It's Okay

Newsflash: Romney's credibility went up to 4.7% after he stopped lying (talking) and left the stage.
"Don't ever try to stop progress, son. Go with it. Be a part of it." - Gene Autry

re: November 6, 2012 -
If you never really liked the former George or the former Dick, and Mitt and Paulie are those two guys but on steroids, and if you've been brainwashed against the current President and can't get those lies out of your head, write in the name of a candidate. Pick a third alternative. Be creative. Be independent. Be yourself.
Don't forget, Questions and Squinqles, God is taking a holiday and won't be available until next weekend. If you want someone to tell you what to do during the Big Guy's hiatus, trust yourself for a change of pace. It's okay.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

So Well

Dear Mr. President, A tip for the next "debate":
   If you grew up in a field of tulips and butterflies,
that's one thing. But when you say you came
from Chicago, you ought to act like it.
To put it bluntly: next time, double-check your drawers
and make sure you don't leave anything at home.

Dear Mr. Romney, Your tip:
   Keep going with your central theme of giving bribe
money to the rich oil companies and taking away
money from children's education. Great message!
Keep up the lying, too. Everybody likes that so well.

Friday, October 5, 2012

"Vote For Me, You Parasites!"

Dear Romney: Are your sons grateful you were not around much during their formative years to have an influence on them because one liar in the family is more than enough? You only lied 27 times in the first debate? Let's see if we can get that up to your favorite number - 47 - for the next one.
If a rotund feces-throwing chimp works for Romney, why can't Paulie get his own trick pony?
Of course, for Saturday's (10/6) South Carolina/Georgia football after game time there will be military  and 50 overtime police for "control." Go Team! Let's spend money as fast as we can!
"Vote for me, you parasites!"

Thursday, October 4, 2012

We All got Through It

Be graceful, Mr. Romney. Be respectful of your opponent. When, in desperation, you lower yourself to the insult, you show your ass and nobody wants to see that. Nobody.
Yes, the Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System Mobile Force (wow) is willing and able to use chemical force against We the People who protest oppression. Aren't they great? Aren't We?
What about last night's debate? As corporatists, both men pleased their bosses with the subject matter and bored the insignificant voters to tears. Neither was able to follow the simple rules of the debate. Most importantly, President Obama was honest, if we don't count all of the elephants in the room. He needs to work on his timing, though. Romney was verbally dishonest 27 (twenty-seven) times. He needs to work on his smirking, though. We all got through it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Our former neighbors, the Topo Gente or the Mole People, quietly moved away. Does that mean they stopped peeing on our Roses of Sharon? Who knows. They still come back at night to sneak into the house and climb out the window, or sift through their yard debris, taking some things away and re-positioning others. At least when winter comes, we'll be able to see their footprints in the snow. Creepy.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

"No Time For Math"

Dear Debaters,
   Your listeners expect short and clear and honest answers
to the actual questions.
Thank you so much,
   One of those listeners

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Mummy Part

Monday, October 1 through Friday, October 5, 2012:
If You Haven't Already, Please Register to Vote This Week!
Sister doesn't lie -
"In Person: Sister Activist" by Rebecca Burns, In These Times

Mummy Dearest is a film based on Pistol Braillin's memoirs of her coffinhood at the hands of her mummy. The story is quite old and sometimes sticky with red tape, but fairly accurate when it comes to the mummy part.