Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Was He Ever?

Enfeebled by moral debilitation
Turning US into a third world nation
Bribers are the key
Nonsense isn't free
Statesmanship took a prolonged vacation.
Though we live in changing times with senior citizens designated as scapegoats, it is still illegal to exploit them. We are entering a 0 tolerance for bullying era and penalties are toughening. Thank you.
The incompetent tent is filled to overflowing
They all drank some frack fluid and now they're glowing
Oh! No!
Not the slow
One-way on the High Tannic! Guess who's rowing.
Hero = person of distinguished bravery in battle
Is it heroic to be a college graduate who becomes a pilot,
bombs and kills people and get captured?
Is it heroic to survive the capture?
Is it heroic to send others to the same fate?
Is it heroic to promote war and lie for a living?
"Trump is our Dorian Gray"
Brian Encinia is not the right person for the job. Was he ever?

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