Friday, August 8, 2014

Art of Torture

The 7 states with the most severe fresh water drought problems, and the number of public and private golf courses in each:

Colorado (moderate drought) - 306 golf courses
Kansas (severe drought in 96% of the state) - 273 golf courses
Nebraska (severe drought in all areas) - 249 golf courses
New Mexico (1-7 counties designated a drought disaster) -
106 golf courses
Oklahoma (half of the state in extreme drought) - 241 golf courses
South Dakota (extreme drought in 2/3 of the state) - 132 golf courses
Wyoming (driest state in the country) - 70 golf courses
And a Texas drought map - there are only 1041 golf courses in Texas

The wise use of water is something to think about while having a cool glass of clean water.
RICO = Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
There are about 200 million people in Brazil. 1/3 of them are 18 years old or younger. About 27 million of the children are homeless. Thank goodness there is plenty of money for the coming games. Everybody loves the children.
Being a human being means enjoying the creativity and art of other human beings. Even a mediocre painter and a guy who shoots faces can enjoy others' art, especially when it is the art of torture. And then the next guy comes along, an insurance salesman who has become an expert at air strikes. His job is to cover the other guys' butts and by doing so, cover his own, along with the art of torture.

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