Thursday, April 21, 2016


When independent voters are not allowed to vote in primaries, the system IS rigged even if it is difficult to believe. Even then. * Verizon is no good. * Is it really the Zika virus or is it Merck's drug that does the damage? * My idea re: bathrooms--- If you want to stand, follow this arrow. If you want to sit, follow this other arrow. * Since Condi Rice is one of the people responsible for allowing the BP oil blowout in the Gulf and people who helped clean up now have leukemia, perhaps she will help them pay their doctor and hospital bills. * The system of closed primaries is a rigged one so that the house always wins. The will of the majority takes it on the shins and chins. Mama knows best. Shirley, you jest. Someone has to pay for capitalism and its sins. * Without the rigged system of closed primaries, Hillary knows she would lose. Again.

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