Saturday, July 4, 2015

Our Very Own Good

The 239th birthday of freedom and independence tried to pass by quietly, unnoticed. Thanks to Japanese monster movies - it didn't.
Back in the cave days, mostly everything was applesauce because only some things were Iceland moss. In this new day of mental malady and bi-polar messaging, mostly everything is a game of crisscross or wing loss. But we still have to floss.
"Assessing the Candidates: Obama's Whistleblower War Leaves Dangerous Legacy for Future Presidents" by John Hanrahan, Truth Out
Make new into old with a fissional
Bass ackwards. Go dino visional!
North Americans exemptional knack:
Extreme fear of looking back.
That's the home permanent provisional.
Lava up the magma and keep it under your hood
It sometimes runs over humans, saying that it should.
Cartels have their shells
And smells to make their sells.
Aetna, active volcano for our very own good.

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