Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Once upon a time, the mother of all spines and the marine produced one half of a dozen oxygen-breathers. The marine discharged himself early for good behavior. Besides, he didn't feel like watching the mother of all spines turn herself right side in and get real real ugly. That was the oxygen-breathers' job, until each one barfed and took a powder. Then it would be the job of strangers. Good for the strangers.
Do you want to purchase an authentic certificate which entitles you to be on a one-member board that determines your monetary compensation for services rendered? Send me $19.95.
Wasn't Pete Hoekstra a member of the C Street building in Washington D.C.? Are memberships lifetime? It's nice for him that any vows he breaks will be okay with his fellow members.
Only about 10% of our local community banks failed, they were never bailed out. Only about 100% of the big 3 banks failed, they were all bailed out. The scaley skin of injustice...
When Mrs. Rod sat in vegetation, the former Mr. Rod made up his mind that no matter how long it took, he would get more attention with a wordvomit sentence than with vegetation.

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