Sunday, July 11, 2010

That's Polly Ticks

Is John McCain turning into a ghost, or just getting paler until he becomes invisible?

Who was John Wayne talking about when he said this: "I don't like quitters, especially when they're not good enough to finish" ?

Governor exRod wants a limo and a half to transport himself, his narcissism, and his props from homebase to the courtroom, but of course he doesn't want to pay for it himself.

Even before the disaster of greed in the Gulf of Mexico, the frogs were in trouble, the owls were in trouble, the bats were in trouble and the bees were in trouble. Without bees, we are in trouble. See: or

Clean water doubles our lifespan. If we do not like that, if we think 36 is a better cut-off age than 72, maybe it would be a good idea to send BP a thank you note for it's efforts in shortening our lives.

I spent a year at the Sore Bone studying Venus Envy. I regret neither the expense nor the frequent flier miles.

Did anyone buy a phone to use it as a phone but it makes a lousy phone?
Is Apple still partnered with that ancient and former expert in communications, AT&T? Right. And now Windows too? Right. Better communications. Right

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