Sunday, May 17, 2015

In a Saucer

Governor! You got where you are today through sheer luck and several well-place bribes. It didn't take you long to show us you are an emotional reactionary with a mouth as huge as your ego. But still, bluff and bravado go only so far. What's next?

The same. The same. Some say I'm One Note Bru. Scapegoats called retired "workers" should quietly starve behind closed doors. They do not need begrudgin' appreciation for a lifetime of work well done. They do not need food or clean water, indoor plumbin' or heat. Do they really need clothin' or beddin'? What about refrigerators? They may possibly need to be double taxed and triple taxed because life isn't free, wouldn't you agree?

Thank you.
One Note Bru has a superiority complex.
He bought it off a salesman in checks.
He also bought a bogus law degree.
The _sshole attitude came for free.
He shakes his money maker to calculate wrecks.
Weak in the mind and without passion for politics, he was easily turned.
Then he sold mandatory fire insurance to the previously burned.
You know what is said of the newly converted
Who drink the cool ade and wind up perverted.
And so we forget everything he said but never learned.
Peetweet and RePeet -
One is an underhanded tosser & the other is a part time flosser.
Kings pre-selected to cheat,
Yet both want their entrails in a saucer.    

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