Sunday, March 15, 2015


Speaking of the prostate awareness eon, what role does talcum powder play in the male story, and is it similar to the female story - that of a possible link to cancerous tumors?
Radical christian terrorists, the so-called american taliban, had been dispersed after the big meet on inauguration night. Blink, they were in Washington. Blink again and they were here there and everywhere and guess who paid for the gas. Their constituents could locate them by the awesome sucking sound of the self-propelled money vacuums attached to what they called their "entourage." What a corker. Some people will have a dinner meet and then draw the line on an open letter. Write your own ending.
"every day that action is delayed . . . is another day when money can be made"

"Merchants of Doubt" - 1:59 trailer
If you used to be grand and now you're just old
But the gristle in your teeth makes you feel bold,
Sell a phony story
For gold and not glory.
And notoriety will come after you've self-polled.
Here's the hitch
Get into the ditch
Pitch the bitch
Oh one's got an itch
Stupidly but rich.

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